
After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

author:Joey Story


Recently, a sensational football incident in Hong Kong shook the entire fan circle, and the Messi incident became the focus of heated discussions. A game that was originally expected has set off a chain reaction due to the actions of a football superstar.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

The incident not only aroused the anger of the fans, but also provoked deep thinking about sportsmanship. After let's take a look at Mr. Liu Xuesong's attitude, we will understand the meaning, there are still people who whitewash Messi, which is incredible.


Lionel Messi, the legendary football superstar, caused a storm because he failed to play in a game. There is a force that is trying to shift the blame to Fok and the Hong Kong SAR government, portraying Messi as a hero who does not bow to the powerful. However, Liu Xuesong's commentator's remarks woke up many people and revealed the truth behind this.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

Express attitudes

When I heard this, I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, we regret that Messi did not play, as fans, we all want to see our idols in person, and on the other hand, there is some shame in passing the blame on others.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

This kind of confrontational mentality is incomprehensible and ridiculous. For the sake of his own selfish interests, he did not hesitate to distort the facts and stir up right and wrong, isn't this self-destruction of the Great Wall and digging his own grave?

Football was supposed to be a beautiful sport that united people and promoted friendship, but these irresponsible remarks have lost its former luster and turned into a smoky farce.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him
After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

Public opinion on the Internet is also diverse. Some people support Messi, believing that he is only defending his rights, while others are angry and dissatisfied with his actions.

However, more people seem to be more concerned about the political factors behind this, linking the Messi incident to the national government, triggering deeper discussions and reflections.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

5 things to watch for in this event:

  1. Messi's failure to play sparked a storm of public opinion.
  2. There have been attempts to shift the blame to others, portraying Messi as a hero who does not bow to the powerful.
  3. The commentator's remarks woke up many people and revealed the truth behind the incident.
  4. Opposing voices have emerged on the Internet, with voices of support and skepticism coexisting.
  5. The incident sparked a discussion about the spirit of football, work ethic, and the manipulation of public opinion.

Voices of netizens:

That's the truth of the matter. Those who disregard the dignity of the country can go abroad to praise Messi.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

The national interest is above all else, and any person and enterprise must be highly consistent with the national interest, and nothing else is necessary.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

Take a closer look, take a look at the methods used by the West to manipulate the war of public opinion, and see the points they have laid out

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

The political stance of a sports star is exploited and amplified by those who have a heart

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him
After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

The emergence of this phenomenon is not accidental, and there are often various complex factors hidden behind it. On the one hand, personal interests have led to disrespect for the Minato district government

On the other hand, some people confuse personal behavior with political factors, leading to further polarization of public opinion.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

In addition, the popularity of the Internet has also made the spread of public opinion more rapid and extensive, which is easy to trigger emotional speech and behavior.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

There are many similar examples, such as a celebrity's words or actions that sparked public outrage, which eventually led to the termination of the collaboration or the damage to the image. This phenomenon will not only affect the reputation and interests of individuals, but also trigger social dissatisfaction and reflection, and have a negative impact on the country's image and cultural soft power.

After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him

Boost the solution later

  1. Strengthen the supervision of public opinion, formulate clear rules and moral guidelines for public opinion, and prevent public opinion from being manipulated by individuals or organizations.
  2. Enhance the public's awareness of public opinion and critical thinking ability, so that the public can rationally distinguish information and not believe rumors and prejudices.
  3. Increase mechanisms for citizen participation and monitoring, so that public opinion can be truly reflected in policies and decision-making, and avoid the occurrence of monopolies and abuses of power.
After reading Mr. Liu Xuesong's comments, do you still think Messi is innocent? There are still people who have whitewashed him


How do you think there should be a balance between personal behavior and national interests? In the face of similar incidents, which do you think is more worthy of priority, personal rights and national dignity? I look forward to hearing your views!