
AG won the best player of the week, Yinuo won the best player, and the two clean sheets in Group S were well deserved

{"info":{"title":{"content":"AG全员包揽周最佳,一诺荣膺最佳选手,S组两场零封当之无愧","en":"AG won the best player of the week, Yinuo won the best player, and the two clean sheets in Group S were well deserved"},"description":{"content":"AG全员包揽周最佳,一诺荣膺最佳选手,S组两场零封当之无愧KPL春季赛常规赛第二轮第二周的比赛结束,在上一周的比赛中,很...","en":"AG all won the best player of the week, Yinuo won the best player, and the two clean sheets in Group S deserved the end of the second week of the second round of the regular season of the KPL Spring Season."}},"items":[]}