
BYD, please be kind to consumers who buy Qin Plus and destroyers!

{"info":{"title":{"content":"比亚迪请善待购买秦Plus和驱逐舰的消费者!","en":"BYD, please be kind to consumers who buy Qin Plus and destroyers!"},"description":{"content":"比亚迪请善待购买秦Plus和驱逐舰的消费者!汽车领域的价格战已经打响。比亚迪是那个领头人!比亚迪秦Plus和驱逐舰都大幅...","en":"BYD, please be kind to consumers who buy Qin Plus and destroyers! The price war in the automobile field has begun. BYD is the leader! BYD Qin Plus and Destroyer are both sharply..."}},"items":[]}

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