
Representatives of 75 countries gathered to denounce the Western world for huge compensation! The good days of the West have come to an end?

author:Popular Science Apocalypse

There is a saying in China that history is the womb of the present, and the future is the fruit of the present and the past.

In the past few hundred years, Western countries have occupied more than half of the world's land by force, and then developed their own wealth through colonial exploitation and slave trafficking. According to statistics, in the 16th ~ 19th century, more than 12 million people in Africa were trafficked to the Americas, squeezing every drop of sweat on their bodies day and night.

Even today, with the development of globalization, the historical shadow caused by Western countries still painfully affects many countries and regions. And these once-suffering and oppressed countries are beginning to awaken to the fact that they are questioning the past and demanding that Western countries be held accountable for their crimes.

At a recent summit, 75 countries gathered in Ghana and unanimously decided to get the apologies and reparations they deserved for the people of Africa, who had suffered so much from the Western slave trade. And this huge global claims campaign is directly aimed at the slave-trading countries led by the United States and Britain.

Representatives of 75 countries gathered to denounce the Western world for huge compensation! The good days of the West have come to an end?

The Western slave trade began

After surviving the darkness of the Middle Ages, which lasted for thousands of years, the core of thought in Western countries finally shifted from "gods" to "people", and during this period, Europeans began to carry out a large number of studies of natural materials, and their knowledge of astronomy, geography, chemistry and biology was rapidly improved. Knowledge of the world liberated Europeans from religious institutions and turned to political, legal, and social systems.

It wasn't until the 18th century that European scientists started with coal and steam and successfully pushed the West towards the Industrial Revolution, and after a hundred years of development, Western countries have become leaders in the world.

Looking back over the past 500 years, the West has made remarkable achievements in science and technology, economy and culture, and has ushered in a brilliant era, but under the leadership of Western countries, most people in the world have failed to perceive happiness and have endured more oppression and exploitation, because the development of the West is based on the premise of plundering global resources and wealth.

Representatives of 75 countries gathered to denounce the Western world for huge compensation! The good days of the West have come to an end?

The Western slave trade began in 1441, when two Portuguese navigators were ordered by the king to venture south to Africa in search of goods on the eastern routes. But in the midst of this not-so-bright adventure, one of the navigators, in order to satisfy his own selfish interests, chose to capture ten black men at Cape Ben Seca and take them captive to Portugal for sale.

From then on, as if they had discovered more precious treasures, the Portuguese began to capture blacks from West Africa on a large scale, and then brought them to their home countries for sale, or to work on plantations. However, at that time, the slave trade was a small-scale operation, and only a few European merchants traded secretly, and there were no full-time slave traders.

During this period, barbaric Europeans carried a large number of muskets and cannons with them, attacked black settlements, forced captives to be shackled and handcuffed, forced to board ships, and finally sold throughout the country.

Representatives of 75 countries gathered to denounce the Western world for huge compensation! The good days of the West have come to an end?

After the 15th century, the Spanish expanded in Central and South America, and they brutally slaughtered and enslaved the Indians (aborigines), bringing the Indians to the brink of extinction. Since 1503, the Spaniards have regarded black slaves as the main labor force in agriculture and mining, and the black slave trade has also been highly valued during this period, and its value and scale have risen rapidly.

Europe-Africa-America-Europe, the ugly triangular trade known to the world was also rapidly established during this period. European slave traders would set off from European ports, go to the coast of Africa to buy large quantities of black slaves, load them on ships, transport them to the American colonies for sale, and finally return to Europe with a full load of gold and crops exchanged for black slaves, during which they can be said to have made a lot of money.

Representatives of 75 countries gathered to denounce the Western world for huge compensation! The good days of the West have come to an end?

At the time, the price of a single slave was very high, and if you talked about alcohol alone, a slave could replace 110 gallons of rum. Under the temptation of huge profits, the way black slave traders obtained black slaves also underwent a great change, early European slave traders would strictly investigate the source of black slave identity, but after 1700, in order to meet the large demand for colonial labor, slave traders no longer had any concerns, and began to use force to forcibly kidnap black slaves who captured the status of free men.

