
Jiejie set a new record, EDG still can't win! teammates hurt badly, and the mid-laner performance is too poor

Jiejie set a new record, EDG still can't win! teammates hurt badly, and the mid-laner performance is too poor

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Exchange.

In the LPL Pro League Summer Tournament yesterday, EDG lost to NIP with a score of 0-2, suffered seven consecutive defeats in the season, and continued to set a new record for the opening losing streak in the club's history.

Jiejie set a new record, EDG still can't win! teammates hurt badly, and the mid-laner performance is too poor

There was a large gap in strength between the two sides, and the first game was a fierce battle between the two sides for 37 minutes, and the second game ended in 30 minutes.


In the first game of the game between the two sides, EDG can still play back and forth with NIP in the early and middle stages, and in this game, NIP took the lead in winning Tamu's blood in the position of the small dragon group, and then EDG Tamu forcibly seduced the opponent's attack on the lower road, trying to cooperate with Jiejie's Ruier to play a wave of good cooperation, but NIP's jungler also arrived quickly, and finally NIP counterattacked and played 1 for 2.

Jiejie set a new record, EDG still can't win! teammates hurt badly, and the mid-laner performance is too poor

Then NIP went to the top lane to cross the tower to kill the Sword Demon to expand the advantage, but EDG in the middle lane relied on a wonderful wave of Fisher Tsar's counterattack to play a beautiful counterattack 0 for 2, although there was a disadvantage, but it was not impossible to play.

In the middle of the EDG upper lane, the three-person huddled in the wild area and tried to kill with the explosive fruit first, but the NIP support speed was too fast, but it encompassed the EDG crowd, Varus output wildly from the wall, NIP played 0 for 3, and then EDG played a wave of counterattack in the middle of the lane and played 2 for 4, and the little dragon Jiejie forcibly snatched a dragon soul rhythm that broke the opponent.

Jiejie set a new record, EDG still can't win! teammates hurt badly, and the mid-laner performance is too poor

Then a wave of battles in the wild area decided the direction of the game, the three of the NIP wild area grabbed Ruier's position, EDG Tamu came to save the result, and all of them died, after NIP won the big dragon and continued to expand the advantage, EDG was defeated and finally lost the game in a wave of big dragon team battles.


Coming to the second game, Jiejie was to choose a hand of fire man to play the jungler, and the start was very good, first the tower was killed on the road, and then the next road cooperated with Tamu to eat back the titan to complete the kill 2-0 head start, NIP tried to Gank Xiao Yan on the road and failed, and then Jiejie arrived, but there was a mistake, too much delay and was rushed to kill by the opponent's support.

Jiejie set a new record, EDG still can't win! teammates hurt badly, and the mid-laner performance is too poor

In the follow-up resource team battle, Fisher's wild area was killed after the opponent's first attack, and then the NIP people invaded the wild area and caught Jiejie to complete the kill, EDG came to support, and Fisher took a head and chased Zhao Xin and was easily killed by the opponent.

NIP blocked the road with Rambo casting a perfect ultimate after the pioneer hit the tower, and a wave of team battles played 0 for 2 to establish a big advantage.

Then Jiejie grabbed the clockwork position and forcibly flashed the first hand to cooperate with his teammates to kill the clockwork, but he handed over too many skills, and was counterattacked by NIP to kill two people, NIP hugged the dragon in a group, and Solokill directly entered the field to send off the head, at this time EDG has gone to the general trend.

Jiejie set a new record, EDG still can't win! teammates hurt badly, and the mid-laner performance is too poor

In the last wave of team battles, EDG was caught in the middle, Rambo was harassed on the flanks, EDG tried to break through Rambo and was pulled away, and then the frontal team battle was defeated by NIP and the game ended.

The data shows that Jiejie's fire man hit a record of 52% damage, but the damage of teammates is miserable.

The mid-laner performance is too poor, and EDG is still waiting

Personally, I think EDG's current problem is that the strength of the players is not good, pure vegetables, but they are indeed trying to break through themselves and strive to get the first victory as soon as possible, taking the second game as an example, Fisher can be said to be the worst player in EDG.

Jiejie set a new record, EDG still can't win! teammates hurt badly, and the mid-laner performance is too poor

Jiejie actually made mistakes, there was a mistake in the judgment on the road, and of course, it was possible that there was a problem with the information provided by his teammates, in short, EDG failed to snowball smoothly after a good start.

EDG now lacks enough stable and strong Carry points, as long as the three-way players can have the ability to carry all the way, EDG will not fail to get the first win, for example, on the road Solokill replaced by RA's Xiaoxu, EDG can get the first win, EDG as long as it can be sure that there is a core of energy C in the team that is worth helping, just design tactics around this point.

However, there are no such players in the EDG team, and one result is that EDG will give away even if they have an advantage, because every point is prone to mistakes.

Jiejie set a new record, EDG still can't win! teammates hurt badly, and the mid-laner performance is too poor

This version of the wild core doesn't look like it's easy to win.,After all, in addition to the development of the wild core.,In addition to their own boring development.,You still have to work with your teammates to compete for map resources.,No matter how good Jiejie's performance is, it's hard to say that he can take all the sides into account.。

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