
A good thing left by our ancestors! Eat it in winter to warm the yang and clear the channels, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and you can make it at home!

author: Longnan Wen County released
A good thing left by our ancestors! Eat it in winter to warm the yang and clear the channels, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and you can make it at home!

Mash, also known as liquor, sweet wine, sour wine, called "liquor" in the old days, is a kind of rice wine, it is made by adding steamed glutinous rice to koji and fermenting, mellow and lush, unique flavor, and has high nutritional value and therapeutic effect.

The ancients called the mash "Shijiu", which means that the wine is brewed and boiled and eaten by the people who work, and after eating, it quenches thirst and warms up and can nourish qi and blood, and it is super powerful to work. Therefore, we must not underestimate this kind of rice wine (mash grains), it can replenish deficiency, nourish qi and blood, nourish yin and stomach, warm yang and drive away cold, especially for women's health has great help.

Glutinous rice, the raw material for making mash

A good thing left by our ancestors! Eat it in winter to warm the yang and clear the channels, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and you can make it at home!

Glutinous rice is the most important raw material for making mash, and it is also a good product for nourishing qi and warming the spleen and stomach.

Sun Simiao mentioned in "Preparing for Emergencies" that glutinous rice "tastes bitter and warm, and is non-toxic." Warm, edible, hot, hard stools. ”

Wang Mengying's "Suixingju Diet Recipe" records glutinous rice: "Sweet and warm, replenish lung qi, fill the stomach, warm water is dirty." ”

Therefore, glutinous rice is a mild tonic, nourishing the stomach and lungs, and is very suitable for warming and moistening the five organs in winter.

Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty, believed that glutinous rice could: "warm the spleen and stomach, stop deficiency and diarrhea, and shrink stool".

"Stop deficiency, cold, diarrhea, and shrink stool", which means that glutinous rice has the effect of warming the kidneys and consolidating astringent kidney qi. It can be seen from this that glutinous rice has a certain alleviating effect on spleen and stomach deficiency, poor appetite, abdominal distension and diarrhea, so the ancients said: "Glutinous rice porridge is a wonderful product for warming and nourishing stomach qi." ”

It should be noted that the "Compendium of Materia Medica" also mentions the taboo of glutinous rice, saying: "Glutinous rice is sticky and difficult to dissolve, and children and patients should avoid it." ”

Therefore, the elderly, children, patients and other people with digestive dysfunction should be cautious or eat less glutinous rice. At the same time, normal people should not eat too much at one time to avoid indigestion.

Morominomi, the "first-hand brewing essence" of glutinous rice

A good thing left by our ancestors! Eat it in winter to warm the yang and clear the channels, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and you can make it at home!

Mash brewing has a long history, originated from the Han Dynasty, and flourished in the Qing Dynasty. There is a historical record, seen in the "Dazhu County Chronicle", "sweet wine is also made of glutinous rice, and the dregs are edible, so the name is mash, and it is the most produced by the east willow bridge in the north of Dazhu City." ”

Mash is the "first-hand brewing essence" of glutinous rice, and it is an unrefined turbid rice wine that completely retains all the nutrients of glutinous rice fermentation. After the glutinous rice is brewed into mash, the liquor promotes qi and invigorates the blood, and the power of glutinous rice to replenish kidney qi and mobilize blood quickly leads to the whole body.

Therefore, pregnant women in the south must eat boiled eggs with mash grains during confinement, dissolve blood stasis and pass menstruation, discharge lochia, nourish blood and drive away cold, and send milk, which is particularly effective.

Girls who are born with a cold body, lack of qi and blood, and weak bodies should also know how to eat some mash in winter to ward off cold and replenish blood and strengthen kidney qi.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the mash is sweet, pungent in taste, warm in nature, and has the effects of warming and yang, strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, appetizing and eliminating food, and driving away cold and replenishing deficiency.

"Materia Medica" records that mash is "the valley of spleen and stomach, and good for lung qi." If the spleen and stomach are profitable, the body will be self-warming, warm energy can nourish qi, and if the qi is smooth, the body will be hot. It is suitable for those with spleen and lung deficiency and cold. ”

Because the mash is fermented from glutinous rice, glutinous rice can replenish deficiency, blood, spleen and lungs. After brewing the mash, it adds alcoholic properties, is good at penetrating, and can enter the liver, lungs, and kidney meridians. Entering the lung meridian, it can replenish the deficiency and cold of the lungs, the main skin and hair of the lungs, so the mash can also nourish the skin, and the skin of people who often eat it is good; into the liver meridian, it can invigorate the blood, disperse knots and reduce swelling, regulate menstruation and breastfeeding; enter the kidney meridian, it can replenish kidney deficiency, treat fatigue and diarrhea, and low back pain.

In addition, mash grains are sweet and mellow, which can also stimulate the secretion of digestive glands, increase appetite, and help digestion.

Who is suitable to drink more mash

A good thing left by our ancestors! Eat it in winter to warm the yang and clear the channels, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and you can make it at home!

The mash is sweet and warm, has the function of nourishing and strengthening, and the nutrients are easy to be absorbed by the human body, which is suitable for most people, especially the middle-aged and elderly, pregnant women and the weak.

Mash cold drink has the effect of digestion and accumulation, and has a curative effect on indigestion and anorexia. Hot drinks can dispel cold and dampness, and are beneficial to back pain and numbness of hands and feet. Postpartum drinking can help mothers avoid wind and cold, lochia, and promote milk secretion.

The making of mash

A good thing left by our ancestors! Eat it in winter to warm the yang and clear the channels, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and you can make it at home!

Ingredients: 500g glutinous rice, 2g sweet wine koji, appropriate amount of cold boiled water.

Method: Soak glutinous rice: Wash the glutinous rice, put it in a clean and oil-free basin, add water and soak it for at least one night, soak until the glutinous rice is easy to crush by hand.

Steaming glutinous rice: Put the soaked glutinous rice into a steamer and steam it over high heat for about 25 minutes until it is fully cooked, at which point the glutinous rice will become transparent. Another method is to pour the glutinous rice directly into the steaming rack after boiling water, flatten it and prick some small holes with chopsticks to make it easier to heat evenly.

Cool the glutinous rice: Pour the steamed glutinous rice into a clean basin and let it dry naturally until it is not hot.

In addition, prepare a small bowl of warm water or simply cold boiled water, add the sweet sake koji and mix well. Mix in the cold glutinous rice, grab the loose glutinous rice with your hands, put it into a clean basin and press it layer by layer, and dig a hole in the middle with your hands. Continue to slowly add water (cool boiled water) to the hole until the water slightly leaches out of the rice noodles. Be careful not to use too much water so as not to affect the final taste.

Then cover with a sealed lid, wrap it with thermal insulation material (such as a towel or something) on the outside, and put it in a warm place to ferment, the temperature should generally be between 30 °C ~ 32 °C, and it is generally fermented for 4-6 days in winter.

Throughout the production process, the following points need to be noted:

1. The glutinous rice and container must be clean and free of oil stains to ensure the quality of rice wine and prevent deterioration.

2. The amount of glutinous rice should be adjusted according to the specific situation, not only to ensure that the glutinous rice can be fully affected by the koji, but also to avoid excessive water addition resulting in too loose.

3. The temperature and humidity during the fermentation process will affect the quality of the mash, so it needs to be adjusted appropriately according to the season and personal environmental conditions.

Mash for consumption

A good thing left by our ancestors! Eat it in winter to warm the yang and clear the channels, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and you can make it at home!

Direct eating: Homemade rice wine is taken out with a spoon and eaten directly, the taste is delicate and smooth, mellow and sweet.

Rice wine glutinous rice balls: first boil an appropriate amount of water and then add the glutinous rice balls, add an appropriate amount of rice wine and sugar when the glutinous rice balls come to the surface, boil for 3~5 minutes to eat, can be made for breakfast, supper.

Red jujube wolfberry mash eggs: 50 grams of mash, 1 egg, 3 red dates, appropriate amount of wolfberry. First, boil the washed red dates (pitted), wolfberries and an appropriate amount of water, add the mash, then add the eggs to beat into egg drops, boil for 3~5 minutes and then eat, which can nourish yin and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Mash millet brown sugar porridge: 50~100 grams of mash, 50 grams of millet, appropriate amount of brown sugar. Wash the millet and add an appropriate amount of water, mix it with the mash and boil it into a porridge shape, then add brown sugar, and wait for the brown sugar to dissolve before it can be taken out of the pot. Women with postpartum weakness and insufficient milk should take it 1~2 times a day. The elderly and white-collar workers with insomnia can also have a good sleep promotion effect and improve sleep quality when taken before bedtime. At the same time, the elderly with weak constitution and poor spleen and stomach can play a role in nourishing the spleen and stomach and strengthening the body.

The above is for reference only, please adjust under the guidance of a physician.

Source: Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Maintenance