
Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels


As we all know, Churchill was a famous British political scientist and military leader, served as British Prime Minister, and also led the LinkedIn people to victory during World War II, and is considered one of the most important political figures of the 20th century.

It is said that "a tiger father has no dog son", Churchill is so good, what kind of legendary figure is his mother? In today's words, it is "the red flag at home does not fall, and the colorful flags flutter outside".

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels

Churchill's mother's name was Jenny Jerome, a woman of intelligence, beauty, and temperament, but she was best known for her romantic history.

More than 200 lovers are all dignitaries, it can be said that they have been in a hundred flowers, and the leaves do not touch, today we will talk about her story.

What kind of person Jenny is

Jenny was born in the United States with three sisters, and her father seized the opportunity of the financial industry at the time to become a nouveau riche billionaire, and the family moved into a luxurious villa to live a luxurious life in high society.

Human desires are unlimited, and after having money, Jenny's parents want to be among the higher social levels of the United States, and the three daughters are all trained according to socialites, so that they can learn various talents and aristocratic etiquette.

However, the American high society was very repulsive and looked down on nouveau riche like them, so in desperation, they shifted their target to the British high society, and the mother took her three daughters to London to study and look for opportunities.

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels

Unlike the United States, the British upper class is glamorous on the surface, but it is very empty behind the scenes, and what is lacking is that they are such money-profligate tyrants, and many British aristocrats are eager to climb such a cash cow.

Jenny's family entered British high society by spending money, and the two sides can be described as mutually beneficial, one party gets the right and the other party gets the money.

Jenny is the most outstanding of the three daughters, not only has a beautiful appearance and a slender figure, but also has comprehensive talent and etiquette.

It's just that her personality is amorous and unrestrained, and her mother Clara has repeatedly criticized her for being too indulgent, so that it is not easy to climb the British aristocracy and improve the social status of the family.

But Jenny didn't care about any of this, relying on her beauty and talent to quickly gain recognition in British high society, and the most noteworthy of many lovers was the later King Edward VII of England.

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels

During a conversation, Jenny unexpectedly met Edward VII, who was not yet a king, and her elegant temperament like a crane, her smile as pure as jasper, and her unique beauty were like a fascinating picture.

Although Edward VII was married at the time, he was still deeply fascinated by her, and he couldn't extricate himself, Jenny naturally also took a fancy to each other's rights and status, and the two soon became each other's lovers.

Later, Jenny realized that being a lover could not bring social status to her family at all, and Edward VII would not divorce her original partner for the sake of herself, and finding a suitable marriage partner was the right way.

Met her husband, Randolph Churchill

Marriage always comes by coincidence, at a ball Jenny dances with Randolph Churchill, the third son of the Duke of Marlborough in England, the man looks at the girl's beautiful face, enthusiastic and unrestrained dance, every movement is full of charm and passion.

At that moment Churchill fell, and at that moment Jenny also looked at Churchill and recognized him at a glance as the son of the Duke of Marlborough.

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels

At that time, even though the Duke of Marlborough's house was empty, the last thing Jenny's family lacked was money but a channel into high society.

The two talked a lot that night, and the love came quickly, and soon they came together, and Randolph proposed to Jenny on his third day together, and unsurprisingly the union was opposed by both parents.

The reason is also very simple, Jenny's mother Clara believes that although the Marlborough family was a representative of the old aristocracy at that time, after the economic situation in Europe has undergone great changes, the old aristocracy, which is mainly engaged in land management, has been hit hard, that is, the status is not high enough.

At the same time, Randolph is the third son of the family, and he will certainly not inherit the title in the end, and his carefully cultivated daughter should not marry such a child, but should marry someone who has more political power and social status.

The Duke of Marlborough looked down on Jenny's family because he thought that their background was too low, although his family was now down, he felt that he could definitely develop again in the future, and marrying the Jenny family would lower the status of his family.

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels

Jenny and Randolph did not give up on each other, and they had a year-long underground relationship, sending love letters to each other to express their affection and heartfelt feelings, and Jeanne's father, Rogerme, seeing that his daughter was so persistent, delivered to the Marlborough family:

If his daughter could marry Randolph, he would bring her a good dowry.

This sentence undoubtedly speaks to the hearts of the other party, the Marlborough family's annual expenses are astronomical, and the old aristocrats have no income to sit on the mountain, and the bourgeois class to solve the economic crisis is the best choice.

Driven by money, the Duke of Marlborough agreed to his son's marriage, and the two married in 1874.

