
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

author:Jonny release

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

Report to the party and the youth

Through the years, the harvest is full of fruits. In 2023, under the strong leadership of the county party committee and the county government and the careful guidance of the Youth League Zhou Committee, the youth league organizations at all levels in the county will be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on youth work and the task deployment of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League. Contact the three responsibilities and missions of serving young people, stand up and take responsibility, forge ahead, unite and lead the majority of youth league members in the county to unswervingly follow the party, and all work has achieved phased results, contributing to the comprehensive improvement of the quality and speed of the high-quality development of Zhuoni County.

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter


2023 is a year of forging ahead

We've been through a lot together this year

This road is full of stories of struggle

Let's disassemble the tape of memories one by one

Three hundred and sixty-five days of different colors appeared in front of me

Let's take a look

Tuan Tuan and your story!


2023 is a year of forging ahead

We've been through a lot together this year

This road is full of stories of struggle

Let's disassemble the tape of memories one by one

Three hundred and sixty-five days of different colors appeared in front of me

Let's take a look

Tuan Tuan and your story!

Efforts have been made to strengthen the ideological guidance of young people, and the main theme of the Communist Youth League's ideology and politics has been further exalted

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

We have always focused on the fundamental task of cultivating socialist builders and successors, grasped the "jointing and gestation" period of young people, continued to use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to build a spiritual pillar for the healthy growth of young people, and carried out ideological and political work throughout the entire process of the work of the Communist Youth League. The first is to promote the quality and efficiency of theoretical learning. Give full play to the ideological leading role of the "Youth Study" and "Red Scarf Love Learning" online theme group (team) classes, with a 100% learning participation rate; 208 youth league branches in the county have carried out special group courses such as the history of the party's youth movement, the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the great achievements of the new era, and the learning and education have comprehensively covered, penetrated into the grassroots level, and reached the youth. Give full play to the role of the "Youth Lecturer Group", hold 6 lectures on the theme of "The Power of Thought" - "10,000 Lectures into the Youth", organize members of the Red Scarf Lecture Tour Group to go deep into the schools of the county to carry out more than 20 lectures with the theme of "Learning the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Striving to Be a Good Team Member", and organize the county's leagues (teams) at all levels to organize and extensively carry out "Learning the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Striving for a New Journey", "Red Scarves Talking about the Two Sessions", "Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs, Continuing the Red Blood", "Youth Contribution to the New Era, Learning from Lei Feng's Volunteer Action" More than 230 themed educational activities such as "Strengthening the Sense of Community of the Chinese Nation" and "National Unity and Family" have effectively stimulated their patriotism and ambition to strengthen the country. The second is to deepen the selection of typical trees and see the wisdom of the wise. More than 13 individuals and collectives such as "Outstanding Communist Youth League Members of Gannan Prefecture", "Outstanding Youth League Cadres of Gannan Prefecture" and "May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee of Gannan Prefecture" were successfully promoted, and 29 advanced individuals and collectives of "Two Reds and Two Excellences" in Zhuoni County were selected. 9 individuals and collectives such as "Outstanding Young Pioneers Counselor of Gannan Prefecture", "Outstanding Young Pioneers Collective of Gannan Prefecture" and "Outstanding Young Pioneers of Gannan Prefecture" were selected, and 1 National Red Scarf Five-Star Medal was selected. The third is to establish a strong network position and strengthen the construction of the "online Communist Youth League". Give full play to the new media position of the "Zhuoni New Youth" group, gather young people online, reunite Zhuoni, comprehensively display the demeanor of Zhuoni youth, and there are no major mistakes in the new media work platform. It has continued to increase the supply of online cultural products of the Communist Youth League, and has issued a total of 289 articles since its opening in October 2022, greatly expanding the influence of the Communist Youth League. Fourth, establish a county-level network propaganda team. Recruit League cadres, youth volunteers, and volunteers of the Western Plan to join the online propaganda team, and actively participate in the important publicity, commentary, and forwarding work of the Gansu Communist Youth League or at the state and county levels. Fifth, make good use of the "three meetings, two systems and one lesson". Relying on the May Fourth Youth Day and other nodes, 12 intra-regimental learning and exchange seminars were carried out, and the red research activity of "Youth Heart to the Party and Striving for a New Journey" was carried out, and the construction project of the Youth League School in middle schools was promoted, giving full play to the political school function of the Youth League organization, and cultivating the patriotic spirit of young people.

