
My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?

author:Dietitian Gu Chuanling

Do you still remember that two weeks ago, Mr. Gu did a small survey about weight loss? In the survey, 54.95% of the friends said that the biggest difficulty encountered in losing weight is that they will always rebound for various reasons in the end.

My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?

My first reaction when I saw this result was: 14 friends who came to me for 1-to-1 weight loss guidance in 2017, and now 6 years have passed, how have they rebounded? Let's take a look at the dry goods.

1. The dietitians who were guided 1-on-1 by the dietitian all rebounded after 6 years

My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?

▲ Figure:

The friends who followed me first probably knew that in 2017, I began to guide everyone to lose weight 1-on-1. In 2017 I mentored 14 people 1-on-1 and they were my first clients, and I am sad to tell everyone that they are all bounced back after 6 years.

4 are fatter than before they lost weight

1 is as fat as before weight loss

5 pounds short of 2-3 pounds to get fat back before weight loss

3 only rebounded 5-7 pounds, but rebounded back to overweight

The last one, 163 cm tall, I guided her to reduce from 121 pounds to 97 pounds, and she rebounded back to 106 pounds in 6 years, but even after the rebound, her BMI was only 19.9, so she was the only one who maintained a healthy weight in the past 6 years.

It must be said that the diet plan I gave everyone was very scientific, and it was also one-on-one, eating and clocking in every day, and I guided it for three months, and in these three months, I also asked everyone to increase exercise one after another.

But 13 out of 14 people have rebounded and need to lose weight again, 91 people participated in the initial survey, and 51% of friends who have lost weight at least 3 times, it can be seen that they also rebounded after losing weight, and then lost weight and rebounded, so they have to lose weight again.

My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?

Second, weight loss rebound is the norm, and it is not normal if it does not rebound

Is it so easy to rebound after losing weight?

I really didn't want to believe this, so I went and looked up the data from a large sample of studies.

My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?

A study of more than 4,000 dieters showed that after 2 years of weight loss, they rebounded more than 50% of their weight loss, and by 5 years, more than 80% of their weight loss had rebounded. [1]

Seeing this result, many friends are very discouraged, do you think that since it is a futile effort to lose weight, why bother to lose weight again. Don't be discouraged first, let's dig into the reasons for the rebound of weight loss and see if we can find clues to the rebound from the causes.

Studies estimate that for every 1 kilogram of body weight lost, the body consumes 20-30 kcal less per day, as an increase in appetite results in an additional 100 kcal of energy per day. [2]

To put it simply, as the weight decreases, the energy consumption of the basal metabolism is less, and the energy intake is more, which makes it more and more difficult to lose weight, and it is easy to rebound after losing weight.

Can it keep basal metabolism from decreasing?

No, otherwise it would be contrary to science, and the formula for basal metabolism can illustrate this.

Basal metabolic energy expenditure = body surface area × basal metabolic rate ×24

Let's start by looking at basal metabolic rate. A study published in the top academic journal Science in 2021 showed that our basal metabolic rate has basically not changed between the ages of 20 and 60. [3]

My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?

Let's analyze the body surface area again (A)

A=0.00607× height (cm) + 0.0127× weight (kg) -0.0698 (male)

A=0.00586× height (cm) + 0.0126× weight (kg) -0.0461 (female)

It was found that the body surface area is completely positively correlated with body weight, that is, the body weight is reduced, the body surface area is reduced, and the basal metabolic rate is basically unchanged, so the energy expenditure of basal metabolism will naturally decrease.

Can appetite not increase?

Nor can it.

When you lose weight, you will lose fat, fat can secrete leptin, which is a hormone that can suppress appetite, weight loss reduces fat, and the secretion of leptin also decreases, and appetite will naturally increase.

We can't avoid these physical changes, if you don't know these scientific principles, and it comes down to poor self-control alone, it is really self-PUA.

These changes at the physical level alone are enough to make the weight regain, if you are still stressed and not well adjusted, lack the support of relatives and friends, and the interpersonal relationship is still so bad that you are full of negative emotions, you really don't have the energy to eat and exercise well, do you think you can not rebound.

Third, if you want to rebound less, the most critical point

My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?

▲ Figure:

The basal metabolism decreases, the energy consumption decreases, the appetite increases, and the energy intake increases, we can't reverse it, we really can only rely on exercise to increase energy consumption, otherwise there is no way to rebound less or no rebound.

