
Zong Qinghou from different perspectives: sympathetic to Ma Yun and affectionate to employees

Zong Qinghou from different perspectives: sympathetic to Ma Yun and affectionate to employees

Today (28th), Wahaha Group held a memorial service after the death of Chairman Zong Qinghou, and all walks of life also expressed their condolences to Zong Qinghou in various ways. From many well-known corporate bosses, to front-line employees, to ordinary people, people are very sorry for Zong Qinghou's sudden death. He is a benchmark figure in the Zhejiang businessman group, and at the same time, he does not forget the "common wealth", on the one hand, to increase the income of employees, but also insist on dividing rooms for employees. He himself lives an extremely simple life, and netizens affectionately call him "the boss of cloth shoes". Today, let's take a look at what Zong Qinghou has in the eyes of different people.

Zong Qinghou in the eyes of capital tycoons

Ma Yun sent a salute, and there was an argument and finally shook hands

Zong Qinghou, who is also a representative of Zhejiang businessmen, and Ma Yun, the founder of Alibaba, have crossed paths many times. Although they have different views on enterprise development and market competition, they finally shake hands and make peace. In 2016, Zong Qinghou once discussed the "five new" (new retail, new manufacturing, new finance, new technology and new energy) proposed by Ma Yun in a TV program, saying that except for "new technology", everything else is nonsense. Soon after, Jack Ma responded in public that the real economy and the virtual economy are not antagonistic. There is no distinction between physical and virtual enterprises, only good enterprises and bad enterprises.

After several confrontations, the two did not break up because of this, but got closer and closer, and publicly shook hands and took a group photo. After Zong Qinghou died, Ma Yun sent it to Banglian: "It's not too late to fight forty years in life, the spirit of a pioneer; ”

Lei Jun and Zhou Hongyi posted on Weibo mentioning the same book

On February 25, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, posted two Weibo posts in a row, the first of which said: "A generation of legends. In the second article, Lei Jun said, "I didn't drink Wahaha AD calcium milk when I was a child, and I didn't know him. More than 20 years ago, I read a book about him, and I was very impressed and admired it very much. A generation of legends, all the way well. ”

Zong Qinghou from different perspectives: sympathetic to Ma Yun and affectionate to employees

Lei Jun posted two Weibo posts in a row to mourn Zong Qinghou.  Screenshot of Weibo 

On the evening of the same day, Zhou Hongyi, founder and chairman of 360 Group, also released a video to mourn Zong Qinghou: I don't have much personal relationship with Mr. Zong Qinghou. I have had the privilege of meeting Mr. Zong at many conferences and forums, and I have sat at the round table with him, and I have the impression that Mr. Zong is not very talkative, approachable, and dressed very plainly, like a simple "uncle next door".

It is worth mentioning that both mentioned a book about Wahaha. Lei Jun mentioned: "I just found on my bookshelf: "Very Marketing: Wahaha: China's Most Successful Practical Lesson Plan", published in 2002. Zhou Hongyi said: "Lei Jun recommended me to read a book about Wahaha "Extraordinary Marketing", which made me feel empowered. ”

Zhou Hongyi said: "Mr. Zong, such a successful entrepreneur, has been tirelessly repeating many times when establishing a marketing network, I am a young man, an entrepreneur, what reason is there to be tired." Later, when I repeatedly talked about my ideas over and over again on many occasions, I would remember the scene when Mr. Zong promoted Wahaha. ”


Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding Group, wrote a letter of condolence, saying that Zhejiang was saddened by the loss of a business leader and saddened by the loss of a founder of Wahaha. In his letter of condolence, Li Shufu said: "You are a trendsetter in the era of reform and opening up, you are a pioneer in the innovation and entrepreneurship of private enterprises, and you are an excellent representative of modern Zhejiang businessmen...... You are a role model for the first generation of Zhejiang businessmen. ”

In addition, Zhang Tianren, vice chairman of Zhejiang Federation of Industry and Commerce, chairman of Tianneng Holding Group, Wang Shuifu, boss of Xizi United Holdings, Wang Licheng, chairman of the board of directors of Huali Group, and other well-known enterprise leaders have expressed their condolences, calling him "a generation of Zhejiang business models" to remember his great contribution to the economic and social development of Zhejiang and even China.

