
Prisoners, people are in it

author:Laughing aunt and grandmother

I got up early this morning, and finally decided to insist on patting my body every day and giving my body a general grooming.

Prisoners, people are in it

Network map invasion and deletion

Maybe it's because of the hard work when I was young, or because the pressure was very high when I was young, so the body knows that what he presents to me is an inexplicable sense of exhaustion, which makes you feel that there is no place in the body that is really comfortable, but there is no place that is really obvious and problematic, which is the so-called "sub-healthy" state.

Sometimes we always feel that we are still young, right? There is something uncomfortable on the body, bite it and it will pass, but many times, everything will have a cumulative process, not that you can't feel it for a while, it means that it's okay, but it has been silently remembering it for you, such as tirelessly going to work when you were young, working overtime, taking care of the children and doing housework, all of them, at that time you thought that it would be good as long as you passed it, but is it really good? Only when you are old will the body give you the answer, and everything will be presented to you.

Prisoners, people are in it

Network map invasion and deletion

One thing I remember very clearly is that when I was young, one day when I went to work, suddenly I couldn't lift my hands, and the documents in my hands fell to the ground, and it wasn't so serious at that time, but for a while I often felt as if I was carrying a very, very heavy turtle shell on my body, and you said that the turtle carried its shell all day long, and everyone knew that it was carrying a heavy shell, but I said that I felt like a turtle shell on my back. Almost no one in my family, my friends, my colleagues, believed me, they just thought I was describing my physical discomfort in an exaggerated way, just to get their attention, but who knows?

At that time, I was really, very painful, that is, you feel that your whole back is not stretched, that is, you are carrying a turtle shell, I still feel more satisfied with my own description, at that time, I had no choice but to run to the beauty salon near the unit every day to do a pushback, massage. The so-called push back is to use essential oils to push you on the back, with the intention of opening up your Ren Du two pulses, in fact, Ren Du two pulses have not been opened, but at that time almost every day I have to run to the beauty salon to massage it, specifically for my back to massage, or feel a little relieved, so as to ensure that I can sleep at night and continue to work the next day.

At that time, I didn't understand, thinking if it was caused by the cervical spine, but in fact it may be the accumulation of a variety of factors, in short, I was very, very uncomfortable at the time, in addition to physical discomfort, more importantly, I also felt uncomfortable, everyone said that mental illness may be caused by physical illness many times, this sentence I believe very much, I am only glad that my character is good, the natural more optimistic character is good, and it did not bring me real mental problems, but during that time in addition to work, the pressure of the real family is particularly special, to take children to work, and work is not an easy class, a brainless class, right?

So now a lot of times I just want to say be kind to yourself if you can, especially women.

Later, to some of my female colleagues, I would tell them that they must take care of their own bodies, and then talk about taking care of others.

Prisoners, people are in it

Network map invasion and deletion

There is a word in particular pictogram, the prisoner of "prisoner". A person is trapped in the middle of four walls, and you can imagine what it would be like!

When a person is imprisoned, the first thing that is imprisoned is the physical body, and at the same time it is possible to be imprisoned by the spirit of oneself, although we say that the spirit may be more serious than the physical body.

But physical captivity is still quite terrifying.

So we have been talking about liberating ourselves and liberating ourselves, in my opinion, not only to liberate one's own body, but also to liberate one's own spiritual things, many times, especially women really want to be kind to themselves, if they don't cherish themselves, then who do you expect to cherish you, right?

The word "prison" is particularly special image, and we can only rely on ourselves to break it from the inside out, and that is the real break.