
Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

author:History of Yew Wah

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

When it comes to Xiangxi, our first reaction is "Xiangxi corpse chaser", but do you know that in addition to corpse chasers, Xiangxi also has a reincarnation village?

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

It is reported that there are 7,800 people living in the reincarnation village, of which 110 have memories of their past lives, and these people are all children of two or three years old, and they constantly state their past lives.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Every time you make a statement, you have to receive a red envelope, which makes people wonder, the mysterious "reincarnation village": the memory of the past life or the trick of deception?

«——【The Story of the Reincarnated Man·】——»

Outsiders only need to enter the mysterious "reincarnation village" of Pingyang Township, and then ask the local people about the "reincarnation", and everyone here can tell you the story of a "reincarnated person".

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

As soon as I entered the village, a woman named Shi Shuangren greeted her warmly, and people said that she was the most famous representative of "reincarnation" in Pingyang Township.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Because since the age of two, memories of past lives have been constantly coming to mind, and the old man has been babbling to experts about his past life.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

She said that her name in her last life was Yao Jia'an, an ill-fated peasant daughter-in-law, who died of infection at the age of 24, leaving behind her only son, Wu Chun, who was less than a year old.

Some experts are skeptical, but Shi Shuangren has a lot of treasures about his previous life, and even remembers the details of his death clearly.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

So, in order to confirm the truth of what she said, the expert visited Yao Jia'an's relatives in his previous life, and what was surprising was that everything Mrs. Shi said was completely consistent with Yao Jia'an's experience.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Even her only son, Wu Chun, believes that Shi Shuangren is the reincarnation of his mother and is called "mother".

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Why did a two-year-old girl know so much about her past life? Could she really be reborn with the memories of her past life?

«——【Pig reincarnated as an adult?·】——»

Leaving the old man's home, the experts began to look for other "reincarnateds", wanting to explore more stories behind the "reincarnations".

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

At this time, a boy surnamed Wu ran out, and according to him, he was a pig in his last life! The 3-year-old little one, with his round eyes, told the experts about his ridiculous "past life" experience.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

claimed that he used to be a big white pig from his grandfather's family, eating pigweed every day to grow fat, but in the end he was brutally killed by the village butcher, so he was terrified when he saw that butcher in his life.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

At the same time, the child's father helped on the side, claiming that his son had been more than a year old, and every time he saw the butcher Master Rong, he was so frightened that he couldn't cry.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Therefore, everyone in the village knew that he was reincarnated as a pig, and gave him the nickname of 'Little White Pig'.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

A three-year-old doll not only keeps saying that she is a pig, but also knows exactly how she was killed, which is really incredible.

«——[·Three-year-old boy becomes an old man?·]——»

Just when the experts were skeptical about the claims of these "reincarnateds", another villager came to report it.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

There is also a peculiar 3-year-old boy in this village, who not only claims to have memories of his past life, but also teaches his "son-in-law in his past life" in front of everyone!

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

I saw that the little guy was scolding in his mouth, and he was chasing the old man with shoes in his hand, looking hideous, it turned out that the child was the old man's father-in-law in his previous life.

Because of some old grudges, he still hates his son-in-law after reincarnation, and seeing that the child is so determined, the people around him gradually believe in this fantastical story.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Unexpectedly, as he spoke, he turned his words around and asked the experts for a red envelope, it turned out that if he wanted to hear the whole story, he would give a red envelope first, which is the 'rule' of Pingyang Township!

The expert suddenly realized that if you want to inquire about the deeds of the "reincarnated person", you have to make a big red envelope in advance, otherwise the other party will be silent.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

It seems that this mysterious "reincarnation village" does hide some ulterior secrets behind it, will they lie for money?

«——【What is the cause of ?·】——»

wanted to find out, and the expert found Huang Jin, a professor of Chinese studies at Central South University, who has studied this phenomenon.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

It turned out that Professor Huang was very interested in Pingyang Township, and had visited the local area many times, and the "reincarnated" group was also the focus of his research.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

They were hypnotized and polygraphed, and the results showed that the group really wasn't lying.

But what puzzled him was why there were so many instances of "reincarnation" in Pingyang Township? "Maybe it has something to do with the strong religious atmosphere and the closed and backward environment.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

You must know that Pingyang Township belongs to the Dong nationality inhabited area, and the folk belief is deep-rooted, believing that all things have spirituality and reincarnation, and the long-term isolation and poverty provide a breeding ground for superstitious thoughts.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

In such an environment, "reincarnation" may have become a special way for some people to vent their suffering and seek solace.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

At the same time, some people suspect that it is for money, after all, there is a steady stream of red envelopes and gifts for telling a story, especially for poor and backward villagers, making up a bizarre "reincarnation" story is undoubtedly a shortcut to get rid of poverty and become rich.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Moreover, since the "reincarnation village" became famous, tourists from other places flocked to the village, and the farmhouse business in the village was booming.

Even villagers who live far away will ask someone to bring a message, saying that they have also produced a "reincarnated person", and sincerely invite visitors from all over the world to come to the door for "inspection".

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Therefore, it is highly likely that the villagers took advantage of people's curiosity and regarded the fabrication of "reincarnation" stories as a magic weapon to get rid of poverty and become rich.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Moreover, the survey found that there are indeed some common characteristics of "reincarnated people", most of them are young children who learn to speak at the age of three or four, and the "past lives" they tell are all fatal, and adult "reincarnateds" are rarely mentioned.

What's even more interesting is that they ask tourists to make red envelopes without exception, as if this is an unspoken rule.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

In the final analysis, in a small mountain village with material scarcity and monotonous cultural life, "reincarnation" is just a trick to deceive people, and what is pursued behind it is nothing more than monetary interests.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

However, we cannot completely deny the soil of the folk belief in "reincarnation", in the view of Buddhism and Taoism, life reincarnates, and everything in this life is due to the causes of past lives.

Many practitioners also claim to be able to recall past lives and confirm the authenticity of reincarnation, and in the realm of metaphysics, it seems that people are particularly prone to believe in the idea of reincarnation of life and past lives.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Coupled with the closed culture and low scientific literacy of Pingyang Township, it is not surprising to make up some bizarre "reincarnation" stories.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

So, is the "reincarnation" of Pingyang Township really a thing, or is it a trick to deceive people? Perhaps it is difficult for us to give a definite answer.


After all, in today's scientific prosperity, there are still too many mysteries of life to be explored, and for the unknown, we need an open heart to verify, to feel it for ourselves, and to analyze it rationally.

Xiangxi "Reincarnation Village": 110 of the 7,800 people have memories of their past lives, what are the results of the expert investigation

Even if the bizarre experiences of "reincarnated people" are difficult to believe, as a cultural phenomenon, it also reveals certain longings in the depths of human nature: the hope of a better life in the afterlife, and the catharsis of life's suffering.

So, in front of the screen, do you think the "reincarnation" is real or fake?

Information sources:

[1] Image News - "More than 100 people in Dong Township, Hunan Province claim to be reincarnated and have memories of their past lives"

http://news. hunr. cn/shack/201506/t20150619_2030204.html?re_s_page=1475266724

[2] Phoenix Buddhism - "Hunan Discovers More Than 100 "Reborn People" Reincarnation Shocks the Whole Country"


[3]"American Boy Claims to Be Reincarnated in a Reincarnation Village in Hunan, China"

[4] China News Network - "More than 100 people in Dong Township, Hunan Province claim to be reincarnated after death, official: hope to maintain a sense of mystery"


[5] North Evening New Vision-"Hunan found that the reborn person actually remembered all the experiences of his previous life Netizen: This is the legendary reincarnation"