Jenny soon became pregnant after marriage, but she was uninhibited by nature, even if she was pregnant, it did not affect going out to socialize, and she would appear in social places every day.

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels

When she was more than seven months pregnant, she had a fetal gas due to dancing and gave birth to a son, the future British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, of course, not at this time.

Randolph also knew that he would not inherit the title as his third son, so he was busy with his career and rarely returned home. Jenny faces her mother-in-law at home every day, and from time to time suffers from her cold eyes, and she can't help but feel empty by nature.

It didn't take long for Jenny to appear in various social places, and with her peerless appearance and dynamic and sultry style, many men fell under her pomegranate skirt, even if they knew that she was married.

It was also during this period that Jenny got together with Edward VII, and by the way, she also accumulated some contacts, which formed a huge network of connections, which provided great help to her husband Randolph's career.

In 1880 Jeanne became pregnant again, but because of her affair outside, many people expressed doubts about who the child's biological father was, and speculated that it was probably not Randolph's child.

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels

Randolph was angry at Jeanne's actions, and later found out that she was having an affair with another man, no, more than one, and there were even rumors that she was related to the French aristocracy and the son of the German chancellor.

Randolph knew about the existence of Anne's lovers, but he was helpless, on the one hand, because of the status and identity of these lovers, and on the other hand, these people were able to bring him some power.

Does he dare to say anything? Naturally, even the wealth of Jenny's family can bring him convenience. Over time, he also had a lover outside, and it can be said that the two of them had their own fun and did not interfere with each other.

Of course, Jenny will not forget to pave the way for her husband Randolph's status, and finally with the help of his wife and his own efforts, he became the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, directly surpassing the Duke of Marlborough.

The final ending

Many years later, Randolph accidentally contracted syphilis while looking for a lover outside, and it was very humiliating to suffer from this disease, coupled with the limited medical conditions at that time, the doctor quickly issued a critical illness notice.

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels

Jenny knew how much public opinion her husband's death from syphilis would cause, so she decisively abandoned all her lovers to accompany her husband on a cruise, and a month later Brundorf fell ill and died during the trip, so that the death also saved the honor of his wife and son.

When the members of the council wanted to take back the senior council robes that belonged to Randolph, Jenny confessed that she would leave it to her son, believing that Churchill would definitely have a good future in the future.

Jenny has been busy with social activities, which has left her with no time to care for Churchill, and she was raised by a nanny and sent to boarding school when she was older.

Time passed, Churchill grew up, and Jenny cared little about this son, but it did not affect her image in his son's heart.

Churchill admired his mother and admired her style, and had no complaints about her sending him to boarding school at an early age.

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels
He even felt that his mother's actions gave him the opportunity to face difficulties alone at an early age, and he once wrote in his autobiography: "She is like a shining superstar to me, and I love her so much, even if it is an unattainable distance." ”

Churchill came from a strong background and had a good personal reputation, and he joined the cabinet at the age of 32, which was inseparable from his personal efforts, but also without the secret help of his mother Jeanne.

After her husband's death, Jeanne continued to be active in the diplomatic service, having romances with several young officers, and in 1913 she married an officer 20 years younger than herself, which was met with great skepticism at the time.

As a son, Churchill was very supportive of his mother and happy for her, and also officiated at the wedding banquet with his younger brother. However, the marriage only lasted 14 years, and Jenny voluntarily ended the marriage after 14 years because her husband was addicted to gambling.

Just when many people thought she would stop, Jenny actually found a man who was 23 years younger than herself, even three years younger than Churchill, and this man did not agree with Churchill's political opinions.

Churchill's mother: a life of dashing and uninhibited, with more than 200 lovers, died trying on high heels

Just when everyone speculated about what Churchill would do, they didn't know that he still unconditionally supported his mother Jenny, and personally held a grand wedding for his mother, and also sent blessings to his stepfather who was younger than himself at the wedding.

Jenny has been interpreting the independence of women all her life, even at the end of her life, she did not accept old age, and at the age of 67, she fell down the stairs due to trying on high heels and bleed, and died of sepsis on the way to the hospital.

Looking back, Jenny Jerome has become the focus of the British social scene with her unique lifestyle and social skills, showing her pursuit of beauty and love of life.

Although she did not raise Churchill with her own hands, she influenced her son with her words and deeds and produced a great prime minister for Britain.

Of course, Jenny's style of life also made her life full of controversy, especially relationship problems. What do you think differently about this?