
Eye drops are not suitable, may hurt the eyes!

author:Dr. Su, Hepatobiliary Surgeon

In our daily life, the eyes are an important window to connect with the world, carrying our mission to observe the world. However, in this digital age, facing computer screens and mobile phone screens for long periods of time has become a daily routine for many people, resulting in frequent problems such as eye strain, dryness, and stinging. To alleviate these discomforts, eye drops have become the choice of many people. But, did you know that the wrong choice and use of eye drops not only does not alleviate the problem, but can actually cause damage to the eyes.

Imagine a tiny bottle of eye drops, which, if used incorrectly, can pose unforeseen risks to your eye health. This may sound like an exaggeration, but it's exactly what we need to take seriously.

Eye drops are not suitable, may hurt the eyes!

Types of eye drops and the situation

Clear Vision: The Redemption of Artificial Tears

Artificial tears, commonly found on the daily necessities list of people with dry eye syndrome, mimic the composition of natural tears to provide essential lubrication and comfort to the eyes. It is mainly used to relieve dry eye discomfort caused by prolonged exposure to computer screens or air conditioners.

Instant Purification: The Power of Antibacterial Eye Drops

When faced with bacterial infections or minor eye inflammation, antibacterial eye drops have become the first choice. It contains antimicrobial ingredients that can effectively stop the growth of bacteria and reduce eye discomfort, making it suitable for minor eye infections or to prevent infections after eye surgery.

Fatigue Decoder: Eye drops to relieve eye strain

Reading and looking at screens for long periods of time can cause eye strain, so eye drops containing ingredients to relieve eye fatigue are especially important. They often contain ingredients that promote blood circulation in the eye, relieve pressure in the eye, and help restore clarity of vision.

Eye drops are not suitable, may hurt the eyes!

Choose the wisdom of eye drops

Safety first: Identify ingredients and indications

When choosing eye drops, the first rule is to make sure the ingredients are appropriate for your current eye condition. Different ingredients target different eye problems, for example, eye drops containing antibiotics are suitable for bacterial infections, while artificial tears are more suitable for dry eyes.

Personalized matching: Consider individual eye needs

Everyone's eye condition and needs are different, so consider your specific situation when choosing eye drops. For example, people who wear contact lenses should choose eye drops that are specifically designed for contact lens wearers to avoid damage to the glasses or eyes.

Consult a professional: Advice from a physician is essential

It is best to consult an ophthalmologist before choosing eye drops. Depending on your eye health condition and specific needs, your doctor can provide professional advice to help you choose the most suitable eye drops to avoid eye damage caused by improper choices.

Eye drops are not suitable, may hurt the eyes!

Proper use of eye drops: key steps and tips

In daily life, the discomfort of the eyes has led many people to choose to use eye drops as a quick way to provide relief. However, the correct use and precautions are a link that many people overlook, which is not only related to the effect, but also related to the health of the eyes.

Key steps

Clean your hands: Always clean your hands thoroughly before using eye drops to avoid bacterial infections.

Check the eye drops: make sure the eye drops have not expired and that the bottle mouth is free of contamination.

Head tilt: Tilt your head back slightly and gently pull your eyelid down with one hand.

Drip Technique: Eye drop bottles are about 1-2 cm away from the eyes, avoiding contact with the eyes or eyelashes.

Close your eyes and press lightly: After dropping eye drops, gently close your eyes for a few minutes, and gently press the lacrimal sac for 1-2 minutes to avoid the liquid from flowing into the nasopharynx and reduce system absorption.

Interval: If multiple eye drops need to be instilled, they should be spaced 5-10 minutes apart to avoid dilution effect.

Precautions and misunderstandings

Avoid long-term dependence: Some eye drops contain preservatives that can cause damage to the eyes with long-term use.

Individualized choice: There are many types of eye drops, which should be selected according to specific needs, such as artificial tears for dry eye disease, and avoid overuse of antibiotic or hormonal eye drops.

Storage conditions: Pay attention to the storage conditions of eye drops, pay attention to the storage period after opening, it is generally recommended to use it within 4 weeks.

Sharing risks: Avoid sharing eye drops with others to prevent cross-infection.

Professional guidance: Consult an ophthalmologist before using any therapeutic eye drops.

Expanding Knowledge: Choices and Misunderstandings

When it comes to choosing eye drops, there are a wide variety of products on the market, from moisturizing to therapeutic, and different products are suitable for different situations. For example, people with dry eye are more suitable for preservative-free artificial tears to reduce eye irritation. For conditions such as pink eye and eye inflammation, appropriate therapeutic eye drops should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

A common misconception is that many people believe that eye drops are a panacea and that any eye discomfort can be solved with eye drops. This practice ignores the importance of diagnosis, and the use of inappropriate eye drops can worsen the condition or even lead to permanent vision damage if treatment is delayed.

Proper use of eye drops requires not only proper technique, but also an understanding of their scope of application and potential risks. When encountering eye problems, you should give priority to the diagnosis and advice of a professional doctor, and do not judge the treatment on your own to avoid unnecessary damage to the eyes.

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