
The owner of the BYD car who was looking for it on the whole network was rewarded with 200,000 yuan!

The owner of the BYD car who was looking for it on the whole network was rewarded with 200,000 yuan!

On February 22, on the Qiantang Highway in Hangzhou, a Bentley owner beat a BMW owner.

Video from the scene shows that at the time of the incident, a BYD owner's eldest brother stepped forward to stop the Bentley owner.

Orange Persimmon Interactive learned that the man who stepped forward to bravely stop the owner of the Bentley was Sun Zijian, a lawyer from Hangzhou.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, lawyer Sun got off work to meet a client, drove to the elevated highway of Qiantang Expressway, witnessed the incident, and intervened in time to stop it.

The owner of the BYD car who was looking for it on the whole network was rewarded with 200,000 yuan!

Lawyer Sun told Orange Persimmon Interactive that the three rows of lanes on the elevated highway at that time, the middle lane and the right lane were all blocked.

When there was an accident ahead, most of the cars were unable to drive, and many cars were driving in the left lane.

The owner of the BYD car who was looking for it on the whole network was rewarded with 200,000 yuan!

"When I got into the left lane, I saw from that perspective that a man was lying in the middle of the road, which was dangerous, and there was a man next to him who was beating him and stomping on the head of the person on the ground. ”

Lawyer Sun immediately parked the car in the middle lane and deflected the rear of the car slightly to the left.

"In this case, the car behind will drive a little slower and won't hurt the people on the ground. ”

He then immediately got out of the car and went to stop the beater.

"I shouted to him, 'Stand back!' and the beater told me that he was the 'brother' of the man on the ground. I said that no matter who you are, you can't beat people like that. ”

"He said, 'What does it have to do with you, who are you?' and I said I'm just a passerby, but you can't hit someone. ”

Lawyer Sun also told the man, "If you do this, it is not safe for you, and you will get on the elevated highway to get traffic." ”

"I kept stopping him and called the police, and then the man walked away. ”

Lawyer Sun carried the injured person on the ground to the back seat of the car, waited for the 120 ambulance to arrive, and then carried the injured person to the stretcher with the medical staff.

Lawyer Sun told Orange Persimmon Interactive that the victim was probably in his 30s, and the beater looked older than him.

"He didn't fight back at all, he didn't even resist, and let the beaters do whatever they wanted. ”

"The victim had a knife wound to his leg, and blood kept flowing out, which was quite serious at the time. ”

The reporter asked him, "Did you consider that you yourself might be in danger at that time?"

"Later, I noticed that he (the beater) was holding something, but I didn't think much of it. ”

"From the time I stopped and saw this situation, until I got out of the car to stop it, it was only more than 10 seconds, and I didn't think much about it at all, but I was actually a little scared. ”

"But before I could make a choice, the body had already gone out and stopped there. ”

After the assailant left, lawyer Sun was worried that he would go and return to continue the violence, so he guarded the victim throughout the whole process until the police arrived to intervene.

The owner of the BYD car who was looking for it on the whole network was rewarded with 200,000 yuan!

Orange Persimmon Interactive learned that Sun Zijian, a 39-year-old lawyer, is a lawyer at Zhejiang Zhehang Law Firm. He is a member of the Hangzhou Lawyers Consultative Committee and a member of the Company Committee of the Hangzhou Lawyers Association.

At 3:12 p.m. yesterday, BYD officials said that in order to promote and encourage positive social energy, Mr. Sun's vehicle will be repaired and maintained free of charge for life and rewarded with 200,000 yuan.

The owner of the BYD car who was looking for it on the whole network was rewarded with 200,000 yuan!

In the face of the assailants on the viaduct, Hangzhou lawyers stepped forward to stop the illegal acts, which aroused the attention and heated discussions of orange friends!

"In the face of the knife-wielding murderer, it is indeed very risky to step forward to dissuade him, and the traffic flow on the elevated highway is so large, I praise Lawyer Sun for his righteousness and bravery. ”

"This big brother who stopped violence is righteous and awe-inspiring, and this is the positive energy that society needs. ”

He did what ordinary people wanted to do but didn't dare to do, and he stepped forward when he saw injustice. There is no shortage of positive energy in the citizens of Hangzhou. ”

This morning, Lawyer Sun himself posted on Weibo:

Thank you for the support and attention of netizens, I am in a state of confusion these days, I didn't expect a small thing to cause such a big attention, these days, I have received praise from leaders, friends, colleagues, and the media, although I dare not be ashamed, but I am really very happy, I hope that friends on Weibo have love in their hearts, light in their eyes, and the future can be expected!

The owner of the BYD car who was looking for it on the whole network was rewarded with 200,000 yuan!

