
Straw can be burned? The Northeast is open for 2 days to burn wasteland, CPPCC members: It is recommended to burn in an orderly manner

author:A little helper for farmers

"Can the straw be burned? Is it open to burn?"

Recently, a creator from Jilin, with a large number of fans, released a video of local straw burning (locally known as burning wasteland), mentioning in the video that their local area is open for 2 days, and farmers can go to the field to burn straw.

When burning straw, there are fire prevention personnel standing on the road next to it, and if there is a danger in the future, it will be extinguished in time.

The approach expressed in this video has been endorsed by farmers in many other regions, and it is hoped that local communities will follow suit. At the same time, on the occasion of spring plowing and spring sowing, the question of whether to burn straw or not has once again been pushed to a hot discussion.

Straw can be burned? The Northeast is open for 2 days to burn wasteland, CPPCC members: It is recommended to burn in an orderly manner

In fact, at the two sessions in March this year, some deputies had already put forward motions on the straw issue, and some discussions had also been held.

For example, Cao Xiaofeng, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said at a panel discussion in the agricultural circles, "Returning straw to the field has indeed played a positive role in protecting the ecological environment and preventing air pollution, but the complete ban on burning has also led to the aggravation of some crop pests and diseases, and the increase in the use of pesticides, which needs to be paid attention to urgently." ”

Pan Yuansong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, also suggested, "In the northeast, it can be burned in an orderly manner." For example, you can choose straw with less moisture and dry straw, and you can choose when the weather diffusion conditions are better to avoid causing atmospheric pollution. ”

In recent years, it can be seen that the practice of "banning" straw has become more and more controversial. As for when the lockdown will be lifted, there is no exact answer yet.

The little helper also inquired about the relevant information, and there is no official notice on the question of whether the straw can be burned, that is, it is still in the stage of banning burning. The cases mentioned at the beginning that can be incinerated are only local practices in some areas, and are not suitable for the whole country.

Straw can be burned? The Northeast is open for 2 days to burn wasteland, CPPCC members: It is recommended to burn in an orderly manner

Why is there a ban on straw burning?

Regarding the time of the ban on straw burning, some people say that it began in 2000, and some people say that the large-scale implementation began in 2008, no matter when it started, there are probably three main reasons for the ban on burning.

First, air pollution. When straw is burned, large amounts of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and respirable particulate matter are produced, resulting in significantly higher concentrations of these pollutants in the atmosphere. These pollutants are harmful to human health, such as the eyes, nose and throat, which contain mucous membranes.

Second, it is easy to cause fires. When straw is burned, it is very easy to ignite the surrounding flammables, especially near mountains and forests or villages, and once a fire is triggered, it often causes economic losses and ecological damage.

Third, it affects road traffic. The smoke from burning straw can reduce air visibility and affect the driver's vision, thereby increasing the risk of traffic accidents and posing a threat to road traffic safety.

Straw can be burned? The Northeast is open for 2 days to burn wasteland, CPPCC members: It is recommended to burn in an orderly manner

What are the benefits of straw returning?

Since the ban on straw burning, most of the straw in the field has been returned to the field, and from a certain point of view, there are indeed many good aspects of straw returning.

1. Straw returning can increase the content of organic matter in the soil, fertilize the soil, and improve the soil structure. During the decomposition process, straw will release a large amount of organic matter, which can increase the porosity of the soil, improve the water and fertilizer retention capacity of the soil, and provide a good soil environment for crop growth.

2. Straw returning can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and reduce agricultural non-point source pollution and soil pollution. The nutrients in straw can be absorbed and utilized by crops, thus reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers. This not only helps to reduce the cost of agricultural production, but also reduces pollution to the environment.

3. Straw returning can also improve the drought resistance and salinity resistance of crops. The organic matter in straw can improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, improve the water-holding capacity of the soil, and enable crops to grow under drought or saline conditions.

4. Straw returning can increase soil nutrient content, especially nitrogen and other nutrients, provide necessary nutrient support for the growth of crops, help improve the yield and quality of crops, and achieve agricultural production and income.

5. Returning straw to the field can also reduce the air pollution caused by burning straw, which is conducive to protecting the ecological environment. By returning straw to the field, straw resources can be effectively used to achieve the green development of agriculture.

However, in the years when straw is returned to the field, many farmers will find that there are more pests and diseases in the field, which leads to the following topic.

Straw can be burned? The Northeast is open for 2 days to burn wasteland, CPPCC members: It is recommended to burn in an orderly manner

What are the disadvantages of straw returning?

Disadvantage 1: If the amount of straw returned to the field is too large or uneven, it is easy to cause soil microorganisms (i.e., microorganisms transformed by straw) to compete with crop seedlings for nutrients, which may lead to crop yellow seedlings, dead seedlings and even reduced yield.

Disadvantage 2: When the quality of straw returning to the field is not good, the soil may become too loose, the proportion of pore size is uneven, and there are too many large pores, which leads to soil wind, and the seeds can not be in close contact with the soil, which affects the germination and growth of seeds.