On February 26, the China Beverage Industry Association sent a message of condolence: his successful experience and management concept have had a profound impact on the development of China's beverage industry, inspiring more entrepreneurs and practitioners to move forward bravely, continue to explore and innovate, and promote the sustainable development of the industry.

Zong Qinghou in the eyes of Wahaha employees

Old employees: Coming to Fuling to set up a factory has changed the fate of many people

In the eyes of Wahaha employees, Zong Qinghou is a bold, responsible, affectionate and capable corporate leader.

On October 19, 1994, Wahaha Company and the Fuling local government signed an agreement on the establishment of Wahaha Group Company Fuling Co., Ltd., under which Wahaha adopted the method of general contracting of resettlement funds and resettlement tasks to relocate and renovate three extremely poor state-owned enterprises below the submerged line of the Three Gorges Reservoir area and implement developmental resettlement.

In the mind of Chen Xiaogang, a veteran employee of Chongqing Fuling Wahaha Beverage Co., Ltd., Zong Qinghou, who came by speedboat, changed the fate of him and many people. At that time, Chen Xiaogang was working in Fuling Distillery, just turned 30 years old, and his monthly salary was 190 yuan. "Wahaha merged three factories: Fuling Candy Factory, Canning Factory and Distillery. Soon, star products such as fruit milk and Guandi wine ran on the assembly line. ”

On December 28, 1994, Fuling Wahaha Beverage Co., Ltd. was established. Wahaha implements a pay system for more work and more rewards, and the enthusiasm of workers has increased all of a sudden. In the second year, the company made a profit, and Chen Xiaogang received an unprecedented year-end bonus of 800 yuan. When he was interviewed by Upstream News many years later, he still remembered this scene 30 years ago.

Zong Qinghou from different perspectives: sympathetic to Ma Yun and affectionate to employees

The masses thanked Zong Qinghou for setting up a factory in the mountainous area to promote employment.      Screenshot of the video

After Zong Qinghou died, Wahaha's former headquarters was full of flowers, and a flower giver from Wencheng County, Wenzhou, told reporters that Zong Qinghou invested in factories in their county, which promoted the employment of local people, and he made a special trip to offer flowers to express his gratitude. It is reported that Wahaha has actively participated in the cooperation of mountains and seas in the industrial chain of 26 counties in mountainous areas, and has built factories in local Wencheng, Qujiang, Jingning, Jiangshan and other places.

Former employees still receive a monthly salary of 5,000 and a year-end bonus when they take long leave

After Zong Qinghou's death, on February 27, Mr. Wu, a former employee of Wahaha, posted a group photo online to mourn him.

Mr. Wu said that he first joined Wahaha in 2012, and in the second half of 2018, when his father-in-law fell ill, he applied to the company to resign and wanted to take care of the elderly with his wife. The company said that it would let you go to the hospital to take care of it first, come if you can come to work, and don't come if you can't go to work, and replied: You and your wife have no income, the salary is paid by the company, don't be too little, life has to go on.

Zong Qinghou from different perspectives: sympathetic to Ma Yun and affectionate to employees

Mr. Wu sent a group photo with Zong Qinghou to thank the company.        Screenshot of the video 

Mr. Wu said that his original salary was 8,000 to 10,000 yuan, and he took 4 months of personal leave, and the company insisted on paying about 5,000 yuan per month, and also paid a year-end bonus of 18,000 yuan. Later, because he couldn't keep up with the pace of work, he still took the initiative to resign. After leaving, he worked as a township dealer in Wahaha for 3 years. "I am grateful to my old employer, grateful to Mr. Zong, and I have shed tears countless times, and I would like to remember this. ”

The chef who used to work next to him: he didn't have any pomp and circumstance

Zong Qinghou is very generous to the employees, but his life is very simple. In front of the gate of the former headquarters of Wahaha in Hangzhou, people laid flowers to mourn. A chef who had worked beside Zong Qinghou also came to bring three home-cooked dishes such as "braised bamboo shoots in oil" and "braised fish" made by himself to recall Zong Qinghou.

