
The end of 11 years of history! WeChat, a blockbuster feature, was suddenly taken offline

The end of 11 years of history! WeChat, a blockbuster feature, was suddenly taken offline

Edited by: Bi Luming

Recently, some netizens found that in the latest version 8.0.47 of WeChat, the "Shake" function was quietly offline, and related news aroused heated discussions among netizens.

In WeChat's latest version 8.0.47, the "Shake" feature is missing, replaced by the recently launched "Listen" feature.

The end of 11 years of history! WeChat, a blockbuster feature, was suddenly taken offline

Open the Discover page settings, and you can no longer add the "Shake" feature. It can be seen that this function has been completely abandoned by WeChat.

Previously, some netizens asked Tencent's customer service "didn't shake it", and the customer service responded that "the shake function is currently offline".

After inquiry, it was found that the "shake" function in the overseas version of WeChat "WeChat" version 8.0.47 is still available.

According to the data, WeChat added the "shake" function for the first time in version 4.3 launched in September 2012, and it has a history of more than 11 years by 2024. It can also be used to transfer pictures or participate in some activities.

The end of 11 years of history! WeChat, a blockbuster feature, was suddenly taken offline

During the Spring Festival in 2015, WeChat launched a shake red envelope campaign, which attracted a large number of users to participate, and is said to have set a record of 810 million shakes, but later the related functions faded out of people's vision.

The end of 11 years of history! WeChat, a blockbuster feature, was suddenly taken offline

However, according to a 2013 report by the Procuratorate Daily, since the "shake" function will automatically expose the user's geographic location information to the surrounding people, if the people around the kilometer do not clear their geographic location information on the WeChat interface, the user can also search for each other, forming a social network, this function also provides criminals with a way to understand the victim's information.

Since then, WeChat has made some adjustments and restrictions on the "shake" function, and the function has gradually faded out of people's field of vision.

Recently, WeChat has added the "Listen" function, in addition to retaining the previous "Shake" function of listening to songs and recognizing songs, but also adding "live music", "music fan circle" and personal settings, etc., users can listen to songs for free for 30 minutes through "watching 15-second ads".

According to Jiupai News, many netizens lamented, "I always liked to play the 'shake' function at the beginning, it was really the tears of the times", "I used to like the click sound" "I used to use 'shake' to listen to songs, but now it is quite reasonable to change to 'listen'".

Daily Economic News, Comprehensive Procuratorate Daily, Jiupai News

National Business Daily

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