
Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

Whenever you think that Big S is enough to catch horses, Wang Xiaofei will always jump out and tell everyone that he is the only one who really catches the "crazy man" of Ma Neiyu.

On the 22nd, Taiwan media reported that Wang Xiaofei appeared in the mansion where Da S lived to make trouble, and he kept roaring after drinking, and the guards called the police and took him away from the scene. Before that, Wang Xiaofei started a live broadcast, and he was suspected of scolding ByteDance CEO Zhang Yiming in his live broadcast room.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?
Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

There are two background information to add here, one is that the case of Da S v. Wang Xiaofei for privacy infringement opened on the 19th, and on the 20th, Da S posted on Weibo to tear Wang Xiaofei apart, and the two sides set off a new round of scolding war, Wang Xiaofei's mood must be bad.

The second is that Wang Xiaofei's current girlfriend is also from Taiwan Province and currently lives with Wang Xiaofei. Obviously, the new girlfriend failed to control Wang Xiaofei's temper. And Wang Xiaofei still maintains his usual level of madness, and his rush to Big S's house is not surprising at all.

After that, he rushed to the police station and said that his child was illegally detained, and then said that he would report Da S's drug abuse with his real name. The fact that things have come to this point can only show two things, that is, the dispute between Da S and Wang Xiaofei has reached a white-hot stage.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

Some Taiwanese netizens speculated that because on March 22, 2011, Wang Xiaofei and Da S got married in Sanya, Hainan, but at this time they were in court against Bo, and this contrast made Wang Xiaofei completely out of control.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

However, to be honest, no matter what Taiwanese netizens think, the mainland masses said that they were tired of watching.

Let's discuss another issue. In the new round of public opinion discussion between Wang Xiaofei and Big S, more and more people choose to use one word to describe Wang Xiaofei - nest.

If there is a "wreck" selection in internal entertainment, can Wang Xiaofei be shortlisted?

Some time ago, there was a very interesting topic in entertainment, called "The most suitable man in the entertainment industry to play a wretched man". Lei Jiayin, Bai Ke, Guo Jingfei and other birds were selected, and called the "three giants of domestic entertainment", they also have different classifications of "waste in the nest".

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

Lei Jiayin is full of grievances, even if his fault has led to an irreparable situation, he can still appear as if he has been hurt by the whole world, and the onlookers can't bear to be too harsh, as if all the mistakes are just the work of fate. The representative image is Chen Junsheng played by him in "The First Half of My Life", obviously he cheated, obviously he betrayed, and he became the most tangled and aggrieved one. The audience still eats him, so many scumbags who make people hate so much, only he can sit firmly in the "ex-husband brother", only his explanation, the indignant audience can still listen to a few words.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

Guo Jingfei's pocket is manic. His role is usually not good for hard power, nor is soft power, but he just can't suffer a loss in words. If anyone provokes him, you will be considered to have provoked a cannon fight. Not to mention the lethality, the sound must be in place. Su Mingcheng, who is similar to "It's All Good", is also accompanied by a certain tendency to violence, but violence is violence, his background is cowardly and unaffordable, and his anger comes from the fear of incompetence.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

The wreckage who can afford to do things is the role played by Bai Ke. Work conscientiously and diligently, which is a typical "economical" nest. In fact, Bai Ke's "nest" is relative, simply put, he is not cowardly, but he does not have the ability and opportunity to rise in the workplace, and he does not have the ability to speak well, and he will only walk the road under his feet steadily. So his type, IKEA, is especially suitable for living. This is also the reason why many female viewers like him.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

Of course, it is a bit one-sided to say that these characters are "wretched", but summarizing their screen images can indeed give the audience a clearer answer about "wretchedness".

In our traditional culture, a nest refers to a character that is "unable to defend itself", and they are always passively putting their fate in the hands of others or the outside world, rather than actively and effectively fighting for themselves. And when people form families, "wretched" also refers to those who are unable to defend their families. Whether it is Lei Jiayin's "incompetent and aggrieved" screen image, or Guo Jingfei's "incompetent and furious" character style, the sense of powerlessness has become the background color of these characters.

