
The whole network is banned, cool!

author:Beijing News Network

According to The Paper, recently, the reporter noticed that an "anti-fake" anchor with more than 5 million followers, "Iron Head Punishes Evil and Promotes Good", has been banned on Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo and other platforms. Previously, he was reported and boycotted by netizens for exposing his pornography-related experience in the live broadcast room.

The whole network is banned, cool!

According to the public information of the account, the screen name of "Tietou" is "Tietou punishes evil and promotes good", which comes from Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Starting in March 2023, the 37-year-old began to make anti-counterfeiting videos, exposing chaos such as Sanya seafood market and elderly health care products, which attracted widespread attention. His account has more than 5 million followers on the Douyin platform.

According to netizens' posts, on January 12, "Tietou" revealed his pornography-related experience during the live broadcast at 1:30 a.m., which triggered netizens to report and boycott. On January 12, the official Weibo of the Beijing Citizen Hotline Service Center @北京12345 replied to netizens that it would verify the assignment. On January 17, the staff of the Chengdu 110 hotline replied to the relevant consultations and said that they would verify and deal with it. On January 19, several of his platform accounts were banned.

On February 11, the reporter noticed that the account of "Iron Head Punishes Evil and Promotes Good" has more than 5 million followers on the Douyin platform, and currently shows that "the account has been banned".

The whole network is banned, cool!

The Kuaishou platform also shows that "the account has been banned and cannot be operated temporarily".

The whole network is banned, cool!

The Weibo account shows that "the account is now unavailable for viewing due to complaints that it violates laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Weibo Community Convention." ”

On February 9, "Tietou" issued a video response to the ban through a small account, saying that his Kuaishou account, WeChat video account and other accounts have been banned by the platform, and the Douyin account has become a digital account and his works have been deleted.

However, the reporter's search found that although his account was banned, there were still a large number of "slice videos" (short videos intercepted from his past live broadcasts) and matrix numbers on multiple video platforms.

Know more

As early as June 2022, the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly issued the Code of Conduct for Online Anchors (hereinafter referred to as the "Code"), which is the first national-level document to comprehensively regulate the behavior of online anchors. Article 14 of the Norms clearly lists 31 types of anchor behaviors that must not appear in live broadcasts, among which criminal acts such as infringing on national interests and involving pornography, gambling and drugs are expressly prohibited.

In addition, the "Provisions" also requires: in addition to prohibiting rumors and insults, unauthorized use of other people's copyrighted works and other acts that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others, it is expressly prohibited from dangerous behaviors, online violence, data fraud, water army hype, waste of food, and showing off wealth in live broadcasts.

Beijing Daily (ID: Beijing_Daily) synthesized surging news, @中宏网, and previous reports

Source: Beijing Daily WeChat public account

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