
What wonderful experience can you gain in the soft sleeper car of the green train?

author:Lord of the city

If I'm not in a hurry, my first choice when going out is definitely the train, and it has to be a green train with a soft sleeper.

For me, whether it is a business trip or a trip, the time when I was "forced" to slow down on the green train was undoubtedly the most beautiful, and it was also a rare time to completely relax.

What wonderful experience can you gain in the soft sleeper car of the green train?

The westbound journey required two days and one night on the train, so in order to enjoy the journey, I bought a soft sleeper online early.

It may seem troublesome and hard for others to prepare for your trip, but for me, it is a lot of fun.

I'm a big man, as long as I have two or three hundred thousand pocket money in my mobile phone wallet, and two or three thousand cash in my pocket. The other thing is to stuff simple toiletries and a few changes of clothes into a suitcase, and at most carry a laptop.

Usually the night before the trip, I will fill two large-capacity power banks, although the soft sleeper compartment charging is relatively convenient, but it is still good to be prepared. I don't want this good time to be ruined by battery anxiety.

The next step is to prepare food for travel: e-novels, movies, TV series. This is where my high-capacity spare Huawei phone comes in handy.

Search on major platforms, whether you like it or not, whether you can watch it or not, be sure to stuff the memory card to the brim.

It wasn't until just before I went to bed that I had difficulty choosing a hotel in my destination. I usually travel, there are good location chain B&Bs are the first choice of B&B, and if there is no suitable one, choose a chain star hotel.

As long as I can buy a ticket, I usually choose the afternoon train, because I usually sleep until I wake up in the morning before the trip, and then go to do something very important and is the key factor in determining whether the trip is perfect or not.

That is to go to the supermarket to buy food to eat and drink on the train.

I am very particular about what to eat on the train, especially on the long-distance green train, and I happen to have a lot of experience to share with you here.

The first is instant noodles, which is one of my must-haves, and I buy a few buckets every time. All kinds of imported, unseen flavors are changed.

It's not that I can't afford to eat the boxed lunch on the train, but the technology and hard work in the instant noodles are more appealing to my appetite.

Usually at home, when I go home after socializing, I want to make a bowl of instant noodles, and it is best to add a ham sausage. Unfortunately, my wife didn't allow me to eat instant noodles at all, and my parents also heard that I could nag in my ear for a day when I ate instant noodles.

So, the train is the only time to satisfy my taste buds. And not only to satisfy the taste buds, although the nutrition of instant noodles is not balanced, but the most important thing is to be clean and hygienic.

Compared to the boxed lunches on the train and the food at various stations along the way, instant noodles can ensure that you will never have an upset stomach after eating.

With instant noodles, the staple food, snacks are naturally indispensable.

What wonderful experience can you gain in the soft sleeper car of the green train?

Although I am no longer a young person, I still taste like a child. Yellow peach jelly, chicken sauce and tomato flavored potato chips, pure dark chocolate, slightly spicy beef jerky, and braised duck wing duck tongue are all essential. In addition, some of the newly launched foreign snacks in the imported food section will also be changed for a few random ones.

I don't smoke, I drink a little, but it's just a bit of a struggle to cope with socializing. But as long as I take the train, I bring a few cans of beer and rice wine with me. Flavored craft beer and osmanthus rice brewing are preferred, which can be paired with snacks and served as a drink. In addition, Red Bull and Starbucks also have to piggyback on two cans of coffee.

After purchasing these, it is usually almost noon, and I have the driver take me to my favorite noodle restaurant for a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Then I stopped by and bought some appetizers at the braised vegetable shop next to the noodle restaurant.

It is usually a quarter of a salted goose, a roast chicken, half a catty of beef in sauce, half a catty of pig's head meat, a portion of assorted vegetables, and a portion of peanuts.

What wonderful experience can you gain in the soft sleeper car of the green train?

At this point, I'm pretty much ready to go.

Oh yes, and check out the must-have three-piece set for travel: noise-canceling earplugs, eye masks, and ear picks.

Get on the train at the point check, because it is the off-season, the sleeper car is very empty, and you quickly find your place. Yes, there are only four bunks in the same carriage and only a beautiful young woman of my age.

What wonderful experience can you gain in the soft sleeper car of the green train?

