
A taste of traditional Chinese medicine is the king of nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening the spleen and stomach, raising the clear yang, and removing water and dampness!

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Yan Qi

Hello everyone, I'm Yan Qi, an old Chinese medicine doctor!

Today I will share with you a traditional Chinese medicine that specializes in nourishing the spleen and stomach, which can be said to be the king of tonifying the spleen and stomach, which can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, but also enhance the clear yang of the spleen and stomach, and can also remove water and dampness, laxative and phlegm. This "powerful" Chinese medicine is Atractylodes.

Maybe some friends don't know much about Atractylodes, and think that there is no such famous medicine as ginseng and Cordyceps, but in fact, from the perspective of the application of traditional Chinese medicine, Atractylodes has a very high status. In "Materia Medica", it is also stated that Atractylodes is "the first medicine for the spleen to replenish qi".

A taste of traditional Chinese medicine is the king of nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening the spleen and stomach, raising the clear yang, and removing water and dampness!

In fact, the foundation of our health also depends on the fullness of our spleen and stomach.

Let's take a closer look:

First of all, let's take a look at the role of atractylodes in tonifying the spleen.

If the spleen and stomach are deficient, they will be weakened, and there will often be shortness of breath, fatigue, small amount of food, and difficulty in stool.

Atractylodes atractylodes is good at strengthening the spleen and stomach qi, and for sub-healthy friends with spleen and stomach qi deficiency, it can also be differentiated and regulated.

In addition, the weakness of the spleen is often mixed with other factors, such as spleen deficiency accompanied by qi stagnation, and there will be a situation of indigestion. If you are a person with a weak spleen and stomach and frequent diarrhea, you can refer to atractylodes with cinnamon and cloves.

A taste of traditional Chinese medicine is the king of nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening the spleen and stomach, raising the clear yang, and removing water and dampness!

Secondly, let's talk about the effect of atractylodes to improve the spleen and stomach and clear yang.

If the spleen is weak for a long time, it is easy to clear the yang and not rise, and there is a manifestation of the sagging of the middle qi, that is, the situation of organs hanging down, such as the stomach, anus, uterine cells, etc., at this time, you can refer to the use of atractylodes with astragalus and cimicifuga, which is also the basis of the tonifying and nourishing qi soup.

Third, it is the effect of atractylodes macrocephalus on the spleen and laxative.

Atractylodes atractylodes is mainly to invigorate qi and strengthen the spleen, and if the spleen is vigorous, the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines is powerful, and Atractylodes atractylodes also has the characteristics of sweetness.

Fourth, it is dry and damp and watery.

It is more suitable for patients with spleen deficiency and dampness stagnation, in general, atractylodes can be used with Poria cocos, and patients with dampness and swelling can also add Ze diarrhea.

A taste of traditional Chinese medicine is the king of nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening the spleen and stomach, raising the clear yang, and removing water and dampness!

Finally, it is atractylodes that can cut off the source of phlegm.

Atractylodes atractylodes is good at strengthening the spleen and dampness, and can be used to remove phlegm, so there is naturally no source of phlegm.

In addition, Atractylodes atractylodes is also divided into raw and fried, raw Atractylodes is more inclined to dry and damp water, and fried Atractylodes is more inclined to strengthen the spleen, but no matter which kind of atractylodes, when used, it is still necessary to add or subtract after the accurate syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine to achieve the ideal therapeutic effect.

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