My customer with the least rebound in front of me, she found a fitness personal trainer in the later stage of my weight loss, and then kept practicing, and now she is a part-time fitness coach, I watched the video of her taking students to boxing and doing exercises, it was really sassy.

Regarding the need to keep exercising if you want to rebound less, let's also take a look at the statistics of a large sample.

The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) analyzed tens of thousands of dieters who maintained weight loss for an average of 5.5 years, and found that exercise was the most involved in their habits. On average, 90% of people exercise about 1 hour a day. [4]

Here, if you don't have the habit of exercising, don't be in a hurry to exercise when you start losing weight. First adjust the diet, so that you are full and not very hungry for a month, the second month we can add 15 minutes of activity every day, and the third month can add half an hour of activity.

Regarding the type of activity, it is best to start with a lighter brisk walk in these three months, gradually increase the brisk walking to 10,000 steps, insist on two or three months, and then go to more intense jogging, swimming, aerobics, etc., and then insist on two or three months, and then go to strength training, for us ordinary people who are not stars, it is easier to persevere.

In addition to developing the habit of regular exercise, it is also necessary to develop the habit of eating well, and at the same time, it is necessary to monitor the weight change every week so that you can adjust your diet and exercise flexibly.

Of course, if you want to rebound less, it is also important to lose weight slowly.

This is because if you lose too fast, you will lose a lot of muscle and water, and muscle loss will lead to a decrease in metabolism, that is, the energy consumption we mentioned earlier will be reduced, and the water will be lost.

Fourth, the habit of less rebound is formed, 21 days and 3 months are not enough

Eat a piece of fruit for lunch


Drink a bottle of water at lunch


Take a 15-minute run before dinner

These three habits may not seem like a challenge, but do you know how long it takes to develop one of them? A study of 96 volunteers showed an average of 66 days. [5]

Eating well is not a habit, it contains but is not limited to the following 7 rules.

1. Less oil and less salt

2. Chew and swallow slowly

3. Concentrate on eating

4. Eat regularly

5. Eat fewer snacks

6. Eat out too oily

7. The proportion of staple food, vegetables and protein in the main meal is reasonable

Coupled with tiring exercise,This is a good habit formation of a large collection.,Don't say 66 days.,It's not even 3 months.,My first batch of customers is 3 months of continuous guidance.,The result is ......

So what is the most important factor in developing good habits?

Researchers believe that it is a non-stop repetition.

If you want to repeat it without interruption, you have to take it step by step, and imagine that if you break up your current life, you won't be able to stick to it in a few days. Therefore, I strongly recommend that we start with not being hungry and eating enough, and then increase exercise when we adapt, and there must be a step-by-step scientific plan for increasing exercise, only in this way can we develop the habit of eating well and exercising regularly.

In order to form a habit, you can also refer to the practice of the customer with the least rebound mentioned earlier.

It is to find a personal trainer to practice first, then take the fitness coach's certificate, and then take the students to practice, so that the early stage is to spend money to force practice, and the back is to make money to enjoy the practice.

Of course, we can also find a dietitian to guide the diet to lose weight, record the process of losing weight, publicize it, and then if you have a dietitian's certificate, you can recruit dietitians and take others to lose weight, so that you can also make money for money, and by the way, let yourself develop a good habit and maintain a healthy weight.

Like my fellow nutritionists, there are almost no fat people, because being someone else's food teacher for many years is actually a process of self-cultivation.

Fifth, Mr. Gu wants to accompany you to lose weight in a different way

My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?

▲ Figure:

When I saw the questionnaire, so many friends are experiencing the pain of weight loss-rebound, I was surprised and sad, I write how to eat not easy to rebound articles every day, I have written for so many years, everyone also reads every day, I really didn't expect that there are still so many people who have lost - rebound - lose - rebound and rebound, and then I visited my first batch of weight loss customers, and as you can see, I have not been able to help you maintain a healthy weight, pain.

Then I did one thing, I set up a group of customers I had served, I punched in the group, drove everyone to check in, I told them that this group is not charged, and those who want to punch in are all fighting, and Mr. Gu will take it all his life to eat well, be healthy and enjoy thinness.

As a result, only two or three of the 14 people often check in, and the others don't check in, and I asked them if they want to lose weight this year when I visited them back, except for a joke that their wives and sons have it, and they have no motivation to lose weight, and everyone else said they want to lose weight this year.