"Hi there......"

The young woman took the initiative to say hello, and I waved at her in a friendly manner. Then I took off my coat, changed into disposable slippers, and lay down on the bunk, and the pleasant trip officially began.

The train started slowly, the announcer finished reporting the station, and melodious music sounded on the radio, if I remember correctly: children chasing the wind.

The young woman in the neighboring shop took out a book and leaned against the window to read it carefully, the afternoon sun shone through her hair on her pretty side face, and flashed with the slight shaking of the carriage, and the whole carriage made people feel a unique quiet.

What wonderful experience can you gain in the soft sleeper car of the green train?

Leaning against the wall of the carriage, I put on my headphones, connected to my phone, and randomly selected a movie to download.

I'm not a pretend person, whether the book is really a word that I can't read, or a fast-paced movie is suitable for passing the time.

"Do you want nougat? I made it myself, you can taste it. ”

The young woman took out a delicate glass box from her bag, gently pinched one with her two delicate fingers and handed it to me.

"Oh. Thank you"

I sat up and took the nougat without hesitation, her fingers inadvertently touching my palm, slightly itchy.

Of course, I won't be stingy, I took out the duck wings and duck tongue and put it on the small seat board and whispered: "Do you like lo-mei? ”

The young woman was not polite, and was very surprised to pick up a bag of duck tongue and looked at it: "Oh, I like to eat duck tongue." ”

Then he raised his fingers to tear open the package, pinched the duck tongue and slowly put it into his mouth to taste it.

"Going on a trip?" asked the young woman, spitting out her bones.

"No, on a business trip, what about you?" I asked casually, a faint smell of perfume diffused in my ears, and I guessed that it should be Night Jasmine.

The young woman was very relaxed and smiled at me. "I went on a trip, I just quit naked, and I wanted to walk and see more while I was young. ”

After saying that, he opened a box of sliced fruit from his bag, motioned for me to eat, and picked up a bag of duck tongue on the table again very casually.

I glanced at the young woman, who was slightly powdered, fair-skinned, and looked like she should be about thirty-five or sixteen years old.

At this age, I wonder if she can leave her work, her husband and children to travel alone. Although she couldn't help but ask, the surprise on her face still made her see through it, and she explained very easily:

"Not long after I left, the junior took the position, the child was sentenced to his father, his father's economic conditions are better than mine, for the sake of the child's future, I didn't want custody, this time I came out to change the environment to relax. ”

“哦,理解。 来,吃点果冻吧。 ”

I smiled awkwardly, surprised by the young woman's indifference, so I took out a few jelly and threw them in front of her, by the way to hide my inner emotions.

"You're a funny guy, you look a few years older than me, and you like jelly like a child. ”

"Haha, funny, really funny. ”

The young woman covered her mouth and laughed, but she was not polite, picked up the jelly and put it in her mouth.

After all, it was a meeting in Pingshui, and it was a man and a woman, and it was inconvenient for the two of us to talk too deeply after a few simple conversations, and there was still a sense of boundary between people.

What wonderful experience can you gain in the soft sleeper car of the green train?

She continued to lean against the car window and read, and I put away my thoughts and immersed myself in the wonderful plot of the movie.

The snacks we brought were piled up on the table, and the two of us were also very tacit, neither of us was polite, we took what we wanted to eat, and occasionally chatted with each other.

All afternoon, whenever the train stops at the station, we would sit up straight, pretending to be relaxed and looking at the sleeper door, not knowing whether we wanted anyone to come in or not.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that except for the conductor checking in for tickets, no one else came in the small sleeper car, and even the entire sleeper car was not crowded with people.

The sky is turning red as the setting sun sets, the train runs alone in the wilderness, and the factories and towns outside the window are replaced by fields.

"What do you eat for dinner, I heard that the dining car on the train is good, I invite you, I ate a bag of duck tongue full of you in the afternoon, duck tongue is very expensive, I'm really sorry." ”

The young woman took the initiative to speak, looking at me with big eyes as beautiful as peach blossoms and smiling, and looking down at the table full of broken bones with a little embarrassment.

"It's okay, isn't it just to eat?"