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

Efforts were made to improve the political position, and the theme education of the county's league members and youth was carried out more deeply

Since the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League deployed the theme education work for League members and youth, the Youth League and County Committee have closely focused on "mobilizing and leading League members and young people to conscientiously study and comprehend Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and solidly carry out the theme education work of League members and youth." The first is to study and understand carefully and promote the "full coverage" of theoretical learning. Make good use of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League's "Youth League and Youth Theme Education and Learning Platform", "Youth Learning" online theme group classes and related media learning products, rely on the "three meetings, two systems and one lesson" system, online group classes, etc. to promote special learning, seminars and exchanges of the Youth League branch, and adopt methods such as "joint learning", "research", "sending students" and "student assistance" to widely organize different types of youth groups to carry out differentiated learning exchanges and seminars in different fields. Set up 3 liaison groups to actively maintain contact and communication with the theme education office of the county party committee, and strengthen the contact and guidance of league members and youth in townships (communities), enterprises, schools, government agencies, institutions and other fields. The second is to work hard and promote the "whole field" of youth contributions. Closely following the overall situation of the center, we will continue to play the role of a "green" platform of "Youth Civilization, Youth Post Expert, Youth Safety Production Demonstration Post, and Youth Commando", and mobilize young people to devote themselves to scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, ecological and environmental protection, social governance and other fields. It has carried out public welfare projects such as "Red Scarf Love Care Class" and "Firefly Shimmer Care for Left-behind Children and Empty Nesters", serving tens of thousands of young people, participating in thousands of key tasks such as large-scale competitions, emergency rescue, and ecological and environmental protection, promoting the construction of youth development-oriented cities, and orderly promoting 18 practical projects for young people's livelihood.

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter


The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

Young post experts

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

Red Scarf Love Care Class

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

Caring for empty nesters

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

Focus on the overall situation of party and government work,

The role of the Communist Youth League as a new force has become increasingly prominent

The first is to help improve the comprehensive quality of urban and rural environments. Combined with the county's "Mountains, Rivers, Forests, Fields, Lakes, Grass and Sand Governance, Ecological Environment Optimization" activities, the county's youth league organizations at all levels were fully mobilized to carry out a series of 64 theme practice activities such as "Ecological and Environmental Protection, Youth First", "June 5 Environment Day and "River Xiaoqing" Beach Cleaning Action", so as to effectively enhance the participation of young people. The second is to help the county's talents "introduce, educate and retain". Relying on the "Spring Breeze Action" and Employment Assistance Month activities, the Youth League and County Committee have jointly built a face-to-face communication platform and zero-distance docking bridge for the majority of young people and employment enterprises, distributed more than 3,900 copies of various publicity materials, provided employment consultation for more than 320 people, and released 32 pieces of employment information in the county-level league-affiliated media in combination with the Youth League Gang Employment. The county project office was awarded the 2022-2023 "Gansu Provincial College Student Volunteer Service Outstanding Project Office of the Western Plan". The third is to help the youth community to be created in an all-round way. Combined with 8+ grassroots social governance, organize young volunteers to sink into the community, launch a list of resources and a "two list" of community needs, realize the precision, convenience and normalization of volunteer service, and effectively improve the level of community service, so that the background of urban civilization is brighter and the people's happiness is more sufficient. Fourth, it is necessary to help the effective promotion of rural revitalization. Combined with Zhuoni County's "Tesco Zhuoni Enjoy Life" and "Welcoming the New Year" New Year Goods Festival of Agricultural and Animal Products, the Youth New Year Goods Festival activity of "Gathering Youth Power and Promoting the New Year's Flavor of Hometown" was organized and carried out, relying on the new media platform to inject new vitality into the sales of special agricultural products in the hometown and add new impetus to the construction of the hometown, and to create "Youth Helping Agriculture and Rural Revitalization" by connecting social resources The event brand organized and carried out 5 live broadcast activities of youth to help farmers, recommended hometown agricultural products through online live broadcast, with a sales amount of more than 200,000 yuan and a product exposure rate of more than 10,000 times, and successfully incubated 2 young anchors with live broadcasts.

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

Focus on serving young people to grow into talents, and build a Communist Youth League that young people can think of, find, and rely on

