
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

author:Can't stop the grapefruit sweet hx

Every year when I go home for the New Year, in addition to having a Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, I get up early to have breakfast.

The strong taste of hometown, coming from a breakfast stall, is freshly fried golden butter sticks, freshly baked oil cakes, glutinous taro dumplings, and a bowl of sour and hot rice noodles.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

From snacks to big tastes, they don't change with time, and a few dollars of delicious food can stir up memories of the city more than a big meal.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


In the morning, when I was sleepy-eyed, I came to the crowded breakfast shop, ordered a freshly baked meat bun or a bowl of steaming noodles, and ate it in a big bite, warming my heart and stomach.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Facing the halo of the morning light, shuttling freely through the familiar streets and alleys, walking all the way to eat all the way, it is too happy.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@吃饭最积极 Losing weight is nerve-wracking

Breakfast is different in every city, and even two cities that are close to each other will have their own exclusive limits.

Some are in love with carbs, some are slow in rhythm and are not happy without powder, some have two cups and drink tea leisurely, and some eat wine and meat, and are heroic and boundless......

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


The south and the north have very different flavors. There are countless delicacies that cater to the breakfast habits that vary greatly from city to city.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Pancakes and fruits from Tianjin, fried buns from Shanghai, cross-bridge rice noodles from Yunnan, Hu spicy soup from Henan, hot dry noodles from Wuhan, meat sandwich buns from Xi'an, morning tea from Guangdong, and noodles from Guangxi......

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Even though the years have changed, there are always some unforgettable flavors that have taken root in the corners of the city, bringing vitality to the locals who are hungry after a night's sleep.

This year, I will follow my sister to check in, breakfast in various places~

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Feng 44


"Tianjin Carbs"

Breakfast is always the pride of Tianjin people. Before I arrived in Tianjin, I couldn't imagine that the food here was so rich, and only breakfast was on par with morning tea, and I didn't even eat it for a month.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Big Devil

As a big city in the north, perhaps it is the Grand Canal that transports the rhyme of Suzhou and Hangzhou, so that Tianjin is dyed with the softness of the south and the heroism of the north from the scenery to the food. Breakfast alone is rich in flavors, salty and sweet, dry and thin, so you don't have to travel thousands of miles to unlock new ways to eat.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Tianjin has always been low-key and only cares about eating and drinking, so breakfast is especially important. Use simple but delicious food to soothe the fatigue of staying up late and fill the spirit of the day.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ milk small cocoa

The breakfast here is rooted in the streets and alleys, next to the community, there are no large restaurants in the system, and there are no countless five-star hotels. Set up a breakfast stall, not to become bigger and stronger, but to make delicious food, so that everyone who is busy can be happy.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

♥ @Orange

Just go to the northwest corner, beef patties, baked buns, pancakes and fruits, fried rolls, gaba dishes, noodle tea, mutton soup, cut cakes, cooked pear paste, and old tofu can not be eaten in one trip, a proper carb lover paradise.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Sour fish spicy

Take the eggs to the roadside to buy a set of pancake fruit, the hot crust exudes the soft and refreshing fragrance of mung beans, and the crunchy fruit grate mixed with sauce and sesame seeds is bitten down, and you can eat two at once when you open it.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


After eating the pancakes, serve a bowl of gaba dishes, and the pancakes are broken into diamond-shaped pancake shreds and soaked in homemade marinade. Then sprinkle with chili oil, tahini, fermented bean curd juice and coriander.

It should be paired with Tianjin's baked cakes, sesame seeds and shortbread baked cakes, which are distinct and rich in layers when you bite into it, and it is very fragrant to eat while it is hot.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Eat a fried cake while it is hot, the sticky skin becomes crispy and fluffy immediately after the oil, the sweet and delicate filling rustles are too wonderful, and the sugar-oil mixture is too happy.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


There is also the Jinmen vegetable bun here, the unique bean sprouts bean curd is full of juice, so fragrant and fragrant, dipped in pepper balsamic vinegar is simply a delicious crit, with piping hot egg soup, it is too hooking.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

©️ Mao酱


"Wuhan Premature"

In the hearts of Wuhan people, premature is the most important thing, and living up to breakfast is living up to life.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Here, the carbs melt and mix, and the steaming, cooking, mixing and frying do not fall.

