
Trump is rumor-mongering: he will be tried, and the witnesses are in place!

author:The number one airwave

Trump will make history: he will become the first former president in the United States to face a criminal trial, and he will be the first former president to be tried for rumor-mongering.

Trump is rumor-mongering: he will be tried, and the witnesses are in place!


In February 2022, the Russia-Ukraine war broke out. Soon, a "conspiracy theory" began to appear on international social media, namely: Biden agitated Ukraine to war with Russia because his son Hunter Biden had huge business interests in Ukraine.

Now, it seems that the rumor is not the result of a so-called independent investigator, but a ploy by former President Trump to hit Biden.

This week, there has been a major development in Trump's case, and this development is also related to Trump's rumor-mongering.

On February 14, 43-year-old Alexander Smirnov returned to the United States from overseas and was arrested immediately after getting off a plane at the Las Vegas airport.

Alexander Smirnov used to be an informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The so-called "evidence" of Trump's rumors was fabricated by this person.

Alexander Smirnov provided evidence of the alleged business deal between Biden's son and the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, which for a time made the Biden administration's policy of supporting Ukraine extremely controversial, that is, the Biden administration's active supply of weapons to Ukraine may be to help his son's commercial interests with Ukrainian energy companies.

From 2014 to 2019, Hunter Biden was a member of the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company, and part of that time Biden happened to be Obama's vice president.

Alexander Smirnov claims that Biden profited from Ukrainian energy companies through his son. Because of this relationship, Biden has spared no effort to support Ukraine in fighting Russia after becoming president.

The arrest of Alexander Smirnov on Feb. 14 gave federal prosecutors a crucial witness to the criminal investigation into Mr. Trump. Through the investigation, the federal prosecutor found that the alleged evidence provided by Alexander Smirnov was not established.

On February 15, the day after Alexander Smirnov arrived, a New York court in the United States rejected Trump's request to drop the case.

Trump is accused of paying "hush money" to a star during the 2016 presidential election and is also suspected of falsifying business records.

Trump offered not to prosecute his "hush money case." The New York court responded that no, it was to sue. In addition, Trump is implicated in three other criminal charges, one of which is spreading rumors about Biden's son's deal with Ukraine.

Trump is rumor-mongering: he will be tried, and the witnesses are in place!

Biden and his son Hunter Biden

Trump asked the court not to indict him, arguing that he should enjoy criminal immunity as a former president.

Trump's demands have drawn skepticism and opposition from some members of Congress. If the court turns against Trump, it means that Congress can no longer legislate on the president in the future, and the president will be above the constitution and become the supreme ruler.

In Trump's view, as a former president, he should enjoy the privilege of criminal immunity, but some members of Congress believe that Trump should be the same as ordinary people, that is, the president should be guilty of the same crime as ordinary people.

The arrest of the aforementioned former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov is already a big victory for Biden.

But Trump is already the leading Republican presidential nominee, and his polling ratings have been significantly higher than Biden's.

Trump has already made it clear that he will arrest Biden as soon as he is re-elected president.

The fierce struggle between Trump and Biden, as well as between the two camps they represent, has continued to erode the foundation of judicial independence in the United States.

It is precisely for this reason that no matter who is elected president of the United States in 2024, the United States, which advocates judicial independence, will not return.

Trump is rumor-mongering: he will be tried, and the witnesses are in place!