
Why is the KPL field so popular, and you need to know these skills

Why is the KPL field so popular, and you need to know these skills

Once, because of the adjustment of the jungle knife, Xiahoudun went from a sewer hero to a popular hero of the version! However, because of the adjustment of the version and the release of new heroes, Xiahoudun gradually disappeared from the player's field of vision!

However, if you look at the friends of the World Champions Cup, you will find that in such a major event, Xiahoudun's appearance rate is actually very high! Although Xiahoudun has weakened, he has not become a sewer hero again. If you also know some of Xiahoudun's skills, you will find that Xiahoudun is still very strong!

Why is the KPL field so popular, and you need to know these skills

Xiahoudun's vertical attack range is very large, and when our basic attack finger hits the first target, all enemies in a straight line will take damage. Everyone takes the initiative, it's a straight line, if it's a horizontal stand, then Xiahoudun's damage can only hit one hero!

So if you want to attack a target in the rear, you must first make sure that there are pedals in front of you. For example, if you want to enter the opponent's hero through the wall, if there is a monster in front of the wall, when you fight the jungler, the opponent's hero will be damaged even if it is on the other side of the wall, as long as it is within the attack range!

Why is the KPL field so popular, and you need to know these skills

Xiahoudun's passive is that when the hero's HP is less than 50%, if the hero takes damage, Xiahoudun's passive effect will be triggered. The passive effect is that within 8 seconds, after each skill and normal hit, it can produce a recovery effect of its own maximum health percentage.

Although the skill introduction is written as a 30-second CD time, it has been counted down from the time you trigger the passive! That is to say, Xiahoudun's passive is actually only 22 seconds;Xiahoudun's HP is less than 50%, and the passive effect will not be triggered directly, but the passive effect can only be triggered after the body is damaged.

Why is the KPL field so popular, and you need to know these skills

First of all, we need to know that Xiahoudun's first skill slashes forward, causing a slowdown effect for 2 seconds, and then the second stage can trigger a second knock effect on enemies within the range for 1 second. Under the passive effect, if the opponent is standing left and right, then the health regeneration of a skill can only be triggered once!

However, if the opponent's hero is in the front and rear positions, then the system will default to the fact that Xiahoudun's first skill has produced two damages, so it can also restore two HP!

Why is the KPL field so popular, and you need to know these skills

Xiahoudun's ultimate has the effect of hegemony, but if you are hit by the opponent's control skill before you release the ultimate, then the hegemony at this time is invalid. When you are hit by the opponent's skill in the process of flying, there is a hegemonic body at this time, and you will not be controlled!

Therefore, you also need to pay attention to the details when using the ultimate, otherwise you will be stupidly killed by the opponent on the spot! The above are the following small details of Xiahoudun, if everyone has learned, your Xiahoudun is still very strong!

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