Siu mai, rice wine, bean curd, noodle nest, fried dumplings, fish paste powder, soda packets, hot dry noodles, beef noodles...... It is so rich that it does not bring the same for a month.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Hui Ah Hui

Get up early to the street for a bowl of hot dry noodles, a mouthful of rich sesame sauce wrapped in carbs The aroma instantly arouses the taste buds, the roots are distinct, chewy, and you will be awakened by the fragrance in your dreams.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Then buy a three-fresh bean skin next door, the fragrance of eggs, the softness of glutinous rice, the freshness of shrimp and bamboo shoots gather together in the mouth, crispy and soft, oily but not greasy, and the flavor of the bean skin is too top.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


In the rising smoke and fireworks, in the delicious and diverse morning fragrance, the vitality of Wuhan people for a day is instantly filled.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin



"Luoyang Soup"

Moreover, although it is deep in Henan, Luoyang's cuisine is not at all like the Central Plains. It is gentle like water, quite southern charm, but it is full of hardcore inside, sitting firmly on history, and there is a kind of unearthly romance.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


The soup here is like life, just like the soup pot stewed, a bowl of soup is a Luoyang city. A few steps away is a soup shop, beef soup, mutton soup, meatball soup, donkey meat soup, tofu soup, and there is nothing bad to eat, Luoyang friends will tell you, the bad ones will not be open for three days.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Luoyang people love to drink soup too much, and implement a principle here: life is not stopped, and soup is never stopped.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


There's a delicious soup here.

The mung bean paste is fried into a thin cake and then poured into the hot broth with shrimp skin, tofu skin and eggs, and the soup and water are sent to the mouth together, which is sour and spicy and refreshing, and very appetizing.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Cut some shredded cakes early in the morning, soak them in beef broth and drink them super comfortably, and put two spoonfuls of chili oil, which is simply fragrant.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


There is also beef soup, different from the beef soup in other places, Luoyang beef soup is salty and light, the longer you drink the soup, the more you love the soup, the lighter the fresher the more beautiful.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


In addition to beef soup, Luoyang's mutton soup is also very popular. There is not a single sheep in Luoyang that can walk out of Luoyang alive!

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ XULuLu

There are also meatball soup, tofu soup, donkey meat soup, Hu spicy soup, and sliced meat in soup...... When you come to Luoyang, you must get up early to drink a bowl of soup, which is too comfortable to warm your stomach.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Kelly来做Danjuan小助手


"Urumqi Hardcore"

The unique geographical location and long daylight hours make Urumqi people prefer to start their day with a hardcore breakfast.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@滴哩/YOLO Yuxiao

Sugars, fats, and proteins gather here, and once you eat them, you will sigh with your stomach: it's too violent.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Naan, pulled noodles, haggis soup, noodles and lungs, rice intestines, pot meat, beef noodles, meat pilaf, grilled buns, and large plates of chicken are thrown here like a blockbuster energy bomb, so that people can feast on it early in the morning.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

When you wake up hungry, eat a steaming, crispy and chewy naan, accompanied by a rich salty milk tea and a solid roasted bun, and the appetite will be opened up at once.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Or a big pot of pilaf, every grain of rice is covered with fat, fragrant, plus Xinjiang's unique yellow radish, peel teeth, who doesn't eat fragrant and confused.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin



"Taizhou Rich"

Taizhou, a city that also has a slow and leisurely life.

"Water in the morning, water in the evening" is the living belief here. But as early as 2020, it was rated as the happiest city in China.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

It is low-key enough and often overlooked, but it has been pampered by "Tip of the Tongue" many times because of its food.

It is the hometown of soup dumplings, and the crab roe soup dumplings here are many with large and thin skin and crab roe, which is the first in the country, ah no, the world!

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Not only that, but every morning here, just the "one tea, three o'clock and one side", and the table full of morning tea is also fascinating. It's not extravagant, and you can afford to eat every day.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Especially in the morning, a Taizhou crab roe soup dumpling is more like a drink than a meal. The skin is thin and juicy, and when you take one step and three times, you can't help but want to poke it.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


With a slight push of the chopsticks, the crab roe gushes out like a spring of water, filling the entire plate at once. If you suck it directly with a straw, the umami of the crab roe will explode in your mouth instantly.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ 噜啦啦噜啦

Taizhou people's "three treasures of morning tea", a cage of crab roe buns, and a plate of hot dried silk. Mr. Wang Zengqi once said: "Dried silk is not for rice, but for tea." ”

