

author:Xiao Li loves to be entertained

The top ten artist covers of the 2023 annual fashion red and black list are released, let's take a look at what covers are available with the editor!

The first letter: #井柏然#ELLE十一月刊, the disco ball element shines psychedelic and full of 90s atmosphere, echoing the theme of Xiangjia's 2024 Cruise show


#许光汉#vogue十二月刊, the cover character of the December issue of VOGUE Taiwan Edition, joined hands with photographer Zhong Ling to bring a new set of blockbusters, a group of blockbusters that dare to integrate a lot of women's clothing elements!


#张钧甯#精彩OK十二月刊, the open-minded and free state is precious, so she becomes more pure and simple


#刘昊然#卷宗wallpaper九月刊, he filled the overall dramatic atmosphere. A funny and handsome young man, who can resist this?


#倪妮#嘉人七月刊, let yourself be that mountain, have hills and ravines in your heart, and sit and watch all things come into being.


#龚俊#时装lofficiel六月刊, Gong Jun in the white vest exposes the muscular lines of his arms, which is more attractive to a mature man.


#舒淇#时尚芭莎九月刊, the shiny crystals of her face, wet hair, Shu Qi wore high jewelry with the feeling of a female chief of the deep sea tribe in ancient times.


#易烊千玺#嘉人五月刊, together with the black railings on the side of the road, it is composed into a musical score to construct a sound picture.


#文淇#上城士三月刊, with the theme of inheritance, go to the courtyard to experience Tai Chi culture


#倪妮#智族GQ二月刊, the light and shadow and metallic eye makeup are cold, and it is a new attempt to step out of the comfort zone of style


Who do you think has the best fashion expression?

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