
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park

author:Dabie Mountain son

The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park

The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park
The love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park

Before the Spring Festival, I learned from the circle of friends that 14 black swans flew from nowhere, which should be a big temptation for me, a bird protection volunteer and photography enthusiast, but due to the heavy snowfall due to the unbeautiful weather, and the fact that the residence is too far away from the Beilong Lake Wetland Park to make the trip as I wished, I have always been hanging in my heart and cannot forget.

After the Spring Festival, the weather suddenly cleared, it is a good opportunity to go to the Beilonghu Wetland Park to shoot the swans, after the second dinner, the brain suddenly had an idea, the morning of the third day of the new year to go to the Beilonghu Wetland Park for a stroll, to take a picture of the new guests black swan.

Maybe born in the countryside since childhood has the habit of working in the field in the morning, 365 days a year, basically get up at dawn, 6 o'clock, carry a camera bag, go downstairs and ride an electric car to set off, 50 minutes later, arrive at the destination Beilonghu Wetland Park, walk through the trail in the dark Beilonghu Wetland Park before dawn, there is no one around, if you were not born in the Dabie Mountains, you have developed a bold mentality, you will definitely not dare to go forward alone.

There are not many people who shoot swans, there are not only settled mute swans and 14 new black swans on the lake, but also a large group of white bone top chickens, mute nose perched ducks, crested pelicans and other birds, mute swans rely on their own size, always chase the small black swans to nowhere to hide, and have to fly away obediently.

Spring is blooming, all things are vibrant, it is also the love season of male and female swans, the ears and temples are grinding into pairs of whispers, although we can't understand what they are telling each other, from the expressions and movements, no less than the intimate love between human men and women, the love of swans in Beilonghu Wetland Park not only attracts a large number of visitors, but also attracts photography enthusiasts from all directions. (Wu Xiande, Senior Consultant of Publicity and Promotion of Bayinong Holding Group)