Disadvantage 3: The straw may carry insect eggs, bacteria and other pests and diseases, which cannot be effectively killed in the process of direct crushing of straw. Therefore, after the straw is returned to the field, these pests and diseases may survive and multiply in the soil, directly harm the crops or recur in the following year after wintering, increasing the difficulty and cost of control.

Straw can be burned? The Northeast is open for 2 days to burn wasteland, CPPCC members: It is recommended to burn in an orderly manner

What are the benefits of stubble burning?

The reason why farmers like straw burning is not only because this practice has existed for many years, but also because of the following 4 reasons.

First, reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. Straw is an important habitat for germs and insect eggs, and burning straw can effectively kill these bacteria and insect eggs hidden in straw, which is very beneficial to reducing crop pests and diseases.

Second, the number of weeds has been reduced. Burning straw can remove most of the grass seeds, thereby reducing the number of weeds in the field and reducing the competitive pressure on crops.

Third, the ash after straw burning is rich in trace elements such as potassium and phosphorus, which can be directly applied to the soil and adsorbed by the soil for crop absorption, which is conducive to the growth of crops, while reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and reducing the cost of growing grain.

Fourth, it increases the porosity of the soil, and through the high temperature of straw burning, the surface layer of the soil is heated and expanded, which can improve the physical properties of the surface soil, increase the porosity of the soil, and help the soil aeration and root growth.

Straw can be burned? The Northeast is open for 2 days to burn wasteland, CPPCC members: It is recommended to burn in an orderly manner

In addition to burning, in addition to returning straw to the field, what other treatment methods are there?

The first way: through micro-storage, ammoniation, thermal spray and other technologies, the straw becomes a high-quality feed that is easy for livestock to digest and has a good taste.

Straw feed not only realizes the effective use of agricultural resources, promotes the development of animal husbandry, reduces feed costs, but also improves the health of animals and is environmentally friendly.

The second way: the straw is crushed and mixed with other ingredients as the base material for edible fungus cultivation, which can effectively solve the problem of raw materials in the production of edible fungi.

Crop straw is often regarded as waste in agricultural production, but it is rich in nutrients such as cellulose and lignin, which is very suitable as a base material for edible fungus cultivation. By cultivating edible mushrooms, not only can the straw be transformed into food with high nutritional value, providing people with a rich food source, but also reducing the cost of producing edible mushrooms.

The third way: to produce biogas, using the method of anaerobic fermentation, combining straw with aquaculture and biogas digester, using the biogas produced by straw for cooking and lighting. It should be noted here that in the process of making biogas from straw, it is necessary to ensure the safety and environmental protection of the operation and avoid secondary pollution.

In addition, it is necessary to select the appropriate fermentation process and equipment according to the local conditions and resource conditions to achieve efficient and economical biogas production.

The fourth way: biomass power generation, straw can be used as a raw material for biomass power generation and converted into electricity. Straw biomass power generation is a promising way of renewable energy utilization, through continuous optimization of technology and efficiency, the maximum utilization of straw resources can be realized, and an important contribution to alleviating energy tension, protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development.

The fifth way: straw can be used to make paper, make alcohol, building materials and disposable food packaging boxes, etc. The prepared straw pulp is put into the paper machine, and the pulp is made into paper through the steps of filtration, compression, drying, etc. In the papermaking process, pigments and fillers can also be added as needed to improve the quality and appearance of the paper.

Straw can be burned? The Northeast is open for 2 days to burn wasteland, CPPCC members: It is recommended to burn in an orderly manner

Is it better to burn straw or ban burning?

As for the question of whether it is better to burn straw or ban it, this is actually a complex issue involving environmental protection, resource utilization and agricultural production efficiency, and to be honest, there is no absolute answer.

There are indeed some distinct advantages to burning straw. As mentioned above, it can effectively reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, because during the incineration process, many pests and germs will be killed by high temperatures, thus reducing the harm of crop pests and diseases in the next year.

At the same time, the ash after straw burning is rich in minerals and organic matter, which can increase the fertility of the soil, help improve the soil structure, and increase the water-holding capacity and nutrient content of the soil.

However, the disadvantages of burning straw are also obvious. Incineration produces a large amount of smoke and harmful gases, such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc., which can seriously pollute the air and pose a threat to human health. Especially in unventilated environments, incineration may cause greater harm to human health.

Straw can be burned? The Northeast is open for 2 days to burn wasteland, CPPCC members: It is recommended to burn in an orderly manner

A ban on straw burning helps protect the environment and reduces the risk of air pollution and soil erosion. This has also prompted people to find more environmentally friendly and sustainable straw treatment methods, such as deep ploughing to promote straw returning to the field, making feed, paper, etc., thereby improving the utilization rate of straw.

Therefore, both straw burning and banning straw burning have their pros and cons. From the perspective of environmental protection and resource utilization, a ban on straw burning is preferable. From the point of view of agricultural production efficiency and the actual needs of farmers, straw burning is the most preferable.

Of course, the two can not be both, the way to take the middle may be combined with the actual local situation, to develop a scientific and reasonable straw treatment method, for example, to find a few days of centralized and unified burning, may be more acceptable to farmers.

Do you think it's feasible?