
That year, I learned to defend my life

That year, I learned to defend my life

That year, I learned to defend my life

The sky was cloudless, the stars were shining, and a bright moon hung over the Palace of Westminster.

The spectacle is unparalleled, with columns of searchlight intertwined at certain points on the horizon, star-like flashes in the sky as the cannonballs explode, and the glow of the flames in the distance.

There has never been such a stark contrast between the splendor of nature and the meanness of man.

—The diary of John Colville, then Churchill's private secretary

That year, I learned to defend my life

Molotov cocktails in the suburbs, 1941, Henry Carr

Source: Pinterest

Winston Churchill stepped out of the Prime Minister's car and onto the London Underground. The passengers looked at this man who carried everything in the darkest hour of the country in amazement and excitement, and said to him: We will resist to the end. This became one of the climaxes of the movie "Darkest Hour".

The film condenses "unity" in a small subway car. But in 1940-1941, when Nazi bombs fell one after another, unity and courage were everywhere and took on various forms. The year is like a prism that reflects the life and mentality of people in the UK when the clouds are thick. This year, everyone was on the front lines.


From May 1940 to May 1941, in order to force Britain to surrender, Germany dispatched thousands of bombers and fighter planes to drop tens of thousands of tons of bombs on Britain's major cities and industrial centers. Over the course of a year, more than 20,000 Londoners were killed or wounded in the bombing, nearly 100,000 buildings were destroyed, making London one of the worst-bombed cities of World War II.

That year, I learned to defend my life

A bus was blown over on the terrace side of Harrington Place

图源:Getty Images

The propaganda minister of Nazi Germany, Joseph Goebbels, was increasingly confused. He did not understand why London was bombed every night and Churchill had not surrendered. Luftwaffe intelligence has consistently reported that the Royal Air Force has been badly damaged, with only the last hundred or so fighters left. Why is London still standing and Churchill still in power?

And in Berlin at about the same time, a Luftwaffe bomber pilot took a great personal risk to provide an American journalist with information on Luftwaffe life as a secret informant. He told reporters that he and his colleagues admired a certain pilot of the British Royal Air Force. They swore that if the British pilot was shot down into German-controlled territory, they would hide him and protect him.

The journalist later recorded in his diary a joke that was popular among cynical groups in Berlin:

"A plane carrying Hitler, Goering and Goebbels crashed. All three were killed. Who is saved?"

Answer: "The German people." ”

At a propaganda conference on October 2, Goebbels told the adjutants: "Right now London is spreading a wave of unmistakable optimism and pretense of nothingness to the whole of Britain, and indeed to the whole world." ”

Optimism is true. Can you "pretend" to be fine? Not necessarily.


At this time in London, there were many kiosks popping up on the streets for no reason. And at Buckingham Palace, the queen is being instructed to learn how to use a revolver. Even the large tulips in the palace garden looked "like the color of blood"......

If a state of crisis lasts only a week or two, one might be able to sacrifice the non-essential in life in the name of "exceptions", but if it has become a norm, Londoners have simply developed a new way of life – the one that Goebbels considered "pretending to be nothing".

When a clear moonlit night falls for bomber flights, London's inhabitants flee and are displaced. But during the day, their lives will always return to normal in a strange way, the shops will always be crowded with customers, and there will always be many people basking in the sun in the parks. Londoners will always find an antidote.

That year, I learned to defend my life

A man sits on a bench in a London park and reads in 1940


Lighting control

London is no longer lit at night, which can interfere with the positioning of Nazi planes to a certain extent. But people who walk in the dark will often bump into various obstacles. So cities are applying white paint to curbs, stairs, and car pedals and bumpers to make them as visible as possible.

That year, I learned to defend my life

White-painted workers on the streets of London

图源:Getty Images

Lighting control has even become the object of ridicule for Londoners, giving rise to a lot of humor. The announcement "You must put down the blinds after dark" gradually led to "Blonde hair must be put down after dark" (which increases the probability of being seen), followed by "You must take off your shorts after dark" (the English slang word for "bare-butted showing" is written as "mooning", which also means moon).


