
Of the seven richest people in Dragon Ball, Frieza is engaged in real estate, and the Boomer family is not the richest

author:Juggernaut roams

Seventh, the Bull Demon King - the local tyrant in the village

The early Bull Demon King once occupied the Flame Mountain and did a lot of evil deeds, during this period he not only built his own castle, but also looted a lot of gold and silver treasures, although later those treasures were leveled by the Flame Mountain along with the Flame Mountain, but with the background of the Bull Demon King, he is still a local tyrant in the village, every time he visits Gohan, he will bring a lot of gifts, and ask Wukong to eat or something is never ambiguous.

Of the seven richest people in Dragon Ball, Frieza is engaged in real estate, and the Boomer family is not the richest

Sixth, King Pirav - a descendant of nobles

King Pirav seems to have a noble lineage, and in addition to a large castle, he also had two faithful servants. Every time he appears, Pirav can come up with a high-tech machine, although I don't know if he bought it or made it himself, but one thing is clear, it takes a lot of money to own those things, although in the later plot Pirav and his gang look down, but his subordinate Xiao Wu is favored by the future richest man Tenancks, and it is only a matter of time before he makes a comeback.

Of the seven richest people in Dragon Ball, Frieza is engaged in real estate, and the Boomer family is not the richest

Fifth, the divination mother-in-law - high-end talents

The divination mother-in-law is the sister of the turtle fairy, she is proficient in the art of divination, and belongs to high-end technical talents. Although the asking price of the divination mother-in-law is as high as 10 million yuan per divination, which is enough for Wukong to eat twenty meals and eight points full, there are still many people who are willing to pay for it. Although she is not yet the richest woman on earth, over time, the wealth accumulated by the divination mother-in-law is far from being comparable to that of ordinary rich people.

Of the seven richest people in Dragon Ball, Frieza is engaged in real estate, and the Boomer family is not the richest

Fourth, Satan – a superstar

After defeating Sharu, Mr. Satan became the mayor of Satan City and a superstar of the entire planet, gaining a lot of wealth and fame every time he relied on his acting skills. Although Mr. Satan himself is not strong and basically relies on bluffing, but in the battle of Buu, Mr. Satan can be regarded as saving the earth in his own way, and there is also Fat Buu as his little brother, making it easier and easier to make money.

Of the seven richest people in Dragon Ball, Frieza is engaged in real estate, and the Boomer family is not the richest

Three, the Red Marshal - a super warlord

The Red Ribbon Legion has a powerful armament, countless aircraft and tanks, and has the ability to subvert the world. And as the leader of the Red Ribbon Legion, Marshal Red's financial resources are undoubtedly very strong, in order to defeat Goku and get the Dragon Ball, he even spent 100 million yuan to invite Tao Baibai, although it failed in the end, but unlike ordinary warlords, Marshal Red's wish is to make himself taller, this fresh and refined wish fully proves that Marshal Red has the strength of being rich and capricious.

Of the seven richest people in Dragon Ball, Frieza is engaged in real estate, and the Boomer family is not the richest

Second, Bulma - the richest man in the world

Boomer's family is a well-known rich man on the earth, her family not only has a big house to raise dinosaurs, but also has a technology company that can influence the world, among which the universal capsule alone has penetrated into all areas of people's production and life, and belongs to the kind that makes money while lying down, not to mention that Boomer's father and daughter are scientific geniuses, and there are many other patents, if Boomer says that he is not interested in money, I am really convinced.

Of the seven richest people in Dragon Ball, Frieza is engaged in real estate, and the Boomer family is not the richest

One, Frieza - the overlord of the universe

As the overlord of the universe, King Frieza is mainly engaged in the real estate business, but his real estate is the various planets in the universe, so compared to him, the pattern of other rich people who stick to one planet is too small.

Of the seven richest people in Dragon Ball, Frieza is engaged in real estate, and the Boomer family is not the richest

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