
Journey of Poetry (364)

author:A solitary mountain scatterer
Journey of Poetry (364)

Hometown Jianping

Journey of Poetry (364)

Hometown Jianping

Journey of Poetry (364)

Hometown Jianping

A journey of poetry

Three, six, four

When I wade through this river, when I cross that beam, when I walk through the four seasons, my heart is always so cheerful.

Yes, in the long river of life, no matter what age you are, just like the tree, no matter how big or small, his annual rings are always growing; in the chaos of red dust, whether it is a man or a woman, just like the mountain flower, whether it is a female flower and stamens, his beauty is always going to bloom; therefore, everyone has a more or less childlike innocence hidden in their hearts, this innocence, with more or less sweetness, more or less joy, more or less bitterness; but no matter what, no matter when and where, in our hearts, there is always a period of life that is the most unforgettable, the most nostalgic time.

My sky started to rain, and I was expecting the rainbow, so I stood on a high hill. I thought: it won't rain for long, and soon a rainbow will appear.

It is said that life is like a dream, and dreams cannot be done for too long, and after a long time, it will be difficult to wake up, and you will lose the scene in your dreams; although you have a clever tongue, you can't say too much, too much, and you will forget the lies you have said; they all say that you can't set it too high, too high, and it will be difficult to sing in unison, and you will lose a large number of listeners; who doesn't want to do things seriously, things can't be done too absolutely, absolutely, it is difficult to advance and retreat, and you will feel that the height is unbearable; everyone has a feeling,

As the saying goes, people die for money, profit, we can't take it too seriously, it is too heavy, it is difficult to know the will, and we will get the fate of the bird for food; we need to be a downright person, people, we can't be too fake, fake, difficult to make friends, we will have no confidant friends; we need to show our reputation to show our parents, name, we can't seek too vain, vain, unbelievable, will create a vain name......

Evening removal

Cigarettes are floating in thousands of households, and the sound of firecrackers is heard throughout thousands of homes.

The cow treads the frost and leaves eight treasures, and the tiger walks in the snow to offer plum blossoms.

The couplets are written with the meaning of the spring breeze, and the fireworks are burned into a rich and noble glow.

The vigil earnestly bids farewell to the old year, and the wishes are cut to Xinhua.