Adhere to the specialized, project-based, and brand-based operation of volunteer services. The first is to list the province as an important part of the overall work of helping the people to do practical things. Increase the work of subsidizing the enrollment of children from difficult families in ordinary colleges and universities, actively connect with the education department to count the current college entrance examination candidates, and cooperate with the civil affairs department to conduct a one-by-one comparison in the civil affairs system, with a total of 32 students who meet the conditions for funding, with a total of 292,000 yuan in funding. The second is to build a "green volunteer" brand. Focusing on the work of the party and government center, more than 180 volunteer service projects such as "Jinhui Helping the Elderly", "Warm Winter Action", "Youth Community", "Childlike Guardian", "One Action One Activity" and "Youth Escort to Help the College Entrance Examination" have been carried out on a regular basis, interpreting the volunteer service spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress" with practical actions. Jointly with Gansu Bufan Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. to carry out the "'fast' exhibition, 'bee' color, youth chasing dreams" express delivery youth service activities, for postal, SF, Jingdong and other logistics and transportation companies 20 express delivery workers to present a set of quilts, worth 4,800 yuan. On the occasion of Children's Day, I went to Longduo Primary School in Daojiao School District to carry out the theme activity of "Warm Children's Hearts Grow with Growth, National Unity and Family" and warm June 1st with you, and presented 90 children with love school bags, markers and stationery boxes worth more than 7,200 yuan. Integrate social resources, join hands with the Youth League Zhou Committee and the Street Dance Committee of the Gansu Dancers Association to carry out the "Warm Tibetan Township, Art Burning Hope" care and condolence activity in Kharchin Central Primary School, and donate customized school uniforms to 80 students in the school. In conjunction with the Gannan Prefecture Junior Chamber of Commerce, the "Young Businessmen Build Dreams, Light the Heart Lamp" love student assistance activity was carried out in the Central Primary School of Daojiao Township, bringing more than 60 love stationery bags and 2 table tennis tables to the teachers and students of the school, totaling 20,000 yuan. Actively won the funding of the Xi'an Charity Foundation for Helping the Weak and the Poor, and distributed 150 love growth packages worth 105,000 yuan to the students of the Central Primary School of Qiagai Township. The third is to polish the brand of "Sail Plan". Create a platform for connecting and cohesive students. A total of 38 public welfare interns have been recruited, and 43 government internship positions have been provided to help college students integrate into society in advance and help young Fengqi Zhuoni. Fourth, deepen the "Hope Project" brand. Bursaries such as "High-Flyer Project" and "Wenhe Zhiya" benefited 188 students in need, totaling 177,800 yuan. Fifth, deepen the "escort youth" brand. With the "rainbow umbrella" self-protection education as the overall control, more than 60 series of activities such as drowning prevention safety education, anti-drug and HIV/AIDS prevention, "legal safety, popular science, fire protection, emergency response, and earthquake prevention into campus activities" have been carried out in primary and secondary schools in the county, effectively enhancing the legal awareness and legitimate rights and interests of young people, improving their sense of belonging and security, and effectively enhancing their awareness and ability of self-protection. The sixth is to carry out the "Wonderful Summer Vacation, Happy Children's Heart" research summer camp activities for primary and secondary school students. 50 primary and secondary school students with excellent character and learning participated in the summer camp research activities, which cultivated the young people's sincere and warm patriotic feelings, scientific literacy and positive and optimistic attitude towards life, and greatly enriched their summer cultural life. Seventh, we will hold a training course for outstanding League cadres and youth members in Zhuoni County. Organize 25 youth league members and outstanding league cadres in the county to carry out a 7-day professional ability improvement training course in Tianjin to effectively strengthen the construction of the league cadre team. Eighth, it is combined with the social practice activities of college students "returning to their hometowns". Set up a volunteer service team with college students returning to their hometowns during the holidays as the main body, and organize and carry out social services such as "academic counseling and family companionship", protecting the mother river, "warm winter action", "fungus research" and "I speak for my hometown", especially the red scarf love care class held during the winter and summer vacations to provide homework tutoring, extracurricular reading, red education, rule of law education, handicraft, research activities and other special courses, becoming the brand of the Communist Youth League's volunteer service project. The declared care "little sapling" lights up the "big dream" care service project for children in difficulty, and was successfully included in the handbook of Gansu Youth Public Welfare Project Recruitment, building a platform for children in distress and introducing public welfare resources. The "Firefly Glimmer" volunteer service project for left-behind children and empty-nest elderly was shortlisted for the finals of the 6th Gansu Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition and won the bronze award, further promoting the normalization and branding of care services for left-behind children and empty-nest elderly.

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

Focus on reforming and strengthening the regiment and strictly governing the regiment,

The political, advanced, and mass nature of the Communist Youth League has been markedly enhanced

