
Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart

author:Shanghai Hongkou

Today is a sweet day, you might as well go to the "Sweet Love Road", the road with the highest sugar content in Shanghai, to take a look, now there are not only love mailboxes, love walls, special shops suitable for couples to rest and check in, but also feel the romance from the "sweet industry" in Hongkou.

Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart
Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart
Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart

In December 2023, Hongkou added another happy event at the intersection of Tianai Road and Tianai Branch Road, the Tianai Road Marriage Registration Sub-center was completed and opened.

Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart
Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart
Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart

On the same day that the Tianai Road Marriage Registration Sub-center was completed and unveiled, the "Origin Hongkou" Sweet Industry Alliance was also officially announced, and on the same day, the heads of many departments in the district and the Sweet Industry Alliance enterprises gathered together to build a mature Hongkou sweet industry chain in the future, and to drive regional economic growth to make suggestions, and issued a series of "sweet industry" support policies and supporting services, which is a two-way rush for government-enterprise cooperation. At present, a total of 25 enterprises in Hongkou have joined the "Origin Hongkou" Sweet Industry Alliance, and they will work with various departments in the district to create a sweet characteristic industry cluster area and create romantic IP.

Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart
Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart
Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart


In January this year, three characteristic blocks of Ouyang Road Street, the territorial street of Tianaifang, were unveiled, among which the "Sweet Block" focusing on the creation of sweet industry and the supply of sweet services was officially unveiled, further enriching the carrier and connotation of Hongkou's sweet culture.

Today, have you been "sweet" to Hongkou? | Love Shenhuo warms the heart

In the future, the district will combine the actual needs of young people to play a number of sweet "combination punches" to promote the high-quality development of the modern service industry in the district, promote the innovation-driven transformation and upgrading of the regional economy, and promote the integrated development of business, tourism, culture and sports.

Reporter: Gu Li

Image: Hongkou Rong Media Center Photo Library

Source: Shanghai Hongkou