
Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

author:Enthusiastic little safflower R

On February 13, Dai Yujian, secretary of the Party branch of Daizhuang Village, Lankao County, Henan Province, received an obituary text message, which showed that Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died of illness in Kaifeng at the age of 66. As soon as this news came out, it immediately had a strong reaction among the people of Lankao County, and many Lankao people wept for the departure of Secretary Xiao Jiao.

Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

A model father in his life, a son who died young

Jiao Yuejin, born in 1958, is the second son of Jiao Yulu. He was only 6 years old when his father died. Although he lacked his father's company since he was a child, Secretary Jiao regarded Jiao Yulu as a role model in life and worked hard to learn his father's spirit of serving the people.

At the age of 18, Jiao Yuejin responded to the educated youth to go to the mountains and go to the countryside and came to Lankao to work in the team. Although his body could not bear it, his will not to admit defeat infected many people. Later, he returned to his hometown as a teacher and actively taught the "Jiao Yulu Spirit" to his students.

Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

Seeing the poverty of grassroots life, Jiao Yuejin began to participate in the work of the county party committee and was known as "Secretary Xiao Jiao". He organized the planting of local garlic and opened up channels for the people to increase their income, and was deeply loved by the people of Lankao.

After stepping into the leadership position, Jiao Yuejin continued to uphold his father's fine style, often went to the grassroots level, understood the people's feelings, and helped the masses solve practical problems. His words and deeds are promoting the "Jiao Yulu spirit" and are praised by the people of Lankao.

Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

However, the good times did not last long, and Jiao Yuejin died of stomach cancer, which made the people of Lankao feel lonely and regretful - how could the good official who is most like Jiao Yulu leave so early?

The people of Lankao mourn Secretary Xiao Jiao

As soon as the news of Jiao Yuejin's death came out, it immediately set off a strong reaction in Lankao County. Many people sighed and even burst into tears after hearing the news. Secretary Xiao Jiao has a very deep relationship with the people.

Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

Jiao Yuejin followed in his father's footsteps all his life, worked honestly, and served the people everywhere. He can bear hardships and stand hard work, and often goes deep into the grassroots to investigate and understand the needs of farmers. The development of Lankao's garlic industry is what he advocated and promoted.

Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

In the eyes of many people, Secretary Xiao Jiao is one of the hopes for Lankao to get rid of poverty. Unexpectedly, a good secretary who had not really made the people of Lankao rich left like this, which made the masses extremely regretful.

Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

At present, although Lankao has developed, there is still poverty in many areas. The people are worried that after Secretary Xiao Jiao leaves, who can still think about the people wholeheartedly like him, so that Lankao can achieve a comprehensive well-off as soon as possible.

Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

The spirit of Jiao Yulu has been passed down from generation to generation

Although Jiao Yuejin's death is deplorable, the legacy of him and his father Jiao Yulu will always inspire people.

selfless dedication, adhere to the heart of the first place for the people; Be diligent and pragmatic, go deep into the grassroots to solve people's worries; Honest and honest, emphasizing virtue and upholding righteousness. These values have been integrated into the blood of countless party members and cadres and have become the driving force for their struggle.

Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

We must believe that as long as the spirit of Jiao Yulu is passed on from generation to generation, more good cadres like Jiao Yuejin will definitely emerge. They will continue to care for the people and serve the public, so that the people in the old area can live a good life as soon as possible.

Jiao Yulu's son Jiao Yuejin died at the age of 66, and many people in Lankao cried

Jiao Yuejin's death is embarrassing, but his spirit lives on. Each of us should inherit positive energy, show Jiao Yulu's family style in their respective positions, and commemorate the father and son with practical actions. Let the people in the old area no longer have a hard time moving forward on the road of development, which is the best memory for them.

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