
Blinken drew a red line for China, the Philippines provoked again, switched to the iron line reef, and the Chinese coast guard fought hard

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

A few days ago, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited the Philippines, during which Blinken once again encouraged the Philippines, Blinken moved out of the "U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty," declaring that if China attacked Philippine official ships, the United States would provide security protection for the Philippines. In fact, the United States has drawn a red line for China to prevent China from taking action against Philippine official ships, and it is obvious that the United States is stoking the fire, so that the Philippines can launch provocations with impunity. Even after Blinken drew a red line for China, the Philippines has already taken action, quite confident that the United States will do it. According to published reports, the Philippines dispatched 34 people directly to the Wire Reef on March 21.

Blinken drew a red line for China, the Philippines provoked again, switched to the iron line reef, and the Chinese coast guard fought hard

The Thitu Island, just 2.5 nautical miles from Thitu Island, is currently controlled by the Philippines and has an airport on the island. Thitu Island is the largest island illegally occupied by the Philippines in the South China Sea, and the Philippines has often used Thitu Island to launch provocations in the South China Sea. From a geographical point of view, the Philippines took advantage of its proximity to Thitu Island to send ships to approach the Wire Reef, and some personnel landed on the Wire Reef in an attempt to assert its "sovereignty," highlighting the Philippines' sinister intentions. If the Philippines had taken control of the Wire Reef, it would have had an impact on a much larger area.

Blinken drew a red line for China, the Philippines provoked again, switched to the iron line reef, and the Chinese coast guard fought hard

The Philippines has frequently launched provocations at Second Thomas Shoal and Scarborough Shoal, and now its actions at Wire Reef follow US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to the Philippines, thus highlighting the Philippines' intention to show its loyalty, and the Philippines launched provocations at the first opportunity, and it is in its own advantageous area. In response to the aggressive posture of the Philippines, the Chinese coast guard dared to confront it and immediately sent personnel to the iron line reef to verify and deal with the relevant Philippine personnel. In fact, according to the AIS signal data, the Chinese coast guard ships have been patrolling and enforcing the waters around Thitu Island, so the Philippine provocation will not succeed.

Blinken drew a red line for China, the Philippines provoked again, switched to the iron line reef, and the Chinese coast guard fought hard

According to the AIS signal data, in recent days, the Philippines has had official ships loitering near Thitu Island, and the Chinese coast guard has warned and driven away the Philippine official ships, but the Philippines is still "doing its own thing", and dispatched 34 people to illegally carry out activities on the iron line reef. In terms of the strength of official ships, the Philippines cannot compare with the Chinese Coast Guard, which has absolute strength, so as not to give the Philippines a chance to continue its provocations. In response to the Philippines' provocative actions on March 21, the China Coast Guard has issued a statement warning the Philippines to stop violating China's sovereignty.

Blinken drew a red line for China, the Philippines provoked again, switched to the iron line reef, and the Chinese coast guard fought hard

According to the analysis of the global beacon line, the Philippines is now preparing to "fully blossom" and launch provocations in multiple regions, so as to try to further invade the islands and reefs in the South China Sea. If the Philippines invades and occupies the Wire Reef, it will have a new initiative for the Philippines, and it is very likely that it will take action on the Meijiu Reef near Thitu Island in the future, so as to fully occupy the surrounding islands and reefs.

Blinken drew a red line for China, the Philippines provoked again, switched to the iron line reef, and the Chinese coast guard fought hard