
Don't be fooled by the Doctor's suggestion: Eat more of these three "sweets".

author:Global Sharp Eye

In the winter year, Aunt Zhang's house was filled with the aroma of dumpling filling, but her brows were tightly locked, and she seemed to have something on her mind. (Editor: Lubei)

"Alas, diabetes is a really difficult disease. She muttered to herself, stirring the dumpling filling in her hand, but thinking about Xiao Li at home.

Xiao Li is the son of Aunt Zhang, who suffered from diabetes at a young age, which made Aunt Zhang, who has always liked Zhang Luo's food, feel constrained.

Don't be fooled by the Doctor's suggestion: Eat more of these three "sweets".

Just as Aunt Zhang was deep in thought, a familiar voice came from outside the door. "Aunt Zhang, what are you busy with? it smells so good!" Dr. Wang walked in with a smile.

He is a well-known Chinese medicine practitioner in the community and provides health advice to his neighbors. Seeing Dr. Wang, Aunt Zhang seemed to have found a savior.

"Dr. Wang, help me come up with an idea. Xiao Li's diabetes, can't he eat sweets? But this festival, how can you do it without sweetness?"

Dr. Wang smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "Aunt Zhang, you are wrong. Diabetes is not that you can't eat sweets, some sweets not only do not raise blood sugar, but also help stabilize the condition. ”


With the improvement of living standards and changes in dietary structure, diabetes has become a common chronic disease.

Once many people develop diabetes, they become cautious for fear that eating the wrong things will cause their blood sugar to rise.

Don't be fooled by the Doctor's suggestion: Eat more of these three "sweets".

Sweets, in particular, are considered taboo for diabetics. But in reality, this is a misunderstanding.

Diabetics should eat a diet low in sugar, fat, and fiber, but that doesn't mean they have to give up sweets altogether.

In fact, some sweets don't cause blood sugar to rise, but instead help control it. The key is to choose the right sweets and eat them in moderation.


1. The magic of dark chocolate

When it comes to sweets, chocolate is the first thing that comes to many people's minds. But did you know that dark chocolate is actually a great sweet tooth for diabetics.

Dark chocolate is high in cocoa and is rich in nutrients, which not only improves the body's sensitivity to insulin, but also helps control blood sugar.

Of course, by dark chocolate, we mean dark chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 70%, not milk chocolate or white chocolate with a high sugar content on the market.

Don't be fooled by the Doctor's suggestion: Eat more of these three "sweets".

Diabetics can choose to consume dark chocolate in small amounts, which can satisfy their appetite without affecting their blood sugar too much.

In addition, dark chocolate is also rich in antioxidants and trace elements, which also have certain benefits for cardiovascular health.

But it should be noted that dark chocolate, although good, should not be greedily eaten. It is recommended to control the amount of each consumption within 20 grams, and you can eat 1-2 times a day.

2. The sweetness and benefits of fruits

Many people think that fruits are sweet and cannot be eaten by diabetics. Not really. Although fruits contain a certain amount of sugar, they are also rich in nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

These nutrients are essential for good health and are an integral part of the diet of people with diabetes.

For diabetics, choosing the right fruit and eating it in moderation is key.

Don't be fooled by the Doctor's suggestion: Eat more of these three "sweets".

Some low-sugar fruits such as apples, pears, grapefruits, etc., not only taste sweet, but also provide rich nutrients and fiber.

Soluble fiber, such as pectin, in these fruits helps to slow down the rise in blood sugar and can help control blood sugar.

Diabetics are advised to consume 200-350 grams of fruit per day with stable blood sugar control.

At the same time, try to choose fresh, seasonal fruits and avoid processed products such as fruit juices or canned fruits, which tend to be higher in sugar.

3. The dual effect of whole grains

Whole grains are grains that have not been refined or have been milled/crushed/tableted to retain the endosperm, germ, bran and their natural nutrients of intact grains.

Common whole grains are oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc. While these whole grains contain some sugar, they are also rich in fiber and a variety of nutrients.

Don't be fooled by the Doctor's suggestion: Eat more of these three "sweets".

Whole grains are an ideal sweet option for people with diabetes.

On the one hand, the fiber in whole grains can help slow the rise in blood sugar, and on the other hand, whole grains are rich in nutrients such as B vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are beneficial for your health.

Diabetics are advised to increase their intake of whole grains in their daily diet, for example, they can replace white bread with whole wheat bread for breakfast, and replace white rice with oatmeal or brown rice.

This will satisfy your appetite and help control your blood sugar.


Aunt Zhang's eyes lit up after hearing this, and the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. She smiled and said, "Oh, it turns out that I have misunderstood it in the past few years! I always thought that diabetes would not be able to eat sweets, but I didn't expect that there are so many choices!"

In addition to the traditional dumplings, there were also a few healthy desserts made with dark chocolate, fruit and whole grains. Everyone ate with relish, and the festive atmosphere was extraordinarily strong.

Don't be fooled by the Doctor's suggestion: Eat more of these three "sweets".

When faced with diabetes, a chronic disease, we don't have to be overly cautious or give up certain food groups altogether, such as sweets.

In fact, by choosing the right sweets and eating them in moderation, you can also enjoy the beauty of life and maintain a healthy state.

The key is to learn to be scientific and make smart dietary choices that satisfy your taste buds and ensure your health is not compromised.