
The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors

author:Eagles who love camouflage
The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors
The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors

Recently, Kinmen, which faces Xiamen across the sea, has become the focus of the Taiwan Strait. On 14 February, a mainland fishing boat was poisoned by Taiwan's "Coast Guard" in the waters off Kinmen, and two fishermen were unfortunately killed. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council strongly condemned this and demanded that the Taiwan authorities find out the truth and prevent the recurrence of such incidents. What is infuriating is that the "Coast Guard" of Tsai Ing-wen's government claimed that mainland vessels had crossed the border to fish and refused to be inspected.

The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors
The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors

The "Mainland Affairs Council" and the "Maritime Affairs Council" on Taiwan Island respectively stated that "land-registered vessels fishing across the border have crossed the restricted waters and entered the prohibited waters, and the Coast Guard has administered according to law within the jurisdiction of the sea area, and there has been no vicious behavior." "Mainland vessels take advantage of the Spring Festival to catch high-value fish, and Taiwan Strait patrol officers have an unshirkable responsibility to strengthen law enforcement to protect people's rights. We deeply regret the unfortunate incident caused by the refusal of the mainland crew to cooperate with the law enforcement work, and hope that the mainland will restrain the people from similar behavior. ”

The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors

On February 15, the day after the death of a mainland crew member, Lai Qingde went to the DPP party headquarters to distribute red envelopes for starting work. At that time, some media reporters wanted to ask about the death of the mainland crew member, but He Bowen on the side quickly pulled Lai Qingde away on the grounds that Lai Qingde still had a trip. Lai Qingde and Tsai Ing-wen have always adopted a strategy of avoiding talking about this matter, which is actually being a thief. The "Coast Guard" of the DPP authorities has been violently enforcing the law against mainland fishing boats and fishermen over the years.

The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors

At present, the "Coast Guard" still refuses to release the full video, and only releases a short video of the rescue, but does not release the most critical video of the chase and capsizing. On February 15 and 16, Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Qingde appeared in public respectively, but neither apologized nor held accountable. As of the 16th, among the politicians in the blue camp, except for Hou Youyi and Chen Yuzhen, a "legislator" from Kinmen, other politicians have kept a low profile and remained silent.

The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors

After the incident, all parties on the mainland strongly condemned the "Coast Guard," but there was "applause" on the island's Internet, and this picture made people even more shocked, indignant, and chilling. In recent years, the mainland has set up shelters and rescue sites in many places along the coast of Fujian that benefit Taiwan fishermen, but the Taiwan side has used various excuses to make things difficult and forcefully seize mainland fishing boats, and has treated mainland fishermen in a rough and dangerous way. You treat him as a compatriot, but he treats you as an enemy! This is the cruel truth that we don't want to face and admit.

The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors

In response to the incident in which a mainland fishing boat overturned in the waters of Kinmen on the 14th to evade the investigation of the Taiwan Coast Guard, resulting in two deaths, New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi also made a statement. He said that the two sides of the strait must properly resolve any conflicts that may arise and must communicate and handle them with "equality and dignity." The mainland has suffered casualties due to this incident, and the Taiwan side should also be considerate of the regret caused. Ko Wenzhe, chairman of the People's Party, also said that protecting the rights and interests of fishermen and protecting the "borders" is what the Taiwan authorities should do. However, in the process of expulsion, it is still as peaceful as possible, and the casualties are still to express condolences.

The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors
The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors

Compared with Lai Qingde and Tsai Ing-wen's weak heart, Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe's calmness and cold-bloodedness. The statement of the county magistrate of Kinmen is more humane and warm. After the incident, Chen Fuhai, head of Kinmen County, a member of the People's Party, immediately held a meeting and instructed Li Wenliang, deputy county magistrate, to coordinate relevant affairs and give humanitarian care and assistance to the injured mainland fishermen and the families of the victims if they have relevant needs in the future.

The Kinmen county magistrate was afraid of reprisals, Lai Qingde was cheating and cheating, and Hou Youyi showed his true colors

Chen Fuhai also publicly stated that during the Spring Festival, a mainland fisherman fell into the sea, resulting in the unfortunate death of two mainland fishermen, and expressed his heartfelt regret and condolences for this. He also stressed that the Kinmen County Government is willing to continue to make more efforts for peace, dialogue and communication between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three regions as a pioneer of cross-strait peace.