In other words, any free man on the African continent at this time could become the next victim at the hands of the slave traders. The scale of slavery was greatly expanded, so that in the 16th ~ 19th century, the number of people trafficked to the Americas in Africa exceeded 12 million, and the population and society in the inland areas of Africa suffered an unprecedented major blow, the rich farmland was completely abandoned, and the surviving blacks hid in the dark forests for self-protection, and the civilization in Africa completely came to a standstill.

During this period, the European countries led by Britain and France divided Africa, and by 1914, the area of the world's colonial countries had exceeded 85% of the world's land area. It was not until April 16, 1862 that the United States announced the abolition of slavery, and the slave labor system of European colonialists in the 80s of the 19th century was completely abolished.

Representatives of 75 countries gathered to denounce the Western world for huge compensation! The good days of the West have come to an end?

Alliances for a new era

A few months ago, the representatives of the 75 countries of the African Union and CARICOM jointly held a summit on reparations for slavery, at which the representatives of the 75 countries agreed to establish a global compensation fund for the positive reparations and apologies of European countries that had participated in the world's colonial exploitation and slave trade, so that they could be used for the development and reconstruction of the countries that had been injured in the past.

This action demonstrates the courageous courage of African countries in uniting against the Western system of exploitation and oppression, and such a spirit and proposition are not only legitimate, but also deserve the support and solidarity of countries around the world. Looking at the past few hundred years, European countries have adopted many inhumane and illegal ways to satisfy their own development.

Even after hundreds of years, the West is still using the economic colonial system to plunder the poor and backward wealth of African and Latin American countries, resulting in civil wars, conflicts and even famine in various countries for several years, all of which are caused by Western infiltration and plunder.

Representatives of 75 countries gathered to denounce the Western world for huge compensation! The good days of the West have come to an end?

The feat of the representatives of 75 countries jointly denouncing the claims also revealed two realities:

  1. Western double standard behavior: The cultural superiority of the Western world is extremely inflated, and the democratic values they preach are unanimously deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, the successive outbreaks of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Russian-Ukrainian war in recent years have made the world see clearly the essence of the so-called Western democracy, which has shown double standards and self-interest in handling international relations, which has intensified the world's dissatisfaction and resistance to the West.
  2. Claim and apologize: Over the past few centuries, European countries have burned, looted, and colonized slaves, depriving some countries of development opportunities, and at the same time making them their vassals. The current apology of these countries for reparations from the West is a clear demonstration that African and Latin American countries will no longer look up to the Western world and will truly fight back against Western oppression, which will become a key turning point in global development.

At the meeting, national delegates jointly proposed a 10-point agenda for reparations, including debt cancellation for colonized countries, support for the development of education, transfer of technology, and economic compensation and apologies.

Representatives of 75 countries gathered to denounce the Western world for huge compensation! The good days of the West have come to an end?

The issue is economic compensation, as researchers have previously estimated the losses suffered by colonized countries in the slave trade, which has resulted in an economic impact of $131 trillion from the global slave trade. Then the United States should pay $26.8 trillion in compensation, and the United Kingdom should pay $24 trillion.

In fact, as far as the issue of apologies is concerned, some descendants of slaves have indeed promised to bear a part of the financial compensation, such as the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom and the Anglican Church in the United Kingdom, which offered to take 20 million pounds and 100 million pounds respectively. Are they genuinely ashamed and reformed?

The answer, of course, is no, in the British concept, reparation is not the same as an apology, let alone an admission of wrongdoing. At the Reparations Summit, the British representative also participated in the meeting, but in the external statement, the British representative only declared that this was an ordinary standard diplomatic act, and did not mean that he recognized reparations.

Representatives of 75 countries gathered to denounce the Western world for huge compensation! The good days of the West have come to an end?

British Prime Minister Sunak even said that apology and compensation is not the right way forward, in the British concept, slavery is a historical issue, and they will not apologize for historical issues, let alone pay for the mistakes of their predecessors.

This is a complete nonsense bastard theory, they enjoy the shade of the trees planted by their predecessors and the shade of the trees of their predecessors, but they are unwilling to bear the corresponding responsibilities and faults, but they do not know that there is still a truth in this world that they will vomit out as much food as they eat? If the Western world continues to plunder global wealth for its own selfish interests, I believe that the day of their collective decline is gradually approaching.

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