
Why does eating chili peppers affect the anus?Does hemorrhoids have anything to do with eating spicy food?The article tells you the answer

author:Department of Urology, Dr. Li Kui

On a cold winter day, Mr. Li stepped into my office with discomfort and embarrassment written all over his face. As a lover of Sichuan cuisine, he recently found himself enjoying those spicy dishes with an indescribable discomfort in his anus. This had been going on for months, but he had never been able to get to the root of the problem. After examination, I found that Mr. Li was suffering from hemorrhoids, a discovery that surprised and confused him. Could it be that those irresistible spicy delicacies caused his hemorrhoids?

Why does eating chili peppers affect the anus?Does hemorrhoids have anything to do with eating spicy food?The article tells you the answer

The power of chili peppers: not only makes the tongue dance, but also makes the body feel the heat

Chili, an indispensable condiment in many cuisines, has won the love of countless diners with its unique spicy taste. But the effects of chili pepper go far beyond that, its main ingredient, capsaicin, has a profound effect on the human body. Capsaicin not only stimulates the taste buds, but it can also affect our digestive system and even our overall state of health.

Capsaicin: The soul of chili peppers

Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chili peppers and is responsible for its pungent taste. It stimulates the pain nerves in the mouth to make people feel burning. However, this unique sensation does not stop at the mouth, it also affects the entire digestive tract.

The Digestive Response: A Spicy Trip

When capsaicin enters the digestive system, it continues to work in the stomach and intestines, stimulating gastric acid secretion and accelerating intestinal peristalsis. For some people, a moderate amount of capsaicin can boost digestion and even aid weight loss. However, excessive intake may cause stomach upset, such as heartburn or gastritis.

Effects on the anus: the other side of the cayenne pepper

The stimulating effect of capsaicin on the digestive system, especially at the end of the digestive tract, near the anus, causes blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow. This increased blood flow may not only cause discomfort in the anal area, but may also exacerbate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. For people who already have a tendency to hemorrhoids, excessive consumption of chili peppers may make the symptoms worse.

Why does eating chili peppers affect the anus?Does hemorrhoids have anything to do with eating spicy food?The article tells you the answer

Chili peppers and health: a double-edged sword

Although the spicy taste of chili pepper is loved by many, its health effects are complex. Moderate consumption of chili peppers can bring a range of health benefits, such as increasing metabolic rate, aiding weight loss, and even reducing pain. However, excessive consumption of chili peppers, especially for people with specific health problems, such as hemorrhoids, can have negative effects.

Hemorrhoids, often seen as an embarrassing and unspeakable health problem, are actually one of the common ailments in the anal area. It arises from abnormal dilation of the vascular plexus inside and outside the anal canal, forming prominent structures that may contain blood or cover the skin and mucous membranes.

The causes of hemorrhoids are mainly related to the following factors:

Long-term constipation or diarrhea: This causes a constant increase in pressure in the anal area, prompting blood vessels to dilate.

Poor blood circulation in the anal area: Lifestyle habits such as sitting and standing for a long time will affect the blood circulation in the lower body, and poor eating habits will lead to obstruction of blood circulation in the anal area.

Genetic factors: having a family history of having hemorrhoids may increase an individual's risk of developing the disease.

Increased pressure during pregnancy: Hemorrhoids can be triggered by pressure on the pelvic blood vessels caused by an enlarged uterus during pregnancy, combined with straining during childbirth.

The classification of hemorrhoids involves three types: internal, external, and mixed, and they differ in location and presentation:

Internal hemorrhoids: Located inside the anus, they may be asymptomatic at first, but they can prolapse and even cause bleeding due to pressure during bowel movements.

External hemorrhoids: located on the outside of the anus, usually due to thrombosis causing pain.

Mixed hemorrhoids: Characterized by both internal and external hemorrhoids, the symptoms may be more complex.

Why does eating chili peppers affect the anus?Does hemorrhoids have anything to do with eating spicy food?The article tells you the answer

The relationship between eating chili peppers and the formation of hemorrhoids: the double-edged sword of capsaicin

Chili peppers, as a common condiment in the diet, have been shown to have a variety of effects on the human body. Capsaicin can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and increase intestinal motility, which promotes digestion to a certain extent. However, the impact on the anal area is a double-edged sword.

Mechanism of Influence of Capsaicin:

Digestive irritation: Capsaicin stimulates the gastrointestinal tract to promote the secretion of digestive juices, but excessive intake can exacerbate intestinal peristalsis, resulting in increased pressure in the anal area, which may promote the formation of hemorrhoids in the long run.

Local vasodilation: Capsaicin can also promote local vasodilation and increase blood flow, which may exacerbate symptoms such as hemorrhoidal bleeding in patients with pre-existing hemorrhoids.

Studies have shown that the relationship between chili peppers and hemorrhoid formation is not absolute, but for people with a tendency to hemorrhoids, excessive consumption of chili peppers may be one of the triggers. Therefore, it is of great significance to rationally adjust dietary habits, especially for susceptible groups, and reduce the intake of chili peppers for the prevention and control of hemorrhoids.