Zong Qinghou from different perspectives: sympathetic to Ma Yun and affectionate to employees

He once brought three dishes and one soup home-cooked dishes to the chef he worked for to worship Zong Qinghou.  Screenshot of the video

He told reporters that Zong Qinghou eats very simply, "(if you eat by yourself) generally three dishes and one soup, eat a little bit." When I first started cooking for him, I thought he would definitely eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, but he asked him to be light, not jealous, no garlic, no chili, and mainly home-cooked food. If you see a waste, they will tell me not to waste it. ”

The former employee told the media that he regretted a little that he did not work by Zong Qinghou's side for a long time. "I've seen a lot of big bosses with a lot of pomp. He didn't have any pomp and circumstance, no arrogance at all. ”

Zong Qinghou in the eyes of ordinary people

Worship the masses

Call him "Cloth Shoes Boss", someone walked 5 kilometers to come

After Zong Qinghou's death, Wahaha issued an announcement saying that an online condolence channel was specially arranged. As of the morning of the 27th, more than 100,000 people have participated in the "Comrade Zong Qinghou Online Condolence Hall".

In front of the original headquarters of Wahaha, it was also quickly filled with bouquets sent by citizens, among which, a pair of cloth shoes sent by netizens were very eye-catching. It turned out that Zong Qinghou had very low requirements for his life and often wore a pair of cloth shoes. He also publicly said that he is very comfortable wearing cloth shoes of more than 30 yuan, and he is also known as the "boss of cloth shoes". In order to mourn him, some netizens specially called the rider to send this pair of cloth shoes.

At the scene, a Jiaxing citizen came to worship by subway. She sent her own handwritten eulogy, and she considered Zong Qinghou to be "the conscience of the Chinese and have a special sense of responsibility to society."

A retired teacher surnamed Tu in Hangzhou said that he was very grateful to him, so he walked 5 kilometers to pay respects. According to reports, Zong Qinghou was very concerned about education during his lifetime, and has funded more than 500 million yuan in education, donated to build hope primary schools in various places, and helped more than 50,000 college students realize their dreams.

In order to mourn Zong Qinghou, some netizens carved his portrait with leaves to express their nostalgia. Netizens said, "Wahaha drink has grown up with many post-80s and 90s, thanks to Mr. Zong's childhood memories, and hopes to remember Mr. Zong Qinghou through Ye Diao's special way."

Zong Qinghou still has a good reputation among the people. A few days ago, the photos of his low-key travel "turned red" again. According to reports, he basically relied on high-speed rail for business trips, and only took a plane when he was in a hurry. In December 2016, on the high-speed train from Hangzhou East to Yiwu, some passengers recognized Zong Qing in the second-class seat, and also photographed Zong Qinghou sitting in the second-class seat and interacting happily with the child. This matter was also on Weibo hot search at that time. Since then, some netizens have photographed Zong Qinghou sitting in the waiting hall with his suitcase and waiting for the plane, still sitting in economy class.

Barbershop owner: I wanted to give him a massage, but he said he was too busy to have time

100 meters away from the old headquarters of Wahaha Group, there is an old shop called "Atang Hair House", and for more than ten years, Zong Qinghou has been used to coming here for haircuts.

