
Australian-Chinese $24 million mansion burned down! The young man set fire to it late at night, and the crime process was exposed!

author:Australian financial news

On 3 September 2022, a $24 million mansion in Northwood, Sydney, was burned down. The mansion is owned by Ouyang Chen and his wife, Xiao Hong Li.

According to a report by News Corp Australia on February 14, it was Adams Kipkosgei Bett from Kenya who had only been in Sydney for five months when he was told that "you have to set the fire".

Bett, 20, has been in prison for nearly 14 months after his arrest in September 2022, according to the report.

According to court documents, Bett told police that since arriving in Australia in April 2022, he has been making money building houses and cutting down trees, and has worked on fences for property developer Steve Nassif.

Australian-Chinese $24 million mansion burned down! The young man set fire to it late at night, and the crime process was exposed!

Adams Kipkosgei Bett

Australian-Chinese $24 million mansion burned down! The young man set fire to it late at night, and the crime process was exposed!

Steve Nassif (Credit: News Corp Australia)

After the fire, Nassif told police that he was "friends" with the homeowner, Chen Ouyang.

Chan was not charged with any wrongdoing and bought the mansion for $24.1 million in 2021.

On the night of the fire, Nassif asked Bett if he was "available" to buy gas together and drive to the mansion in Northwood.

Bett revealed to police that Nassif told him that "a fire must be arsoned."

Bett said he did this because he was "afraid of Nassif" and that "a fire has to happen," adding that Nassif was waiting for him in his car when he set the fire.

Australian-Chinese $24 million mansion burned down! The young man set fire to it late at night, and the crime process was exposed!

(Image source: News Corp Australia)

"Bett just wanted to keep his job and had never set a fire before," police documents read. He was instructed by Nassif to enter the house, pour gasoline and light the fire. ”

Bett "fully confessed" during a police interview in December 2022 with the assistance of a Kiswahili interpreter, saying he was "frustrated" after the ignition, the document states.

The document also states that he was supposed to set the fire a week ago, but he refused to do so.

Australian-Chinese $24 million mansion burned down! The young man set fire to it late at night, and the crime process was exposed!

(Image source: News Corp Australia)

"No one gave him a reason to do so, and he didn't know why he had to set the fire," the police statement said. No one paid Bett and he didn't ask for it because he didn't expect to do such a job. ”

Bett has pleaded guilty to allegedly deliberately or recklessly damaging property, and will be sentenced on March 26 with a possible sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

Australian-Chinese $24 million mansion burned down! The young man set fire to it late at night, and the crime process was exposed!

(Image source: News Corp Australia)

Bett's lawyer, Javid Faiz, told News Corp Australia that despite the seriousness of its nature, "it is very sad to see a young man being taken advantage of and found in this pathetic situation".

Faiz also said that his client had not applied for bail since his arrest and hoped to be released as soon as possible.

Nassif was also charged with involvement in the arson, but he pleaded not guilty to charges of arson damaging property and possession of firearms without authorization.

Nassif was released on bail in December 2022 after posting a $400,000 bond and will stand trial again on 22 February.

Australian-Chinese $24 million mansion burned down! The young man set fire to it late at night, and the crime process was exposed!

(Image source: News Corp Australia)

Police will charge Nassif with previous business ties to Chen.

Nassif told police that he and Mr. Chen "sometimes went hunting together" and "occasionally" contacted him, according to the documents.

In July 2022, Chen appealed to the Lane Cove City Council, which had previously rejected the application to demolish the mansion.

There is no indication that the application is related to a fire.