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


In the morning tea shop, you will see some people who only drink soup but do not eat much noodles. That's because this soup is all the essence, and the soup is made after three boils in a pot, using crucian carp, eel bones, and pork bones together.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin



"Suzhou Exquisite"

In the gentle Suzhou, the breakfast is also extremely exquisite.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Xiaohongshu ©️ Cheng is all about you

The small fried xiaolong is soft and glutinous, one bite at a time, the soft and glutinous pastries are varied, and under the complicated toppings is a bowl of real noodles, with the change of seasons, the breakfast in Suzhou is not the same.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Komatsuna 鱼

A bowl of refreshing and delicious Suzhou-style noodles in the morning, whether it is stewed meat with eel silk or fried fish with vegetarian chicken, eating a bowl of flavorful and strong fine noodles and drinking a few mouthfuls of soup can always make people feel refreshed.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Hashidou Mayo

Sweet stars may wish to have a bowl of hot sugar porridge in the morning, the dense bean paste and delicate small balls melt in the mouth, the bean fragrance and rice fragrance are spread out layer by layer, rich and sweet, and the taste is like a god.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Then come to Suzhou's exquisite glutinous cakes, begonia cakes, plum blossom cakes, wine cakes, walnut cakes, lard cakes, rice dumplings, and double brewed cakes to eat a few bites while hot, full of fragrance, and the mood is bright all day.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Hui


"Quanzhou Luxury"

Quanzhou is a hidden breakfast capital, and the ancient taste of the city is simply a foodie's paradise.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@float went to play again

The fried vinegar meat intertwined with sweet and sour, the fried cabbage cake with a strong burnt aroma, the radish cake with endless aftertaste and a bowl of noodle batter, the ritual sense of Quanzhou people's breakfast is born.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Rice

Especially the bowl of pasty but not rotten, fragrant but not greasy, I don't know how many people have been cured of difficulty getting up.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


A small bowl is extremely luxurious, shrimp, oysters, clams, chicken, duck and goose and other mountains and seas are all in it, plus some vinegar meat and large intestines, the perfect fusion of seafood, meat and carbohydrates is the source of life of Quanzhou people!

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


If you don't have enough fun, you can also try Quanzhou's ginger duck, roast meat dumplings, bamboo shoot jelly, large intestine soup, peanut soup, taro cake, vegetable cake, and pancake...... I have to say that the people of Quanzhou are too good at eating.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin



"Xi'an Haoheng"

Xi'an is an out-and-out carb household, and even the breakfast is full of arrogance.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Luo Xiaoyunfei

Soft and sweet camellia twist flowers, steaming mixed liver soup, oily and spicy rolling dough, as well as mutton in the water basin, egg and vegetable buns, bacon flatbread, jujube paste cake, donkey meat fire, oil paste Xuan......

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


The colorful breakfast was filled with bursts of fragrance, waking up countless tired mornings of the people of Xi'an.

@多巴胺 Dopamine

Go to the side of the road to eat a bacon meat sandwich bun, a thick layer of pure meat is not mixed with a little green pepper, and then pour a spoonful of fragrant gravy, full of oil, eating is a satisfaction.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@啵啵糖 / Wood grains

Xi'an people are indispensable in the morning a bowl of mutton steamed buns, the steamed buns absorb the soup and become chewy, the mutton slices are tender and delicious very enjoyable, and then add a little sugar garlic and chili sauce, absolutely unique.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Did Mumuko eat it today


"Guangzhou Xianya"

The morning tea of Guangzhou people is a comfortable and leisurely meal.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Purple

"One cup of two pieces, instant steaming" is the food custom of Guangzhou people.

Sitting in the teahouse with your family, ordering a pot of good tea, ordering a few baskets of snacks, looking at the newspaper chatter, and the happiness of breakfast is directly grasped.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


The must-order shrimp dumplings, crispy pineapple buns, salty and sweet phoenix feet, crispy and rich red rice sausages, rice rolls and roasted wheat egg tart barbecued pork, full of orders on the table, who can withstand this.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@Didi don't grow meat

The phoenix claws are really amazing, the tip of the fat and thin chicken claws tongue is smooth and tender and deboning, the meat is fragrant and chewy, the delicious taste soaks between the teeth, and you can drink a few sips of hot tea slowly, which is warm and comfortable.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ tian_

In addition to the tea house, you can also go to the roadside to try raw porridge, jelly powder, dry steamed dumplings, salty pancakes, fried wonton, water chestnut cake, beef brisket powder, beef offal...... It's so wonderful!

