
What is the chance of a cold spring this year? Look at what the old rural saying goes

What is the chance of a cold spring this year? Look at what the old rural saying goes

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Rain is the second of the 24 solar terms. At this time, the temperature rises, the snow melts, and the precipitation increases, hence the name rain. Although the name "rain" does not mean that it will rain on this day, but from the rainy season, the probability of rain begins to increase, and people begin to prepare for agricultural activities such as spring ploughing.

What is the chance of a cold spring this year? Look at what the old rural saying goes

There are many old sayings about the rain season, which are the experience of the older generation in the long-term life and labor practice, and many of these sayings still have a certain warning significance today. So, what are the common sayings? What are the specific sayings? Will there be a cold spring during the Spring Festival this year? Let's take a look!

1. Old sayings related to rain and solar terms


The meaning of this sentence is that if you feel the chill in the rainy season, then when it comes to the stinging season, it will usher in a warm spring; on the contrary, if it is already a scene of spring in the rainy season, then when it comes to the sting, it is likely to usher in a cold snap.

What is the chance of a cold spring this year? Look at what the old rural saying goes

Rain and sting, these two closely linked solar terms, although only 15 days apart in time, may stage a world of difference in temperature changes. This seemingly contradictory but real climate phenomenon hides the mystery of nature.

To understand the phenomenon of "cold rain, warm sting, warm rain, cold sting", we first need to understand the subtle relationship between solar terms and climate. The rainy season marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when temperatures begin to rise and the earth gradually awakens. However, if the cold air still prevails at this time, the temperature will be low, creating a situation of "cold rain".

And when it comes to the stinging solar term, with the northward shift of the direct sun and the gradual weakening of cold air, the temperature should have risen rapidly. However, if the previous rain season was too warm, causing the surface temperature to rise too quickly, it will often trigger a strong counterattack of cold air, resulting in the phenomenon of "cold sting".

Therefore, there is a saying that "cold rain, warm sting, warm rain, cold sting".

2. "The rain fell and the rain fell, and it was gloomy to the valley rain"

The meaning of this sentence is that if it rains on the day of the rainy season, then after the rainy solar term, until the arrival of the Guyu solar term, the weather during this period will be mainly cloudy and rainy, and there will be few sunny days.

What is the chance of a cold spring this year? Look at what the old rural saying goes

This is because the rainy season coincides with the period when the climate is warmer and the water vapor is increasing in spring, and if it rains at this time, it often indicates that the warm and humid air flow is beginning to be active, and after meeting the cold air, it will form a rainy day, and with the gradual strengthening of the warm and humid air flow and the gradual weakening of the cold air, the rainy weather will also last for a long time. Therefore, the old saying "rain falls and rains, gloomy and gloomy to valley rain" actually has some truth.


The meaning of this sentence is that if it rains on the day of the rainy season, then, in the following lunar month, it will basically be rain-based, sunshine will become rare, and rainy weather will become the main theme. On the other hand, if the sun is shining and the sky is clear on the rainy season, it indicates that the whole of February will be mainly sunny and less rainy.

This is because the rainy season is a period of warmer climate and increased water vapor in spring, and if it rains at this time, it often indicates that the warm and humid air flow begins to be active and meets the cold air to form a rainy and rainy weather, and once this rainy weather is formed, it is not easy to dissipate, and it will last for a long time until the end of spring and early summer. Therefore, there is some truth in the saying that "the rain hits the rain festival, and it never stops in February" or "the rain hits the rain festival, and it is difficult to see the sun in February".

What is the chance of a cold spring this year? Look at what the old rural saying goes

2. The connotation and humanistic history of the rain solar term

As one of the 24 solar terms, rain is not only a time node, but also a solar term with rich cultural connotation and human history. Since ancient times, China has always been a large country with an agrarian society, and the arrival of the rainy season every year reminds people that spring ploughing is about to begin, and farmers should arrange spring plowing and sowing plans according to the changes of solar terms to ensure a year's harvest. Therefore, the rain solar term is of great significance in agricultural production.

At the same time, the rain solar term is also the embodiment of the idea of "the unity of heaven and man" in traditional Chinese culture. The ancients believed that man and nature are closely related, and that man should change in accordance with the changes of nature and live in harmony with nature. The change of rain solar terms not only affects the growth of all things in nature, but also affects the life and mood of human beings. Therefore, people can predict weather changes and annual prosperity by observing the celestial phenomena, physical phenomena and climatic characteristics of the rain solar terms, so as to adjust their production and lifestyle in time.

In addition, the rain festival is also closely related to some traditional cultural activities. For example, during the rainy season, people will hold some celebrations, such as "making trouble with the rain" and "taking advantage of the rice color", to pray for good weather and abundant harvests. These activities not only enrich people's spiritual and cultural life, but also inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

What is the chance of a cold spring this year? Look at what the old rural saying goes

3. Will there be a cold spring this year?

Regarding the question of whether there will be a cold spring this year, we can analyze it from the following aspects:

First of all, from the perspective of climatology, the inverted spring cold refers to the phenomenon that the temperature rises quickly in spring, and the temperature suddenly appears to be continuously low in the late spring. This phenomenon is usually caused by the frequent and strong cold air activity in the northwest region. Therefore, in order to judge whether there will be a cold spring this year, it is necessary to pay attention to the activity and intensity of the cold air in spring.

Secondly, judging from the historical meteorological records, the phenomenon of inverted spring cold has been recorded in various parts of the mainland, but it does not occur every year. Generally speaking, in years with more abnormal climates, the probability of the occurrence of the cold phenomenon is relatively high. Therefore, we can speculate on whether there is a possibility of a cold spring this year by looking at the trend of climate change in recent years.

What is the chance of a cold spring this year? Look at what the old rural saying goes

Finally, some clues can also be found in the old folk sayings. For example, the expression "cold rain, warm sting" or "warm rain, cold sting" implies the relationship between the temperature change between the rainy season and the stinging solar term, while the expression "rain falls and is overcast to the valley rain" or "the rain hits the rain festival and the rain does not stop falling in February" implies the weather conditions on the day of the rainy season and the period that follows. If there is persistent rainy weather or low temperatures during the rainy season, then there is a possibility of a cold spring in the late spring.

Judging from the current weather conditions, the weather will be relatively normal in the next few days. In Guangxi, where Reading Jun is located, the daytime weather in the next few days will still be around ten or twenty degrees. However, starting a week after the rainy season, not only Guangxi, but most parts of the country will usher in a significant cooling and usher in a cold wave. Judging by the weather forecast, it is very likely that the phenomenon of spring cold will occur.

Of course, no matter what, it is extremely necessary to do a good job of cold protection and warmth, and reasonably arrange production and lifestyle according to the changes in solar terms.

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