
Drinking too much water ruined the kidneys, and coarse tea and light rice hurt the liver? Some people have gone to the hospital because of these health preservation methods

author:Visionary Dragonfly

On a sunny weekend, Uncle Zhang, a 65-year-old retired teacher, was rushed to the hospital. The reason is incredible: his "regimen" method - insisting on drinking more than 3 liters of water a day and a strict diet of coarse tea and light rice - actually made his body protest. Doctors diagnosed acute kidney failure, which was due in part to electrolyte imbalances caused by excessive water intake, as well as chronic malnutrition. Uncle Zhang's case is not an isolated case, many middle-aged and elderly people who pursue health and longevity blindly follow the misunderstanding of health preservation, and the result is counterproductive and even life-threatening.

Drinking too much water ruined the kidneys, and coarse tea and light rice hurt the liver? Some people have gone to the hospital because of these health preservation methods

Does drinking too much water really hurt the kidneys?

On the road to health, "drink more water" has become a mantra for many people. However, is excessive water consumption really beneficial? This section will delve into the importance of drinking water in moderation and its impact on kidney health.

The Human Body's Water Needs: The Art of Balance

The human body needs a certain amount of water every day to maintain vital activities, including metabolism and thermoregulation. Drinking plenty of water helps the kidneys eliminate metabolic waste and excess electrolytes. However, the word "in moderation" is crucial. Drinking too much water can increase the burden on the kidneys, leading to water poisoning, with symptoms including headaches, nausea, and even seizures.

Scientific Drinking Guide

Individualized water requirements: The daily water requirements of each person vary based on factors such as body weight, activity level, ambient temperature, etc. It is generally recommended that adults drink 2-3 litres of water per day, but this needs to be adjusted according to individual circumstances.

Recognize body signals: Thirst is a signal that the body needs water. Replenishing at the right time, rather than waiting until you're thirsty, is key to maintaining your water balance.

Drink water in conjunction with diet: Foods also contain a lot of water, such as fruits and vegetables. A sensible diet can effectively replenish some of your water requirements.

Drinking too much water ruined the kidneys, and coarse tea and light rice hurt the liver? Some people have gone to the hospital because of these health preservation methods

Can coarse tea and light rice really maintain health? From a simple diet, we can see that the nutrition is balanced

Coarse tea and light rice, as an attitude to life, is respected by many people who pursue health. But is a single diet really good for health? This section will explore the importance of a balanced diet and its impact on human health.

Nutritional value of whole grains

Whole grains are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which have a significant effect on improving digestive system function and preventing cardiovascular diseases. However, over-reliance on whole grains can lead to insufficient intake of nutrients such as protein and essential fatty acids.

The importance of nutritional balance

Eat a varied diet: A balanced diet should include a variety of nutrients such as grains, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, and avoid excessive single foods.

Tailor-made: Develop a personalized diet plan based on an individual's age, gender, physical condition, and lifestyle.

Rational health: Wellness should be based on science and personal realities, rather than blindly pursuing extreme diets.

Common Health Misconceptions and Their Harms: Secrets and Truths

On the road of pursuing health, many people have fallen into the misunderstanding that some extreme or single health preservation methods can bring health and longevity. However, these practices are often counterproductive and cause unnecessary harm to the body.

Myth 1: Excessive drinking water "dialysis"

Many people believe that drinking plenty of water can "wash dialysis" and thus keep their kidneys healthy. In fact, the kidneys are important filters in the body, responsible for regulating fluid balance and eliminating metabolic waste. Drinking too much water will not "clean" the kidneys, but will increase the burden on the kidneys, which may lead to water poisoning or impaired kidney function in the long run.

Myth 2: Single food regimen

Another common misconception is to rely too much on a single food or supplement for your health. For example, some people believe that eating certain fruits and vegetables or supplements every day can prevent illness and prolong life. However, this simplification of the diet can lead to nutritional imbalances, which may lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the long term, affecting physical health.

Drinking too much water ruined the kidneys, and coarse tea and light rice hurt the liver? Some people have gone to the hospital because of these health preservation methods

How to maintain health scientifically? practice and suggestions

The key to scientific health is a balanced diet, moderate exercise and good lifestyle habits. Here are a few science-based health tips to help middle-aged and older adults build a healthy lifestyle.

Suggestion 1: Eat a balanced diet with a variety of nutrients

A balanced diet is the cornerstone of a healthy regimen. This means consuming various types of foods, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products, among others. Doing so ensures that your body is getting all the essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Tip 2: Exercise moderately to stay active

Moderate exercise can not only strengthen physical fitness, but also improve mood and sleep quality. Recommended exercises for middle-aged and elderly people include low-intensity exercises such as walking, swimming, and tai chi. It is recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, adjusting the amount and intensity of exercise according to your personal health.

Suggestion 3: Get enough sleep and have a good work and rest

Good sleep habits are just as important for health. Adults should get 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep per night. Avoiding excessive caffeine intake and screen use at night can help improve sleep quality.

Suggestion 4: Psychological balance, stress reduction and health

Maintaining a good state of mind is also essential for wellness. Reducing stress through social activities, hobbies or meditation can help prevent mental health problems and improve quality of life.

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