
A new round of "laid-off waves" is coming, and the four major industries may face unemployment


In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, a training institution called "Wise Education" is hidden in the bustling streets. It used to be a temple for students to chase their dreams, but as time went by, hidden dangers crept in.

In the small classroom, dozens of students nervously bowed their heads to review, their faces full of anxiety. In the corner of the classroom, a teenager named Xiao Ming frowned, holding a heavy textbook in his hand, full of helplessness. This scene is an increasingly common portrayal of the education and training industry.

"Teacher, why can't I understand this topic?" Xiao Ming asked the young teacher sitting on the podium hesitantly.

The teacher raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Ming, and his heart swelled with helplessness. "These are all to improve your test scores, but the real study is neglected. The teacher sighed and said in embarrassment.

It is the result of excessive commercialization that wise education only pursues students' scores, rather than really cultivating students' abilities. As a result, students are deprived of the opportunity to learn independently in exam-oriented education.

One day, Xiao Ming decides to confess his troubles to his family. At the dinner table, he looked at his parents' hard-earned money and felt a pang of guilt in his heart.

"Mom and Dad, I feel as if I have been deceived by this training institution. Xiao Ming bit his lip with a sad expression.

The parents exchanged glances, and the father took a deep breath. "We wanted you to get a better education, but we didn't expect ......," he said in a heavy tone.

It is the family that has become vulnerable in the wave of over-commercialized education in order to pursue a better future, and this is not just Xiao Ming's problem.

A new round of "laid-off waves" is coming, and the four major industries may face unemployment

Meanwhile, in another corner of the city, a once-thriving factory is now deserted. On the assembly line, the robotic arm efficiently completes the tasks that originally belonged to the workers. Li Gong, an old worker who has worked hard in this factory for many years, watched his colleagues be eliminated one by one, and his heart was full of helplessness.

"It's the world of machines, and our work is being replaced by automation. Li Gong shook his head helplessly.

With the restructuring of the global industrial chain, the traditional manufacturing industry is facing an unprecedented risk of unemployment. The hard work of the old workers was replaced by cold machines. This made Li Gong feel the coldness of the times, and for the whole society, this was a wake-up call.

However, at this moment, a young engineer named Zhang Tian stepped forward. He firmly believes that the development of technology should not be about destruction, but about transformation. He began to organize skills training courses to help unemployed workers transform and upgrade, learn new skills and regain their position.

A new round of "laid-off waves" is coming, and the four major industries may face unemployment

At the same time, a traditional bookstore is deserted in front of the city's commercial streets. Due to the rise of e-commerce, more and more people are choosing to shop online, while brick-and-mortar stores are losing their former luster. Mr. Wang, the owner, looked at the dwindling number of customers and was anxious.

One day, a young customer broke into Mr. Wang's shop. "Boss, if you don't think about opening an online store, you may be able to attract more customers. The young man excitedly suggested.

"But this is our tradition, how can we just give it up?" said the owner, Mr. Wang, hesitantly.

The young man smiled, "Tradition is not resting on its laurels, but advancing with the times." You can innovate on the basis of tradition and attract more young readers. ”

This suggestion made Mr. Wang suddenly think about how to find a balance between tradition and modernity to breathe new life into the bookstore.

A new round of "laid-off waves" is coming, and the four major industries may face unemployment

On the other side of the city, a traditional media company has a dull interior vibe. Traditional media forms such as newspapers, television, and radio are facing the impact of the Internet and new media. Editors' hearts are getting heavier in the face of audience loss and declining advertising revenues.

However, a young editor, Liu Yu, stepped up at this time of crisis. "We can't simply complain, we have to face change positively. Only by using the advantages of new media and improving the quality of our content can we remain invincible in the fierce competition. ”

She began driving the company's digital transformation, training editors to use new media tools and break the traditional limits. Slowly, traditional media companies are finding new life.

A new round of "laid-off waves" is coming, and the four major industries may face unemployment

Over time, the story in the city has changed. Behind everyone's hard work, there is an expectation for the future and a cherishing of tradition. It's a time to find balance in the midst of change, and everyone is going through a turning point along the way.