
Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

author:Big fish love shrimp

The New Year is almost over, and this year's New Year, festive and peaceful permeate every corner, however, sometimes, there is a trace of inexplicable loneliness hidden under the lively exterior. Have you ever lamented that at this moment of thousands of lights and reunions, why do some people seem to be forgotten in a corner, and no one takes the initiative to contact them during the Chinese New Year? Perhaps, we can discuss and uncover the other side of human nature.

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

Distance can produce beauty, but it can also create estrangement

In this modern society, people's lives are busy and compact, and geographical and psychological distance has become a barrier for us to communicate with others. Perhaps, they neglect to connect with distant friends in their busyness, and prefer to reunite with relatives and friends around them.

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

Being busy is the best excuse

The accelerated pace of life has made busyness an excuse for not connecting with others. We always look forward to connecting with friends again in our leisure time, however, time passes inadvertently, and when we meet again, it is already a matter of time.

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

Social circles, invisible boundaries

Everyone has their own social circle, which is made up of factors such as work, interests, geography, etc. The estrangement between different social circles may make people more inclined to reunite with familiar friends and ignore friends outside the circle. During the Chinese New Year, people are more inclined to gather with friends in their own circle, and those friends outside the circle may be ignored by us.

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

'Snobbery' in Human Nature

Sometimes, when making friends, we are often influenced by the other person's identity, status, wealth, and other factors. When you feel too far away from someone, you may have low self-esteem and reduce your contact with them. This mentality may be even more pronounced during the Chinese New Year, leading to a reluctance to reach out to friends we consider "unattainable".

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

Lack of common topics makes it difficult to maintain contact

The common thread is the bond that maintains friendship. If the two lack a common topic, communication can become difficult. Perhaps, during the holidays, they prefer to talk about topics related to festivals, family, work, etc., and ignore the differences in topics. During the Chinese New Year, people may be more willing to talk about topics related to holidays, family, work, etc., while those who have no common topics with us may be ignored by us.

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

Life trajectories are different, and it is difficult to intersect

Everyone's life trajectory is different, and even if there are intersections, those intersections may gradually diminish over time. Perhaps on New Year's Day, it is more preferring to gather with people who have a similar trajectory in life. During the Chinese New Year, we may be more willing to gather with those who are similar to our own life trajectory, and those who are different from ours may be forgotten by us.

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

True feelings need to be maintained, not taken for granted

True friendship needs to be maintained, not taken for granted. If we don't take the initiative to reach out to our friends and care for them, the relationship may fade gradually. Perhaps during the Chinese New Year, we should seize the opportunity to maintain this precious emotion.

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

Social anxiety can make people stop moving

Some people may be reluctant to reach out to others because of social anxiety. They are afraid of rejection, neglect, ridicule, and this anxiety makes them hesitate and choose to give up. This anxiety may be more pronounced during the Chinese New Year, leading them to be more reluctant to reach out to friends.

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

People's hearts are fickle, and the world is unpredictable

The human heart is elusive, and so is friendship. Even if a strong friendship has been formed, it can change over time and under circumstance. In the New Year, when you find that friendship has become strange, you may feel lost and helpless. During the Chinese New Year, when we find that our former friends have become strangers, we may feel lost and helpless.

Chinese New Year, why don't everyone take the initiative to contact you? 10 truths to reveal the other side of human nature

Perhaps, these factors are intertwined to form a complex web of interpersonal relationships that affect our interactions and connections during the New Year. Perhaps, at this moment of reunion, we might as well take the initiative to contact those forgotten friends and fill the distance between each other with sincerity and care. After all, the temperature of friendship is not only in the holiday reunion, but also in the mutual care and care in ordinary days.