
As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

author:Yuting's private kitchen

As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

The old generation says: "Seven don't go out", not that you can't go out on the seventh day of the first month, but that the main labor force in the family must be prepared with life-related "7 things to open the door", that is, "firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea", so that the normal life of the family is guaranteed, if you don't prepare these 7 things, even if you go out, you will definitely not worry, so there is a "7 don't go out" saying.

As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

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The "pillars of the family" who have shouldered the burden of life in order to live will go out to work after the New Year, follow the traditional customs, and prepare the "7 things to open the door", after the daily life in the family is properly settled, and then go out to "make money to support the family" will be more down-to-earth~

So as the saying goes: the seventh day of the first lunar month is a "human day", what is the point of it?

The legend of the seventh day of the first month is introduced in the "Zhuzi Guoxue". This day is considered to be the "birthday of mankind", that is to say, the first day of Nuwa is the "chicken day", the second day of the first month is the "dog day", the third day of the first month is the "pig day", the fourth day of the first month is the "sheep day", the fifth day of the first month is the "day of the ox", the sixth day of the first month is the "day of the horse", and the seventh day of the first month is the "day of the man".

As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

What are the taboos on the seventh day of the first month?

Generally speaking, on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, we pay attention to harmony, adults do not beat and scold children, and husbands and wives do not quarrel. Don't go out on the seventh day of the new year, the family is happy and enjoy the joyful atmosphere of the New Year~

What do you eat on the seventh day of the new year?

Eat "Qibao soup" on the seventh day of the first month, that is, boil seven kinds of vegetables together into soup, generally celery (diligent), garlic (cost-effective), leeks (durable), green onions (smart), fish (surplus), meat (rich), rice (reunion), take the homonym or meaning of 7 kinds of ingredients, pray for good luck in the new year, abundant food and clothing.

There is also the custom of eating "noodles" on the seventh day of the first month, "people's day" is also the meaning of "people's" birthday, and of course you must eat "longevity noodles" on birthdays, such as the East China Sea, and longevity is better than Nanshan.

【Fat Beef Noodles】

As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

In the past, when there were no dried noodles, you could make hand-rolled noodles, but now with dried noodles, you can make a bowl of fat beef noodles with your hands, it doesn't take a few minutes, and it tastes fragrant, delicious, nutritious and appetizing.

As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

Prepare fat beef, baby cabbage, enoki mushrooms, shallots, noodles, and clear oil hot pot ingredients

Heat oil in a pot, put in the six women clear oil hot pot ingredients and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant. (Liupo clear oil hot pot material is a common seasoning at home, whether it is boiling noodles, boiling hot pot, boiling skewers, making steamed vegetables, etc., it is delicious)

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After adding a large bowl of water to boil, add enoki mushrooms and cook for 1 minute, then remove them, peel the boiled eggs and put them in the pot to continue to cook for a while.

As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

Then put the fat beef into the pot and cook it slightly for about 3 minutes, then it will be cooked thoroughly and removed.

As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

Boil the fat beef and enoki mushrooms, finally put in the cabbage and cook for 3-4 minutes, remove it, put all the boiled ingredients into a large bowl, drain the soup into the bowl, and the soup stock of the fat beef noodles is ready.

As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

While making the sauce and side dishes, boil the noodles in a wide water on another stove until cooked, and then remove them into a large bowl.

Finally, pour in the boiled fat beef juice and eggs.

As the saying goes: the seventh day of the new year is a "people's day", what to eat and what to avoid on the seventh day of the new year?

Such a bowl of fat beef noodles tastes very delicious, delicious and nutritious, and the method is very simple.

I wish you all a good mood every day in the new year, a prosperous career, and a happy family!