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin



"Nanning Circle Fans"

The day of Nanning people starts with a bowl of rice noodles, where everyone is a noodle expert.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Little Maca

Waking up on the street and eating a bowl of old friend noodles is the respect for a good day, and the freshly cooked old friends noodles exude the aroma of tempeh and sour bamboo shoots, which can immediately pull people out of their sleepiness.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


The taste is fresh, sour and spicy, and the old friend noodles make people feel good and appetite in one bite, and eat it with sour food and tapioca syrup, which is too good and too flavorful~

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


In addition to the old friend powder, Nanning's raw pressed powder is also super delicious, the fermented powder is extremely delicate and smooth, plus meat foam, fried peanuts, lettuce, sour bamboo shoots, perilla and other small ingredients, you will love it fiercely when you eat it.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Rice Cake-

There are also roll noodles, glutinous rice with buckle meat, Bazhen noodles, flour dumplings, dry fishing noodles, duck blood soup, water chestnut cakes, taro cakes, sandworm powder...... Early in the morning, you will be fascinated by the market atmosphere.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin



"Chengdu Bashi"

No one doesn't love breakfast in Chengdu, just a sweet bean curd is enough to make the tip of the tongue react.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Blowing in the early morning breeze, queue up to buy a few freshly wrapped and freshly steamed sauce meat buns, and then try the tender and delicious egg burger, order a bell dumpling, with ice drunk bean curd, and eat all the way, too bad.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

@ Where is He Yaru / Ah Xu

It is also a very happy thing to eat a red oil in the morning in Chengdu, where the thin skin and thick meat are soaked in the hot red oil, and the spicy has a hint of sweetness, and the juice will burst after a bite.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Go to the streets and alleys to buy a special egg baked cake, take a bite of the warm smell of egg sugar in the mouth, and there is a soft sandwich in the middle, which is so fragrant and soft that people can eat five in a row~

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


There are also pot helmets + fat intestine noodles, soybean milk + fritters, hoof flower soup + leaf cakes, sweet water surface + wine-stuffed bean curd, all of which are the spiritual rations that the people of Chengdu must take every morning!

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin


Once you've eaten it, you'll know that the title of "World Capital of Gastronomy" here is not for nothing.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin



"Guiyang Spicy"

There are a lot of delicious foods in Guiyang, so much so that every Guiyang person's mouth is very bad. Ten steps and one stall, one hundred steps and one store, is Guiyang's greatest respect for food.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Here, you can slowly wander between the mountain fog and feel the tranquility and leisure that belongs to the southwest corner;

Here, you can enjoy the flavorful food and everything around you seems to be quiet.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin
10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Get up early in the morning, Guiyang people's day of "dry rice" officially kicks off, whether to eat bread fritters, or intestinal noodles? Or to have some glutinous rice with sugar? etc., it seems that it is not bad to put some oil and spicy seeds!

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

In the eyes of outsiders, Guiyang's breakfast is always too heavy, but Guiyang people don't care about it, and they eat it right!

Every morning, when the first bus departs, Guiyang's rice noodle shops have also opened one after another, and there are two options for making noodles in Guiyang: sour powder and fine powder.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

There are also small carts selling glutinous rice everywhere, and the iron pot is filled with glutinous rice that has been mixed with soy sauce for a long time, and the oil is fragrant.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Dig up a fist-sized amount of sticky rice, flatten it and put other side dishes such as folded ear root, oil chili, crispy whistle, etc., just looking at it, I feel super satisfied!

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

and was once joked as "Guiyang Hot Dog" by Guiyang people.

On the soft and thin dough cake, brush with the secret chili oil, and then with the indispensable folded ear root and chives of Guiyang people, wrapped in a freshly fried fritters, it is simply ridiculously fragrant! Carbs with carbs, a hundred times more spirit!

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

In Guiyang, there are fewer and fewer stalls of fried dough sticks, but fortunately, there is still a group of unwavering masters who continue this delicacy for Guiyang.

10 yuan can be enough! China's 12 largest cities that will be prematurely crying, a mouthful of gluttony, more amazing than Michelin

Small tails

Breakfast with an urban touch

Always wrapped in familiar palate and endless warmth

Soothe the locals every morning

The smell engraved in the DNA is even ordinary

It also makes people feel warm

Breakfast day after day

It brings vitality and a sense of happiness at the same time

In the new year

Don't forget to have breakfast


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