Wang Xiaofei was also considered by many netizens to be "very wretched" after experiencing a series of miraculous operations after the divorce. But the reasons that define his nest are complex. First of all, netizens thought that he couldn't keep his reputation, and he wanted his mother to speak for him, which was cowardly; Later, the details of his divorce with Da S were exposed, and the public felt that he didn't understand his economic calculations and was confused;

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

Some netizens found that even the straight male netizens who supported him the most at the beginning to tear up Big S also commented on him: wretched.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

 Wang Xiaofei's nest comes from his inability to deal with the problems he has caused, and even repeatedly presented the problem to the public because he was drunk, and then turned off the live broadcast, deleted Weibo, and pretended that nothing happened. Or come out and say a few good words, and then wait for the time to pass, or her mother Zhang Lan will help solve it.

The classic images of the previously mentioned several screens are also "nests", but their lethality is very limited. The white guest nest is just unclear about his career, and his life is still okay; Lei Jiayin's nest has been wronged in advance and takes the route of piercing a soft knife.

The one who is most like Wang Xiaofei is actually Guo Jingfei's nest.

But Guo Jingfei often plays a small person, because this kind of person can't bear things in his heart, and his temper is not good, so it is difficult to make a breakthrough in his career.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

But Wang Xiaofei is different, he has this common problem of wreckage, and there are advantages they don't have - high popularity, and a rich family background. He is a rich second generation, and he thinks very highly of himself, in the aforementioned live broadcast that is suspected of scolding Zhang Yiming, Wang Xiaofei said that when he started his business, "Zhang Yiming still wears pants", obviously thinking that he is a senior in the business world.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

However, those who know Wang Xiaofei's entrepreneurial background know that Wang Xiaofei's entrepreneurship is not successful. Calculated carefully, his aura of success is basically under his mother's halo of success, but he himself doesn't seem to think so.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

Wang Xiaofei looks back on her entrepreneurial journey

Such a person who thinks highly of himself will fall into "all-powerful rage" as soon as he finds that things are beyond his control. Psychologist Wu Zhihong defines "omnipotent anger" in this way: he feels that he should be omnipotent, so a little frustration will produce uncontrollable anger and want to destroy the world. He also stressed that people with a particularly bad temper need to pay attention to this.

We don't know whether Wang Xiaofei is necessarily angry with the omnipotence, but after he is angry, he will do whatever it takes, let everyone listen to him, stand on his side, and expose the state of everything, which is very in line with the state of omnipotent rage.

Taking him as an example, he said that in addition to being at the police station, he also preached to the media and the public on the street, which is obviously not a formal act, but more like a kind of self-catharsis.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?
Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

Of course, those who support him can say that he was forced to be helpless and forced into a desperate situation by Big S. But Wang Xiaofei has a good family background and good economic conditions, and he has more channels to solve problems than ordinary people, so is there really no better way than standing on the street and accusing Big S? Or does he just want to vent his emotions?

If Wang Xiaofei is also a branch of domestic entertainment, then he is the most special one - a hot potato.

He comes from a good family, but he has neither the ability to deal with personal matters nor his emotions. At the moment, there are only two ways to deal with this potato. One is to exercise a high degree of control over him, such as taking away his mobile phone, keeping him away from the Internet, and reducing his going out - however, this may not be possible even Zhang Lan;

There is also a kind of fulfillment of his wish, so that his whole life will follow the style of "Beijing gentlemen" in his mouth. What he did must be right, what he is wrong must be forgiven, someone must be responsible for every outburst of his anger, and all his emotions should be unconditionally accepted and supported by the public.

Let him do what he thinks or be in the spotlight - when he is comfortable, he will naturally not make a fuss.

Which kind of domestic entertainment does Wang Xiaofei belong to?

We all know that people who are in a nest can't defend their lives. And those who need the whole world to cooperate with themselves in order to get what they want are crying giant babies, another kind of "nest" that cannot solve problems in an adult way.

The question now is, can Wang Xiaofei, the "rich second generation" and "entrepreneur" with a golden spoon, find a way to defend herself?

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