
WeChat was blocked and deleted, but you can still see the circle of friends?

author:Drift bottle PL

WeChat, the social software that dominates the rivers and lakes, has almost become an indispensable part of our lives. However, a sudden dark crisis has plunged countless people into a panic - after being blocked and deleted, can you still see the circle of friends?

In this era of information explosion, the importance of social software is self-evident. Every day, we have close communication with friends, family and even colleagues on WeChat. However, when you find out that you have been blocked and deleted by someone, you can imagine the uneasiness and anxiety in your heart.

WeChat was blocked and deleted, but you can still see the circle of friends?

However, at this seemingly desperate moment, some people discovered a peculiar phenomenon - although they were blocked and deleted, they can still see the dynamics of their friends in the circle of friends. This makes people wonder, how exactly does WeChat's black technology work?

Perhaps, all of this is inextricably linked to the algorithm behind WeChat. Perhaps, to some extent, WeChat has long surpassed our imagination and has some kind of indescribable supernatural power. Or perhaps, it's just a coincidence, a sign that we've over-interpreted WeChat.

Whatever the truth, this phenomenon raises questions about privacy and social interaction. How many secrets are hidden behind this seemingly connected social network?

WeChat was blocked and deleted, but you can still see the circle of friends?

Perhaps, while pursuing social convenience, we should also pay more attention to the protection of personal privacy. Perhaps, we should examine our own behavior on social networks and our motivations for connecting with others. After all, in this information age, protecting your privacy is more important than anything else.

What do you think about this, please share your opinion, thank you!

WeChat was blocked and deleted, but you can still see the circle of friends?