And the airstrikes also unleashed a new sexual desire. Writer and actress Theodora Roslin once wrote: "For young people, this is undoubtedly exciting and full of excitement. It was a gift from God to the naughty girls because from the moment the alarm went off until the next morning when the 'disarm sounded', they were considered not to go home for the night. Young people are not willing to think about death before sharing their bodies with others. This is the sweetest moment of sex: not for money or marriage, but for the love of being alive and the desire to give. ”


Supplies are scarce and can only be rationed. But you can't give up drinking tea. Londoners are making tea whenever and wherever they are, and it may not be good for the situation, but it can make people feel a lot better. People make tea during and after the raids, in the intervals between the bodies of the broken buildings. Tea also supported an air defense network of 30,000 observers, who were accompanied by a thousand tea-filled kettles as they watched German planes over Britain from their observation posts. On the days when tea was rationed, the tea leaves were dried and used to make tea.

That year, I learned to defend my life

Tea supply stations in full swing

图源:Imperial War Museum

Surplus food from the Prime Minister's house

Rationing is irritating, eggs are not available in stores, and people have to raise their own chickens. The Churchills family also had to comply with rationing rules, but with the generosity of others, they managed to get by. In the Prime Minister's Country Residence, food is always a welcome gift for the hostess. Vegetarian friends gave up their share of meat and bacon. The king would also bring venison, pheasants, partridges and hares from Balmoral Castle and the royal hunting grounds in Scotland. The government of Quebec sent in chocolate, and the Duke of Westminster sent salmon by rail express with a sign that read "Deliver Now".

The state of mind of the Prime Minister

In the opinion of Secretary John Colville, Churchill seemed to be in good health and in good spirits, even in the face of a large number of difficult state affairs. He would wear the most ornate embroidered nightgown and swallow the smoke with a long cigar in his mouth.

It was a long-standing habit for Churchill to bathe twice a day, no matter where he was, no matter what emergency was happening elsewhere, whether at the British embassy during a meeting with the French leader, or on the prime minister's train with a bathtub in his bathroom.

Colville felt that this was one of Churchill's most endearing traits: "He had no personal vanity at all. ”

Churchill would wear a helmet, red dressing gown and pom-pom slippers, and wander the halls. He also likes to wear a light blue "siren suit", a protective suit of his own design that can be worn in the blink of an eye. The staff called him a "jumpsuit". According to Security Commissioner Inspector Thompson, the suit made Churchill look "puffed up, as if he were ready to fly off the floor and soar over his territory."

That year, I learned to defend my life

Even after the end of World War II, Churchill still liked to wear "siren suits"



The bombing of London made people increasingly worried about Churchill's safety, and he himself did not care. He was fascinated by artillery fire, inspecting anti-aircraft facilities even when German bombers flew overhead. When an air raid hits, he evacuates his crew to an underground anti-aircraft bunker, but instead of going himself, he goes back to his desk and continues his work. When a large unexploded bomb appeared in St. James's Park, a stone's throw from the Prime Minister's residence, Churchill stood still, expressing only concern for the "poor birds" (pelicans and swans) in the lake. Even the bomb that almost hit him could not frighten him.

Churchill himself was well prepared to fight the German invaders in the Cromwellian historical artifacts as soon as they entered the Prime Minister's residence, and expected his family to do the same. At a family gathering, he said, "If the Germans come, every one of you will die with a German." ”

"I don't know how to shoot. Daughter-in-law Pamela protested.

"Then you run to the kitchen and get a meat cleaver. ”

That year, I learned to defend my life

The resilience of the individual is reflected in the courage to face difficulties. "This Year" presents the real life of a difficult time, in which the British people are close to the limits of human history in the face of the fear and anxiety of the year-long air raids and bombings of Nazi Germany, but they have never given up hope and still show their enthusiasm for life. In the book, we'll see people falling in love on nights when the lights are on, going to concerts in gas masks, completing degree-awarding ceremonies on a ruined campus, and enjoying hot cups of tea amid the roar of enemy planes...... You will also learn about the other side of Churchill: he is out and about, but he also has his own housework troubles to deal with like ordinary people, and he seems to be unsmiling, but he also hides a humorous heart.

Author Eric Larsen writes that everything in quotation marks in a book must come from historical sources, including diaries, letters, memoirs, or other forms of records, and that any gestures, eyes, smiles, or other facial expressions mentioned in the text must be from the statements of people who saw them. "This Year" shows us a distant similarity through the group portraits of the times, reminding us that we can still have the ability to be hopeful in the face of uncertainty. Life does not stop moving forward for anyone, even if the enemy is at the border, even if the shells are overhead, even if you don't know if tomorrow will come, but live every day.

What an amazing year it has been! I think it will remain alive in my memory forever. Despite all the pain and misery in this world, somehow I just can't help but feel happy.

– Mary Churchill

September 21, 1940, on the eve of his 18th birthday

That year, I learned to defend my life

As long as we don't show weakness,

That's the great life!

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