
The principle and specific application of the ascending sun and dampness removal method

author:Zheng Zhihuan

Dampness is a lingering disease that is difficult to cure, easy to hinder the spleen and stomach to damage the function of the spleen and stomach, resulting in various discomforts such as body sleepiness and fatigue, to expel dampness in the body, Chinese medicine has the "Ascending Yang and Dispelling Dampness" method, which is a very important method for treating dampness, let's discuss the principle, application, common prescriptions and specific clinical cases of the Ascending Yang Dampness Method.

The principle and specific application of the ascending sun and dampness removal method

First, the principle of rising sun and dispelling dampness

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Yang Qi has the characteristics of warmth, dispersion, and rising, and when the dampness is too heavy, most of them will also have the manifestation of insufficient Yang Qi, so by lifting Yang Qi, with the help of Yang Qi's warmth, dispersion, and rising characteristics, it can drive the dissipation of dampness and evil, and restore the function of Yang Qi and the spleen and stomach.

Second, the application of the sunrise and dampness removal method

If the dampness is resisted, it is easy to have symptoms such as gastrointestinal discomfort, joint soreness, indigestion, edema, diarrhea, etc., the application of the ascending yang dampness method is a very important skill.

The principle and specific application of the ascending sun and dampness removal method

3. Commonly used prescriptions for the method of ascending yang and dispelling dampness

For example, Shengyang Stomach Soup is a good representative of Shengyang and dampness, which is composed of astragalus, ginseng, boiled licorice, Qianghuo, Duhuo, parsnip, atractylodes, Poria cocos, Zexiao, Bupleurum, Banxia, orange peel, Coptis chinensis and other medicinal materials, this recipe can treat symptoms such as lack of yang qi, weakness of the spleen and stomach, fatigue, gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea and other symptoms caused by dampness and internal obstruction.

Ascending yang qi and invigorating the stomach and harmonizing the spleen and stomach can help improve the function of the spleen and stomach, improve digestion, relieve gastrointestinal symptoms, and the manifestations of various dampness resistance.

Among the constituent herbs of Shengyang Yigao Soup, such as astragalus membranaceus and ginseng, which can enhance the body's yang qi, atractylodes and poria cocos are spleen and dampness medicines, which can reconcile the spleen and stomach and enhance digestion, and Ze Epsom have a good water infiltration effect, which can help eliminate dampness in the body.

Therefore, Shengyang Stomach Soup is a good recipe to replenish qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and promote yang to dispel dampness.

The principle and specific application of the ascending sun and dampness removal method

Fourth, the specific case of the method of ascending yang and benefiting the stomach

A patient who was treated not long ago, usually doing seafood business, often living in a humid environment, often has symptoms such as joint pain, fatigue, weakness, easy diarrhea, etc., and the tongue coating is white, considering that it is the problem caused by damp resistance.

The principle and specific application of the ascending sun and dampness removal method

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