As I spoke, I took out the prepared salted water goose, roast chicken, sauced beef, pork head, and assorted dishes from my bag. Beer and osmanthus rice brew are also on the table: "I usually like to bring some food by myself on the train, and I can also drink a few sips when I meet fellow passengers who can talk to me." ”

"Can I talk, then?"

The corners of the young woman's mouth rose slightly and smiled at me, and after brushing the hair on her forehead, she quickly opened two cans of beer, handed one to me, and she herself picked up the other and took a shallow sip.

"It's better not to go to the food truck, just try the salmon and tuna sushi I made. ”

As if playing a trick, the young woman tied down the insulated ice pack on the hook and took out a glass box with a pink lid, which contained eight pieces of sushi neatly stacked, half salmon and half tuna, and the lid was still slightly bubbling cold.

I glanced at the fat on the flesh of the fish, and I was pretty sure it was salmon and tuna.

"Wasabi sauce, I grind it myself, it's a little spicy, I don't know if you're used to it. ”

The young woman said in her mouth, and without asking too much, she directly squeezed some wasabi sauce on the sushi, then cocked her little thumb, carefully pinched a piece with her shallot-like index finger and thumb and fingertips and handed it to my mouth.


As soon as I opened my mouth to thank you, the sushi was already in my mouth.

Instantly, my face was red and hot, but fortunately, the sky had darkened, and the young woman didn't seem to care about my reaction at all, but picked up a piece of sushi herself and put it in her mouth.

Then he didn't take the nephew, but directly picked out a piece of goose meat in the marinade with his fingers and put it in his mouth.

"Come on, let's touch. The young woman's lips quirmed a few times, then she lifted the beer can and pointed it at me.

"Yes, yes, touch it. ”

I quickly lifted my beer and gulped it down. I don't know how to drink, but I just use beer as a concoction, and I was instantly stimulated by alcohol and coughed violently.

The young woman didn't laugh at me, but took a big sip of her beer, frowning to prove that she wasn't a drinker.

What wonderful experience can you gain in the soft sleeper car of the green train?

When a bright moon hung high outside the window and accompanied the train westward, the two of us had already drunk two bottles of beer and a bottle of osmanthus rice brew each.

We talked a lot, but I don't remember what we talked about when I was drunk, I just knew that it was all very general topics.

It wasn't until the conductor reminded us that the lights were going out and everyone was asked to keep the carriage quiet, and we ended the dinner on this wonderful train.

After she took the initiative to clean up the small seat, she took out a wet paper towel to carefully wipe the oil stains on the table, obviously she is a delicate and meticulous woman in her usual life.

After cleaning up everything, we tacitly agreed to wash up briefly and then lay down on our respective bunks, and this time we didn't say anything.

The wheels clattered against the tracks, but I felt that the carriage was extremely comfortable and quiet at this moment. With the faint scent of night jasmine wafting from the tip of my nose and the faint sound of breathing in my ears, I fell asleep peacefully.

If memory serves, this is probably the first time I've left the house to fall asleep without noise cancelling earplugs, and I've slept incredibly soundly.

The next morning, the harsh sun shone on my face, and I woke up from a wonderful dream.

When I opened my eyes, I looked almost subconsciously at the bunk next door. Empty, only a neat white quilt stacked on top.

At this moment, my soul seemed to be emptied, and the whole person instantly became empty, only looking for something in the carriage with blank eyes and helplessness.

Knock Knock...... There was a gentle knock on the compartment door, and I slammed it open, only to be the beautiful conductor to verify the ticket.

Disappointed to close the door, the empty box was filled with only the faint scent of jasmine carried by the air currents to confirm that the beautiful young woman had indeed existed.

Just when I was disappointed, I suddenly noticed a light blue post-it note on my bunk, which seemed to have something written on it.

I quickly pounced and held the post-it note tightly in my hand, and the number on it was clearly written: 155......

It's her, it must be her!

I put the post-it note on the tip of my nose, and the familiar scent reminds me that this fate is not over, everything is just the beginning......

Years later, when I recalled this acquaintance, I didn't know if the nougat that time was right or wrong.

It's just that some things can't be changed, and we shouldn't think about right and wrong, and it may be more important to go with the flow.

What wonderful experience can you gain in the soft sleeper car of the green train?

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