They have all experienced my scientific guidance and have lost weight in good health, so why don't they clock in? Do they have to pay money to have the motivation to check in? Or do I not charge money, and everyone is embarrassed to check in? However, the two or three friends who followed the check-in were all healthy and thin, which made me quite happy.

My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?
My friend who asked me to lose weight 6 years ago, how is it now?

My original intention of doing nutrition science popularization and practice is to hope that under my guidance, everyone can live a healthy life, for example, if you want to lose weight, you can be healthy and thin, and you can maintain a healthy weight. This original intention has not changed to this day, but just writing popular science can't really help everyone, and the 3-month dietary guidance has not been completed in the end.

Therefore, I would like to combine my 13 years of experience to start the weight loss guidance service again, and take everyone to cultivate the habit of being healthy and thin, less rebounding, and lose the last fat in your life.

This weight loss service will last for at least 1 year, isn't it surprising why it takes so long. Several guidelines and consensus recommend ≥that weight loss should be followed by at least one year of comprehensive weight loss maintenance program for at least one year [6,7].

Then my service time of at least one year will include the stage of losing to a healthy weight and the stage of weight maintenance, in order to let you not lose weight for the second time, losing a healthy weight is not the end, it is a more challenging starting point, and I must accompany you in this more challenging process.

Not only will I accompany you, I will also recruit a professional service nutritionist to accompany you, this position will be specific to your diet punch to do guidance, will be the service staff who has the most contact with you in a year, to ensure the quality of service in this position is too important, and I am also one-on-one such a service to the diet, so I specifically sort out the recruitment requirements, welcome friends who meet the requirements to submit resumes.

Service Dietitian Recruitment Requirements:

1. Bachelor degree or above in medicine/nutrition/food, with a registered dietitian certificate.

2. Have more than 2 years of relevant work experience in bariatric service according to one-to-one guidance, and have practical experience in bariatric, chronic disease, and sub-health conditioning. The number of one-to-one service is at least 100 people.

3. Love life, have the ability to empathize, be good at communication, and pay attention to details.

4. Work online, and the working location is not limited.

If you have received positive reviews or other awards from your previous online service work, you can attach them to your resume.

Send email: [email protected]

Everyone understands the need for service nutritionists, and we also need psychological counselors, why is that?

In 2017, I didn't recruit new dieters after serving 14 clients, a very important reason is that I have several friends, the problems they encounter in work and life affect their emotions very much, and then they overeat, I have listened to everyone's emotions, but I can't help, which makes me tired and depressed, so I need a professional psychological counselor to channel our emotions, help us lose weight, and also help us reconstruct our lives from the mentality.

Therefore, I look forward to the psychological counselor who has experience in assisting in weight loss to send my resume to my mailbox, let's talk about how to implant psychological counseling into the service.

When I recruit the professionals I need, sort out the services provided to everyone, and how much the specific fee is appropriate, and sort it out, I will start recruiting, if you have lost weight many times, then you might as well wait for Mr. Gu, who is serious about doing things, and wait for me to start recruiting, follow me to lose the last fat in my life, but I won't let you wait too long, and I will definitely come in April.

In fact, Mr. Gu still has a lot of ideas, wait for me to sort out and then share with you, about the service I want to do, if you have any suggestions or doubts, let's also chat in the message area.


[1] Anderson JW, Konz EC, Frederich RC, et al. Long-term weight-loss maintenance: a meta-analysis of US studies. Am J Clin Nutr 2001; 74(5):579–584.

[2] Hall KD, Kahan S. Maintenance of Lost Weight and Long-Term Management of Obesity. Med Clin North Am. 2018 Jan; 102(1):183-197. doi: 10.1016/j.mcna.2017.08.012. PMID: 29156185; PMCID: PMC5764193.

[3] Herman Pontzer, Yosuke Yamada, Hiroyuki Sagayama, et al. Daily energy expenditure through the human life course. Science. 2021.


[5] How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world

[6] Chinese Association for the Promotion of International Exchange in Health Care Nutrition and Metabolic Management Branch, Chinese Nutrition Society Clinical Nutrition Branch, Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Branch, et al. Guidelines for Medical Nutrition Therapy for Overweight/Obesity in China (2021) [J]. 2021.DOI:10.12037/YXQY.2021.11-01.

[7] 2013 AHA/ACC/TOS Guideline for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults