
After the loss of Holiday , the Bucks' dominance began to fall apart

After the loss of Holiday , the Bucks' dominance began to fall apart

Once upon a time, the Bucks were the dominant players in the East, and their name was closely associated with the championship and became a new force to be reckoned with in the NBA league.

After the loss of Holiday , the Bucks' dominance began to fall apart

However, as time passed, and when Jrue Holiday disappeared from the team and was replaced by Lillard, it seemed that some ineffable balance was upset. The Bucks' hegemony is quietly coming to an end, and the dream of the dynasty is even more delusional.

Looking back, the Big Four of Antetokounmpo, Middleton, Holiday and Lopez were formidable and formidable for their opponents. The tacit cooperation and outstanding performance of the Big Four made the Bucks repeatedly achieve great results in the regular season and once reached the top of the league.

However, the good times were short-lived, and Holiday was a turning point for the Bucks from prosperity to decline.

After the loss of Holiday , the Bucks' dominance began to fall apart

Lillard's arrival was originally expected to be high, and fans were expecting him to join forces with his brother to achieve great results. However, this is far from the case, and the plan still cannot keep up with the changes.

Lillard's performance with the Bucks is comparable to his style with the Trail Blazers, with a sharp decline in points per game, a dismal shooting percentage, and a lack of defensive weakness all make the former All-Star a "shame to abandon the Bucks".

To make matters worse, Lillard's sluggish performance is not an isolated case, and the entire Bucks seem to be in trouble. The team's defensive efficiency plummeted, even dropping to 20th place in the league. Such a performance is far from the title of the champion division. In the confrontation with strong teams such as the Heat and the Timberwolves, the Bucks lost frequently and were beaten by their opponents without a fight.

After the loss of Holiday , the Bucks' dominance began to fall apart

Fans are beginning to question, is this still the same Bucks team that was once invincible, where is their kingly spirit, and in the face of such a dilemma, the Bucks urgently need to find a solution to the problem. However, the reality is brutal, not only did they lose Holiday as a defensive stalwart, but they also had serious problems with the team's chemistry and tactical system.

After the loss of Holiday , the Bucks' dominance began to fall apart

The combination of Lillard and Antetokounmpo did not produce the expected spark. The cooperation between the two on the court seemed rusty and awkward, and they could not form an effective offensive and defensive system. At the same time, the rest of the Bucks players also seem to be disoriented and unable to step up for the team in crunch time. Such a Bucks team has lost its former domineering and dominance.

Of course, we can't blame Lillard alone for the Bucks' woes. The game of basketball is a team sport, and winning requires the whole team to work together. However, Lillard's performance as an important reinforcement for the team has had a profound impact on the team, and the sluggish form has not only affected his own performance, but also dragged down the entire team to a certain extent.

After the loss of Holiday , the Bucks' dominance began to fall apart

In the face of such a predicament, the Bucks need to reflect deeply, find the root cause of the problem, and find effective solutions. Whether to stick to the current lineup and tactical system, or make bold adjustments and changes, is a difficult question for the Bucks.

However, no matter what choice the Bucks ultimately make, one thing needs to be clear: the Bucks are no longer the invincible championship team after losing Holiday to Holiday. They need to face up to reality and rebuild the team's competitiveness from the ground up. Only in this way will it be possible to regain the lost spirit of the king and make a name for himself in future competitions.

After the loss of Holiday , the Bucks' dominance began to fall apart

Overall, the Bucks are going through a rough time after losing Holiday and the dominance seems to be shattered, but at least they have a chance to change that. As for the final result, we will just have to wait and see if they can bring us another great game and exciting moments.

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