
"Righteous beggar" martial arts: After decades of begging, he spent 4 million yuan to build a school


In 1888, Wu Qi, who had been begging for food for 38 years, spent 4,000 yuan to build a school and named it "Chongxian Yijuku".

4,000 hanging money is equivalent to 4 million yuan now, how did Wu Qi, who lives by begging, accumulate such a large amount of money?

This matter has to start when Wu Qi was 14 years old.

"Righteous beggar" martial arts: After decades of begging, he spent 4 million yuan to build a school

Wuxun film and television image


Wu Qi was born in 1838 in a poor peasant family in Liaocheng, Shandong, and was named Wu Qi because he was the seventh oldest in the family. Because his family was too poor, Wu Qi could only make a living by begging and had no chance to go to school.

At the age of 14, in order to reduce the financial burden on his family, Wu Qi left his family with tears in his eyes and went to work as a long-term worker in a landlord's house.

"Righteous beggar" martial arts: After decades of begging, he spent 4 million yuan to build a school

Juvenile martial arts training

In the past three years, he has been diligent and hardworking, carrying water, mowing grass, feeding livestock, plowing the land, and pushing mills...... All the dirty work is rushed to do.

But after three years of hard work, when Wu Qi asked the master's family for wages, the master's family took a fictitious account book and insisted that Wu Qi had already paid his salary.

Wu Qi was illiterate and had difficulty arguing, so he could only angrily pounce on the landlord and shout angrily: "Pay back my wages!"

The landlord picked up the leather whip and beat Wu Qi severely, so that Wu Qi foamed at the mouth, was covered with bruises, and was sick for three days.

After waking up, Wu Qi said to himself: "Others bully you because you can't read, if you know how to read, how can you be bullied like this?"

From this moment on, Wu Qi suddenly had a dream in his heart: to run a school to help thousands of poor and helpless children like himself, have the opportunity to go to school, and change their destiny through learning!

"Righteous beggar" martial arts: After decades of begging, he spent 4 million yuan to build a school

Wuxun film and television image


Just do it, Wu Qi has no other specialties, he can only walk along the street to beg. But his bargaining was not to fill his stomach, but to save money in exchange for money.

Every day at dawn, Wu Qi would go out to beg, whether it was leftovers that others didn't want, or some objects thrown out, he would collect them. If it's a little more valuable, he'll sell it.

Sometimes, Wu Qi will also be like a Jianghu artist, performing some shows such as cone sashimi and carrying Dading, begging for a little silver.

He would even act as a live target, having people beat his body in order to get more alms.

Relying on long-term hard accumulation, Wu Qi finally saved a sum of money. But since he had no place to live and his money could easily be lost, Wu Qi decided to find someone he could rely on to help him store his savings.

One day, Wu Qi learned that there was a Yang Juren in a certain county, and his character was very good, and the villagers did not praise him.

Wu Qi ran to the door of Yang Juren's house to ask to see him, and Yang Juren's family saw that Wu Qi was a beggar, so they wanted to blow Wu Qi away.

But Wu Qi insisted on kneeling at the door for two days and one night, and Yang Juren quickly asked his subordinates to bring Wu Qi to his home after learning about it.

After Wu Qi saw Yang Juren, he told his dreams and plates, and Yang Juren was greatly moved, and promised Wu Qi: In addition to helping him take good care of his money, he will also try his best to help him run a school.

With the help of Yang Juren, Wu Qi learned to use the money he had saved before to buy land and lend money, and the speed of saving money became faster.

In 1888, when Wu Qi was 50 years old, he spent 4,000 yuan to set up the first school in his life, named "Chongxian Yijuku".

In order to find qualified teachers, Wu Qi looked for knowledgeable talents and people everywhere, and implored them to come to his school to teach.

In order to find students, Wu Qi not only waived all tuition fees, but also went door-to-door to convince parents to send their children to the school to learn knowledge and skills.

"Righteous beggar" martial arts: After decades of begging, he spent 4 million yuan to build a school

Wu Xun knelt down and begged parents to send their children to school

After the successful operation of the first school, Wuqi still did not stop running the school.

In 1890, Wu Qi founded the second Yixue in Yang Erzhuang, Guantao County. This year, he was 52 years old, and some people advised him to marry a wife and have children, and arrange for his retirement, but he didn't care.

In 1891, when Wu Qi was begging in the Linqing area, he found that there were many out-of-school children from poor families, so he decided to establish the third Yiyi College in Linqing.

After the completion of Linqingyi College, Wu Qi bought two more shops, six acres of school land, and an annual income of more than 300 yuan, which was used to maintain the normal expenses of the school.

After Zhang Yao, the governor of Shandong, heard about Wu Qi's righteous deeds, he ordered to exempt the field money and grain and forced labor of Yixue, donated 200 taels of silver, and gave Wu Qi the name Wu Xun, which means: training in the world.

In 1896, the 58-year-old Wu Xun left this world with a smile amid the sound of reading a book. After his death, there were more than 10,000 people in the funeral procession, and the cries of teachers and students shook the sky, and thousands of people burst into tears.

"Righteous beggar" martial arts: After decades of begging, he spent 4 million yuan to build a school

Today's Wuxun Experimental Primary School


Wu Xun is a veritable civilian educator, a devotee and a true hero with a heart of gold.

There is such a question in a history exam paper in a middle school during the Republic of China: Name the historical figures you admire the most.

Out of more than 300 answers, almost all of the students answered - martial arts.

Wu Xun Yixue not only has a high reputation in China, but his reputation has also spread overseas, and he has been honored as "silent educator" and "civilian educator" by the "World Dictionary of Education".

In 1950, the movie "The Legend of Wu Xun", based on the true story of Wu Xun, was released and touched countless people.

But in that special era, the movie "The Legend of Wu Xun" was unfortunately used as a target to promote feudal culture, and Wu Xun, who had passed for many years, was criticized.

Fortunately, 30 years later, Wu Xun was rehabilitated, and history finally gave him justice.

From a beggar to an educator, Wu Xun's life is a miracle.

But Wu Xun's greatest contribution is not only that he himself endured hardships and wanted to hold an umbrella for others, but also that he had a deep love for Chinese culture and the toiling masses.

The Chinese nation can be reborn from the ashes after being devastated because of the strong support of Chinese culture.

Promoting Chinese culture and fighting for the right and opportunity of education for the poor people is related to the future of the country and the nation.

The story of Wu Xun should not be forgotten, he deserves to be recorded in history forever!

What do you think?

"Righteous beggar" martial arts: After decades of begging, he spent 4 million yuan to build a school

Wuxun film and television image