In the face of the praise of netizens, Sun Zijian calmly told the Orange Persimmon Interactive reporter last night: "I am just an ordinary person who has done what I should do." ”

He said that his parents also saw the report and were very proud of his son, but his parents told him to pay attention to safety.

Orange believes that Lawyer Sun's stepping forward actually saved two people: the victim and the perpetrator.

"I am a lawyer, and I have handled many cases over the years, and I have seen victims and their families suffer too much pain and harm. ”

"I have also seen the repentance of the perpetrators and the pain of the family. There are very few people who say they don't regret their crimes. Most suspects are impulsive and will regret it. ”

"In the past, I was a legal practitioner who accepted commissions after a case was formed, and today I witnessed it happening on the spot. If things get worse, such as if the car hits the victim's head, or if the perpetrator continues to get angry, there will be more serious excesses. Stopping criminal behavior is actually saving these two people. ”

"If it is not stopped, the foreseeable consequences for both of them, including their families, are severe. ”

"So I have to come out to stop it, to prevent the evil thoughts from continuing to grow, and to be able to help the victim in time. ”

The owner of the BYD car who was looking for it on the whole network was rewarded with 200,000 yuan!

There is also an orange friend who left a message: "I just watched the movie "Article 20", and I was full of violence, did not fight back, and lawyer Sun was full of elements. ”

Sun Zijian is also paying attention to this movie, he told the Orange Persimmon Interactive reporter: "I think the existence of the legitimate defense system is very necessary, but the existence is not enough, it is meaningful to let this system be practiced." ”

"The best outcome is to make the perpetrators afraid of the justifiable defense system, and let those who are justified and brave dare to adapt to the system. ”

Returning to the incident itself, lawyer Sun said, "All I could do at that time was to stop it, to avoid the expansion of the harm, and to prevent the perpetrators from bearing more serious social consequences." ”

The owner of the BYD car who was looking for it on the whole network was rewarded with 200,000 yuan!

After the incident, what legal responsibility should Hou Mouren, the owner of the Bentley who committed the murder on the viaduct, bear, and whether he is suspected of endangering public safety?

Zhang Zecheng, a lawyer at Zhejiang Westlake Law Firm, believes that the case is a vicious injury incident caused by a judicial dispute, and the owner of the Bentley may also have an impact and harm to public safety while injuring people with a weapon.

During the whole incident, the main behaviors of the Bentley owner were: chasing, not stopping, and injuring people with weapons after getting out of the car.

Although according to the notice released by the Hangzhou police, the owner of the Bentley was placed on file for investigation on suspicion of intentionally injuring people, but he was chasing and not parking other people's vehicles on the urban expressway.

Moreover, the Bentley owner's car is still parked on the main road, which not only affects the safety of the parked vehicle, but also affects the safety of subsequent vehicles, and his behavior is also suspected of endangering public safety by dangerous means.

According to article 115 of the Criminal Law, a person who endangers public safety by dangerous means and has not caused serious consequences shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years;

Lawyer Zhang Zecheng pointed out that the situation of a man who injured someone with a weapon after getting out of the car is the main crime in the police notice.

For the crime of intentional injury, I believe everyone is familiar with it, and according to the severity of the crime, the punishment is also quite different.

According to the current public information, it is not clear what the victim's injuries have been evaluated.

Article 234 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that anyone who intentionally injures the body of another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance. Whoever commits the crime described in the preceding paragraph and causes serious injury shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; Where this Law provides otherwise, follow those provisions.

Therefore, if the owner of a Bentley is guilty of endangering public safety by dangerous means and intentional injury at the same time, the sentence for both crimes should be at least three years, and the specific sentence still needs to consider the victim's injury evaluation conclusion.

Also, because the two parties involved are related, if the cousin issues a criminal understanding letter for the cousin, what role will it play in the case?

Lawyer Zhang Zecheng said that first of all, the criminal letter of understanding can only be applied to the crime of intentional injury in this case, so the criminal letter of understanding will play a different role in the three stages of criminal case filing and investigation, review for prosecution and court trial.

In the investigation stage, if the case is relatively minor and not particularly serious in nature, such as a case where the sentence for intentional injury may be less than three years, if a letter of understanding is obtained, there is a great chance of obtaining bail pending trial, and at this time "the person can come out first".

During the review for prosecution phase, where a written understanding is obtained in a case that meets the circumstances, and the victim voluntarily settles, the people's procuratorate may make a recommendation for a lenient punishment, and may also make a decision not to prosecute.

At the trial stage of the court, the letter of understanding is an important discretionary mitigating circumstance, and the court may reduce the base sentence according to the actual circumstances, and the defendant can be given a lighter punishment.

Lawyer Zhang suggests: Even if there are many difficulties in life, don't drive a vindictive, don't joke about your own life and future, and don't ignore the lives of others.

Source: Orange Persimmon Interactive