
Small days: 7 years of bunk companionship, Zhu Jincao really loves Jasmine? His disguise has long been torn apart

author:Lime entertaining

If there was no such thing as a rich woman on the list of predecessors, it is estimated that Gu Jasmine would have been married a long time ago, and she has nothing to do with Zhu Jincao in this life, everyone knows that when girls are the most vulnerable, it is precisely when the psychological defense line is the weakest, Zhu Jincao inserted at this time, Gu Jasmine naturally loves him to the core, but "Little Days" that belongs to the two of them doesn't seem to be happy, after all, it has been 7 years since they got married, and the time they can sleep in the same bed can be calculated with their fingers.

Small days: 7 years of bunk companionship, Zhu Jincao really loves Jasmine? His disguise has long been torn apart

But any normal couple, know how serious the separation is, although after having a child, in order to take care of the old man's body, they gave up the only room, the couple was forced to squeeze in the bunk that could not be freed, but no one knew that the mother-in-law did not leave, and they were not allowed to change to a big house, which is equivalent to saying that the in-laws will tie the little couple to death in this 57-square-meter small house for the rest of their lives.

Small days: 7 years of bunk companionship, Zhu Jincao really loves Jasmine? His disguise has long been torn apart

In order to take care of Gu Jasmine's emotions, Zhu Jincao, who has always been obedient, either persuaded her mother to return to her hometown, or choked with her father head-on, so that they almost didn't know this son, although the ultimate goal was not achieved, but from the perspective of Zhu Jincao's maintenance, Gu Jasmine is married to the right person, after all, in marriage, it is really a very lucky thing for a husband to be on his wife's side, otherwise Gu Jasmine will definitely not be able to stand it by the joint rejection and suspicion of this family.

If it weren't for her love for Zhu Jincao, how could Gu Jasmine be willing to squeeze into a matchbox-like house with him? How could she endure the bullying of her in-laws again and again? But can Gu Jasmine's love be exchanged for the same response from Zhu Jincao? I'm afraid the answer is no, because in the past 7 years of bunk companionship, Zhu Jincao's mask has been torn apart, and any thermostatic man is fake, and his heart is on the side of his parents from beginning to end.

Small days: 7 years of bunk companionship, Zhu Jincao really loves Jasmine? His disguise has long been torn apart

Zhu Jincao's parents' actions, ordinary people can't stand it, not to mention that Gu Jasmine is still pampered and raised? She can tolerate everything, and lower her profile, willing to endure the targeting again and again, just for Zhu Jincao, but what did she get in exchange? It stands to reason that Zhu Jincao, as a husband, should stand in the position of his wife at the first time, and should not tolerate his mother's insults to his wife, but he didn't do anything, just stood quietly and watched the play until Jasmine left, and he never thought of chasing.

Small days: 7 years of bunk companionship, Zhu Jincao really loves Jasmine? His disguise has long been torn apart

Ask yourself, as the daughter-in-law of the Zhu family for so many years, Gu Jasmine has never done anything unfortunate, even if the balance in her card is only more than 10,000, she has to do everything she can to buy two identical bags for her two mothers, and they are worth tens of thousands, indeed, she has moved the mind of fake bags because of insufficient balance, but after all, it was a bad idea from her best friend, and Gu Jasmine didn't buy fake bags at all! Why can't Zhu Jincao believe his wife?

Small days: 7 years of bunk companionship, Zhu Jincao really loves Jasmine? His disguise has long been torn apart

In short, Zhu Jincao is actually an invisible phoenix man, in his world, only family is the first, although Gu Jasmine is his closest person, but compared with his parents who raised him since childhood, there is still a slight gap, but what about Gu Jasmine? She has already regarded Zhu Jincao as more important than her parents, why can't she exchange Zhu Jincao's sincerity for her sincerity?