
He, for the sake of face, went back to the countryside for the New Year, spent all the 60,000 yuan of his annual income, and regretted it

author:The motivated Dong Dongdong

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, before the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival had completely dissipated, Li Qiang dragged his tired body back to the city where he was working in other places. This trip back to his hometown not only made him physically and mentally exhausted, but also his wallet was empty.

Li Qiang saved 60,000 yuan this year, and originally planned to save it for a down payment to buy a house. But in order to have more scenery during the New Year in his hometown and leave a good impression on his relatives, he spent all the money. He bought new clothes, new shoes, and a lot of health and nutrition products for his parents. On Chinese New Year's Eve, he also set up a sumptuous Chinese New Year's Eve dinner and invited relatives to come to his house to be lively.

The face project was fully done, and his relatives praised Li Qiang for his success, and Li Qiang was very proud. However, when he returned to the city where he worked after the Spring Festival holiday, he couldn't help but feel a little panicked when he looked at his empty wallet. The plan to buy a house was in vain, and he had to save money for the next few months to save enough for the next month's living expenses.

He, for the sake of face, went back to the countryside for the New Year, spent all the 60,000 yuan of his annual income, and regretted it

The picture comes from the Internet

Li Qiang couldn't help but start reflecting on his actions. For the sake of face and to show off his achievements in front of his relatives, he ruined his plan to buy a house. Now, I can't buy a house, and I have to start saving again. This year is really regretful!

In fact, there are always many people in our lives who make some impulsive decisions for the sake of face like Li Qiang. They crave the approval and praise of others, and they will not hesitate to pay a huge price to satisfy their vanity. However, is this kind of face-saving project really worth it? Sacrificing one's own interests for the sake of face will ultimately outweigh the losses.

We often say that "people live with a face", and face is indeed very important to Chinese. It represents the dignity and status of a person and is a kind of capital in our social interactions. However, the excessive pursuit of face often makes us lose ourselves and do some irrational behavior for the sake of face.

He, for the sake of face, went back to the countryside for the New Year, spent all the 60,000 yuan of his annual income, and regretted it

The picture comes from the Internet

For example, in order to show off their wealth or status, some people do not hesitate to spend huge sums of money to buy luxury cars, luxury houses, designer clothes and other items. They may be envied and admired by others because of this, but behind this superficial scenery often hides huge economic pressure and life difficulties.

There are also those who refuse to admit their mistakes or failures for the sake of face, and choose to avoid or lie. This behavior not only causes them to lose the trust and respect of others, but also negatively affects their personal growth and development.

First, we must realize that face is not everything. A person's worth and dignity should not depend solely on external material things and achievements. We should pay more attention to inner qualities and cultivation to cultivate our self-confidence and self-esteem.

He, for the sake of face, went back to the countryside for the New Year, spent all the 60,000 yuan of his annual income, and regretted it

The picture comes from the Internet

Second, we need to learn to consume and manage money rationally. Don't spend blindly and over-borrow for the sake of superficiality. It is necessary to carry out rational planning and management according to its own economic strength and actual needs.

Finally, we need to have the courage to face our mistakes and failures. Don't run away or scold because of the problem of face. Learn to learn from mistakes and failures, and keep growing and improving.

In short, while face is important, we can't let it be the whole of our lives. We should be rational about the issue of face and not sacrifice our own interests and happiness for the sake of face. In the new year, let go of vanity and face baggage, and face life and work with a healthier and more positive attitude!