
What should we do if we encounter school bullying? To prevent school bullying, we should do these "three noes"

author:Dot vision


The topic of "school bullying" is a cause for concern

School bullying is not

"Little fights" between children

And it is likely to become

Nightmares that affect a teenager's life

What constitutes bullying in schools?

How to keep bullying violence away from children?

Let's get to know ↓

Prevention Starts with "Seeing"

These behaviors are all school bullying

What should we do if we encounter school bullying? To prevent school bullying, we should do these "three noes"

Source: National Committee for Young Workers

1. Physical bullying: beating, kicking, slapping, scratching, biting, pushing, pulling and other physical aggression or intimidation and threats.

2. Verbal bullying: Acts that violate human dignity by means of verbal abuse, ridicule, mockery, sarcasm, and insulting nicknames.

3. Social bullying: maliciously excluding, intimidating, threatening, persecuting, isolating others, and influencing others to participate in school activities or social interactions.

4. Cyberbullying: Slandering others, spreading rumors or slandering others, or maliciously spreading others' privacy through the Internet or other means of information dissemination.

These situations arise

The child may be being bullied

What should we do if we encounter school bullying? To prevent school bullying, we should do these "three noes"

What should I do if I am bullied at school?

What should I do if I am bullied at school?

1. Personal safety always comes first. Don't provoke the other person, you can ask passers-by for help, and use abnormal movements to attract the attention of those around you. Take legitimate defence when necessary.

2. When you are bullied, don't be silent or retaliate, but tell your parents and teachers about it.

What should parents do if their children are bullied at school?

1. Stay calm, communicate with the school and teachers, and take legal measures to protect your child's rights and interests if necessary.

What should we do if we encounter school bullying? To prevent school bullying, we should do these "three noes"

2. Encourage your child to build beneficial relationships. Parents should cultivate the ability of children to build kind and supportive interpersonal relationships with their peers, which can have a buffering effect on the impact of school bullying.

What should schools do if bullying happens?

1. Educate students on a daily basis. Set up a psychological counseling institution to pay attention to the movements of students at all times, and inform parents in time if they find any abnormalities.

What should we do if we encounter school bullying? To prevent school bullying, we should do these "three noes"

2. For the victims of school bullying, the school should immediately organize medical assistance, psychological intervention, judicial assistance, etc., and the school must notify the parents of the perpetrators of school bullying, give them serious criticism and education, and punish them appropriately within the scope of the law.

To prevent school bullying, we should achieve "three no's"

Don't be a victim

1. Do not carry valuables such as money and mobile phones, and do not reveal your belongings in public.

2. When going to the toilet, the corner of the hallway, or the alley near the school, try to walk in a group.

3. Be friendly with classmates, be tolerant, rational and peaceful in resolving conflicts, and do not use radical methods.

4. Enhance self-protection awareness and protection ability, and strengthen physical fitness training to protect yourself in dangerous moments.

Don't be a bully

Intentionally assaulting others, violently insulting others, violently soliciting other people's property, and intentionally and illegally harming others may constitute the crimes of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, forcible insults, robbery, and intentional injury under the Criminal Law of the Mainland.

Don't be an accomplice or a bystander

1. Refuse to fan the flames and refuse to be an "accomplice" to the bully.

2. Refuse bystanders who are not concerned with the situation, and appropriately express sympathy and concern for the person being bullied.

3. Help the person who is being bullied within the scope of your ability.

4. Report to teachers, parents, and even the police.

Resist bullying in schools

Let every child

All bathed in the sun!