Since the reform of the grass-roots organizations of the Communist Youth League at the county level has been carried out, the Zhuoni County Committee of the Communist Youth League has conscientiously implemented the specific arrangements and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the provincial and state Youth League committees, gathered consensus on reform, clarified reform ideas, focused on the selection of League cadres, organizational setting and operation, education and management of League members, and party leadership and support guarantees, and insisted on playing a good role in the combination of "reform + development", so as to promote the gradual strengthening of the political function of the grassroots League organization and the effective play of social functions. The first is to establish rules and regulations to promote reform. Focusing on the selection of the work force of the League, the establishment and operation of the League organization, the development and education management of League members, the leadership mechanism and support guarantee of the Party, the "Implementation of Zhuoni County" has been promulgated<关于进一步加强党建带团建工作的若干措施>List of key tasks", "Notice on the inclusion of party building and team building in Zhuoni County into the inspection matters of the county party committee", "Notice on the implementation measures for the promotion of excellence in the work of the Communist Youth League of Zhuoni County (Trial)" and other institutional documents, improve the management system of the league cadres, the working mechanism of party building with league building, the working mechanism of "two joints", the work report and evaluation system of the secretary of the grass-roots league organization, and further form a good system of normalized league building management. The second is to strengthen the cadres of the Youth League and county party committees through multiple channels. Adopt a combination of full-time, part-time, and temporary positions, select and match the work force of the Youth League and County Committee from the organs, enterprises, and institutions, the heads of the "two new" organizations, and young people in emerging fields, so as to further broaden the source channels of cadres and add luster to the empowerment of the grassroots level. The third is to promote the integration of the party team. Improve the joint training system of the party and caucus, and build a full-chain political growth ladder for young people from commandos to vanguards. Strengthen the guidance of the work of the school's Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers, formulate the "Implementation Rules for the School's Communist Youth League "Points System" to Develop League Members", vigorously promote the "Red Scarf Medal" and the Young Pioneers' work of joining the team in batches, and firmly grasp the fundamental task of the party's education, and develop 316 League members in 2023. Fourth, standardize the organizational setup of grass-roots leagues. Relying on the "smart league building" system, strengthen the management of league organizations in rural areas and the "two new" fields, standardize the establishment of grass-roots league organizations according to the number of league members, split out 2 "huge" league branches, and newly establish 4 "two new" field league organizations, with a "school-society connection" rate of 100%. Fifth, comprehensively deepen the strict management of the regiment. The league building work will be included in the overall plan of party building, so as to realize the same planning, promotion and assessment of the league building and party building. Persist in taking clean government education as an important part of strengthening the theoretical study of the members of the Youth League and county committees, and further enhance the ability of League cadres to shoulder great responsibilities and do practical things. Sixth, the 19th Congress of the Communist Youth League of Zhuoni County was successfully convened. Recruit 31 outstanding young people as committee members, strictly implement the "two joint" mechanism, a total of 89 youth league representatives have entered the station to perform their duties, and more than 1,000 youth league members have been directly contacted. Seventh, expand the coverage of the "two new" field league organizations. Take the initiative to connect with market supervision, civil affairs and other departments, find out the base number of the "two new" organizations, carefully sort out the situation of the establishment of the group, form a work ledger by classification, and carry out the work in an orderly manner in accordance with the principle of building everything that should be built if it meets the conditions for the establishment of the group. At present, there are 3 non-public enterprise league organizations in the county, an increase of 1 or 33.33% compared with before the reform, and 2 social organization league organizations, an increase of 1 or 100% compared with before the reform. Eighth, optimize the education mechanism of league members. Highlighting the political function of the regiment, the construction of five middle schools directly under the county has achieved full coverage, and four middle schools in townships and towns are under construction. Organizational life systems such as "three meetings, two systems and one lesson" and theme group days have been widely implemented, and the activity entry rate has reached 100%. Ninth, improve the mechanism of the Joint Conference on Youth Work. As the convener, the leaders of the county party committee and the county government organized the fourth meeting of the joint conference on youth work in Zhuoni County to promote the in-depth implementation of the youth development plan. Tenth, we should borrow resources to educate cadres. Actively enlist the support of the organization. The training of League cadres and Young Pioneers counselors will be included in the implementation of the party's overall plan for cadre education and training in 2023, and 54 village (community) League organization leaders in the county will be trained. The eleventh is to carry out special training on "green" spring and "horse". In accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Measures for the Management of the Young Marxist Training Project", the secretaries and deputy secretaries of the Youth League organizations at all levels in the county, and the volunteers of the "Western Plan" were organized to participate in the training of "Qingma Trainees" in Zhuoni County. The twelfth is to create a "dream building space" for young people in emerging fields. Establish 2 youth associations that directly lead the sponsorship, and contact 8 youth associations such as Zhuoni County Youth Volunteer Association, Hengjing Art Training Center, and Baya Art Training School. There are three member groups initiated by the establishment of the county-level Youth Federation, all of which are member groups of youth outside the system, and the number of youth associations in the county that are effectively connected and guided by the youth league organizations has increased significantly. The thirteenth is the victory to convene the second congress of the Chinese Youth Pioneers Zhuoni County. The second Young Pioneers Working Committee of Zhuoni County was elected. The meeting focused on the fundamental tasks, political responsibilities and main lines of work of the Young Pioneers, and laid the foundation for comprehensively promoting the healthy and vigorous development of the cause of the Young Pioneers in Zhuoni County.

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter

In 2024, the Youth League and County Committee will continue to be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on youth work, firmly grasp the deployment requirements of the Youth League Zhou Committee, consolidate the foundation of the Youth League, be a good assistant to the party, unite and lead the majority of League members and young people in the county, and contribute youth strength to the construction of a united, rich, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern New Zhuoni.

The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter
The 2023 year of the Gannan Komsomol - Zhuoni chapter