
Before the liver becomes "hard", the body will generally send out 3 "red signals", please ignore them


On the broad stage of medicine, the liver plays a silent guardian, shouldering important responsibilities such as detoxification and metabolism. However, the Guardian's obscurity is often overlooked until a series of subtle and urgent signals reveal a potential health threat. The body's warnings to us, like the changes of nature, are both subtle and obvious, waiting to be interpreted.

Before the liver becomes "hard", the body will generally send out 3 "red signals", please ignore them

Twilight of the skin and eyes

The liver in the human body, this silent worker, when it is damaged, sends out distress signals in a variety of ways. Yellowing of the skin and eyes is one of the most intuitive manifestations of abnormal liver function. This phenomenon, medically known as jaundice, is a reflection of elevated bilirubin levels in the signs. Bilirubin is a natural product of the breakdown of red blood cells, and normally, the liver processes these substances to convert them into a form that can be eliminated in the body. However, when the liver is damaged, this process is blocked, leading to bilirubin accumulation.

The first step in identifying this signal is observation. A slight yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes may be subtle, but the change becomes more noticeable over time. In addition to changes in appearance, jaundice may also be accompanied by itching, which is the result of the accumulation of bilirubin under the skin.

In response to this signal, measures should include prompt medical attention, liver function tests, and relevant imaging tests. These tests can help confirm the specific cause of jaundice, whether it's hepatitis, cirrhosis or another liver disease. Early detection and treatment can effectively prevent the liver from worsening.

Insidious hints of indigestion

Indigestion may seem like a common problem, but when it becomes the norm rather than an occasional phenomenon, it can be a hint of a liver health problem. The liver plays a key role in the digestion and absorption of fats, and the bile it secretes helps break down fats in food so that they can be absorbed by the small intestine. As a result, when liver function is impaired, fat digestion becomes less efficient, leading to symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, and diarrhea.

In this case, changing your eating habits is the first step in the fight against indigestion. Reducing the intake of greasy, fatty foods and increasing the proportion of dietary fiber can help improve the digestive system. At the same time, increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables in moderation can not only provide essential nutrients, but also help promote digestion.

In addition, regular liver function tests can detect liver problems at an early stage, so that appropriate treatment measures can be taken. Medication as prescribed, along with proper diet and lifestyle adjustments, can effectively improve liver health and reduce the occurrence of indigestion.

Before the liver becomes "hard", the body will generally send out 3 "red signals", please ignore them

Fatigue – not just tiredness

Prolonged fatigue can be a warning sign of poor liver health. The liver is responsible for detoxification in the body, and when its function declines, the toxins in the body cannot be effectively removed, resulting in general fatigue, which is different from ordinary tiredness, and it will not be relieved by rest.

In the face of this fatigue, it is important to recognize that it can be a sign of liver problems and not just physical tiredness. Lifestyle modifications, such as regular work and rest, and avoiding alcohol and harmful substances, can reduce fatigue to some extent. At the same time, increasing physical activity, such as light exercise such as walking and yoga, can help boost metabolism and improve the body's ability to process toxins.

However, if fatigue persists, prompt medical attention for professional advice is necessary. Your doctor may recommend a series of liver function tests to determine the specific cause of fatigue and develop a treatment plan based on the results.

Warning of abdominal discomfort

Discomfort in the abdomen, such as bloating, edema, etc., may be an early warning of liver disease, especially cirrhosis. Cirrhosis causes ascites to build up because liver disease blocks blood circulation, causing edema in the abdomen. This abdominal discomfort should not be overlooked, and it can be a sign of severely impaired liver function.

Responses to this signal should include dietary changes and reduced salt intake to avoid worsening edema. At the same time, regular monitoring of weight and noticing changes in edema can help detect problems early. Under the guidance of your doctor, medications such as diuretics may be needed to reduce the symptoms of ascites buildup.

What's more, abdominal discomfort sensing is seen as a signal to seek medical attention promptly. Imaging tests such as ultrasonography and CT scans can be used to evaluate the condition of the liver, so that a diagnosis can be made and a treatment plan can be formulated. In some cases, early medical intervention can significantly improve the health of the liver and reduce abdominal discomfort.

Before the liver becomes "hard", the body will generally send out 3 "red signals", please ignore them