
This kind of WeChat red envelope, don't order it

author:Beautiful and far-reaching

What are you doing during the Chinese New Year?

New Year's greetings, temple fairs, movies......

In addition to these

It is also essential to rush to grab red envelopes


There are lawbreakers who make trouble out of it

Some fake red envelopes were made

Attempting to defraud money

Urgent reminders

Don't get these WeChat red envelopes!


A red packet that requires a password

A WeChat friend sent a red envelope, but when it was opened, it reminded that you need to enter a password.

In fact, you don't need to enter a password to receive WeChat red envelopes. When encountering such red envelopes, please withdraw in time to avoid financial losses.


A red envelope that requires you to fill in your personal information

This kind of WeChat red envelope, don't order it

When receiving this type of red envelope, you need to enter your mobile phone number, name, bank card account number and other information. This is a trap set by criminals: a Trojan virus in the background can take the opportunity to steal the mobile phone verification code randomly sent by the banking system, and transfer the money in the card at any time.

Regular WeChat red envelopes, click to receive, and will be automatically deposited into the WeChat wallet, no need to fill in personal information.


Red envelopes that need to be forwarded

This kind of WeChat red envelope, don't order it
This kind of WeChat red envelope, don't order it

After clicking on such red envelopes, the page prompts that you need to go to other WeChat groups or share them with friends to receive them. The use of WeChat friend chain for communication has greatly reduced the vigilance of users, and many people continue to share with other friends after clicking out of trust in their friends. In addition, the red envelope process is cumbersome, so that many people are unwilling to "give up all their efforts", resulting in a vicious circle and a wide spread.

Once you encounter this kind of red envelope that needs to be forwarded and then claimed, you need to be vigilant to avoid being deceived.


Red packets with inducing retweets

This kind of WeChat red envelope, don't order it

This kind of red envelope link is often packaged in various forms that are easy to fool, such as a realistic voice message, invitation to join the group prompt, "I have received it", etc., to induce users to click through various words.


Red envelopes posing as official

Criminals forge the content of the page, pretend to be the official, fabricate false "good news" under the guise of hot events, and then use "large red envelopes" as bait to deceive and induce users to click.


"Cash Red Envelope" "AA Red Envelope"

This kind of WeChat red envelope, don't order it

Be wary of red envelope scams with words such as "Send money", "cash gift pack", "AA red envelope", etc. This kind of red envelope often makes slight changes to the WeChat AA payment interface, adding words such as "send money" and "cash gift package", so that users mistakenly think that entering the password is receiving the red envelope, but in fact it is transferring money to the other party.

The regular WeChat red envelope interface is orange-red. Receiving the red envelope will not enter the AA collection interface.

The editor reminds again

After the real red envelope is opened

Funds are automatically credited to the change account

You will be asked to enter personal information

as well as bank account passwords

Remember to be vigilant!

Source: Nanhai Public Security WeChat public account

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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