Tang Lingmei, the owner of Ah Tang Hair House, said: "I am very sad to hear the news, because for so many years, I have given him a haircut. Tang Lingmei said that the last time she saw Zong Qing was in October 2022, "At that time, I saw that he was in good spirits, but then he didn't come for a long time, and I heard from the old employees that he was not in good health." ”

Tang Lingmei said that the first time Zong Qinghou came to get a haircut was around 2005, and he was often seen wearing cloth shoes and Wahaha overalls, which was very simple and in a hurry every time. "He worked too hard, sometimes I saw that he was very tired, and when I wanted to wash his hair, I would give him a little massage, but he said no, he was still in a hurry. Tang Lingmei said, "Every time he comes to wash his hair, I feel that he is thinking about the problem and has not relaxed." ”

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Why do people mourn Zong Qinghou

Zong Qinghou passed away, and people mourned him in different ways, from well-known entrepreneurs to ordinary employees to people who never knew him. Why do people cherish his memory so much? This is inseparable from Zong Qinghou's entrepreneurial experience and feelings for his family and country.

Zong Qinghou, who was born in 1945, is a typical founder of the Zhejiang businessman. In 1987, taking advantage of the spring breeze of reform and opening up, he borrowed 140,000 yuan (RMB, the same below) to start Wahaha from scratch, and for more than 30 years, he worked hard and innovated constantly, and became the richest man in China three times. The Wahaha pure water, AD calcium milk and other drinks he created have accompanied the growth of countless "post-90s" and "post-00s" in China.

In the eyes of many young people, Wahaha is not only a national drink, but also a childhood taste that has never passed. Nowadays, at the former site of Wahaha's headquarters, many young people spontaneously sent flowers and AD calcium milk.

In addition, as a benchmark figure of the Zhejiang businessman group, Zong Qinghou has been running for the cause of his family and country all his life. For more than 30 years, Zong Qinghou has responded to the call of the state, adhered to industry, invested and set up factories in the central and western regions of China, established 76 branches, directly absorbed 13,000 jobs, and promoted local development. While running a good enterprise, Zong Qinghou did not forget to "get rich together", on the one hand, to increase the income of employees, and on the other hand, to help students build 23 hope primary schools, helping more than 50,000 students in difficulty to realize their college dreams.

There is nothing more worrying about the workplace than layoffs. But in Wahaha, "not to fire employees over the age of 45" is almost an unwritten rule of Wahaha. Zong Qinghou explained: "I will never dismiss someone, he is doing a good job here, what are you dismissing him for...... The boss should care about the interests of the employees and the small family of the employees, so that he has no worries. ”

Wahaha has given employees full protection in terms of salary mechanism and benefits. In addition to basic salaries, allowances, bonuses and shares, Wahaha has also built staff dormitories, affordable housing and low-rent housing. Up to now, more than 1,000 sets of staff apartments have been built in Haining, Jiaxing, Chengdu, Tianjin, Chongqing and other places, more than 1,500 sets of welfare houses for married backbone employees, 640 sets of low-rent houses for employees, and more than 50 million yuan of housing subsidies, which have solved the worries of employees.

Since 1987, every year on the eve of the Spring Festival, Zong Qinghou will invite young workers in Hangzhou to have a Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, and the tradition of the annual reunion banquet has gradually formed the characteristic cultural symbol of Wahaha, and in the past two years, Zong Qinghou has issued year-end bonuses to employees more than 600 million yuan.

"Spending a lot of money" on the cause of common prosperity, but Zong Qinghou is very simple in life, and eating in the office is simple. These days, the pictures and videos of Zong Qinghou taking the economy class of the plane and the second-class seat of the high-speed rail have become "popular again" on the Internet, and the aura of the "richest man" is in contrast to the simple life.

Despite having multiple labels on his body, Zong Qinghou claimed to be an ordinary person, a mortal who rose from the bottom. "Cohesion of small families, development of everyone, and service to the country", "Wealth also helps more people to prosper together, and the wealth of entrepreneurs will be respected...... Zong Qinghou left, but his "golden sentences" are still circulating.

Upstream news is based on surging news, Red Star News, Brokerage China, Jiupai News, Zhejiang Economic Television, Metropolis Express, Orange Persimmon Interactive, Chao News, Chinanews, etc