
10 patients in one night! The doctor urgently reminded →

author:China's anti-cult
10 patients in one night! The doctor urgently reminded →

During the Spring Festival, various gatherings and dinners began to increase, and the dinner table became the place with the strongest New Year's flavor.

A table of dishes, a group of relatives and friends, and a few bottles of wine can be lively in an instant. Pushing cups and changing lamps, talking and laughing, in the lively party atmosphere, many people accidentally drank high.

Recently, the number of drunk citizens in the emergency department of Yiwu Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province has increased significantly compared with usual, and drunk citizens will "visit" almost every day, and at most 10 people come in one night.

10 patients in one night! The doctor urgently reminded →

At 11 p.m. on February 7, Mr. Li (pseudonym) was admitted to the emergency room of the Central Hospital by a colleague. At the company's annual meeting, Mr. Li, who had a good amount of alcohol, took turns to win white wine, red wine and beer, and drank it simply and boldly. Although he drank it with pleasure, he soon became confused and vomited unconscious.

10 patients in one night! The doctor urgently reminded →

On arrival at the hospital, Mr. Li was unconscious and was found to have an ethanol level of 265mg/100ml in his blood. Looking at the reddened data on the inspection report and Mr. Li's flushed face, the colleagues who came together were a little embarrassed, "Brother Li drank very simply, and he drank too much at once." ”

10 patients in one night! The doctor urgently reminded →

Fu Qingyang, deputy director and deputy chief physician of the emergency department, said that in recent times, with the company's annual meeting, Chinese New Year's Eve dinner and other gatherings, the number of patients with acute alcohol poisoning like Mr. Li has increased significantly, mostly concentrated in the first half of the night, mostly male, manifested by different degrees of excitement and agitation, loss of restraint, abnormal behavior, polylingualism and slurred pronunciation, movement and gait disorders, sleepiness, and in severe cases, stupor and coma.

He reminded that aspiration after drunken vomiting is extremely dangerous, and it is easy to die due to suffocation, and patients who vomit or have nausea and vomiting tendencies should be preferred to be in the lateral decubitus position, and try to be accompanied by someone when resting or sending to the hospital, and help the drunk clean up the vomit in time. Here, he also solemnly reminded that we must be vigilant against the holiday disease caused by drinking, and drinking is cool for a while, but there is no luck in health!

There is no safety line for drinking alcohol, which is recognized by the World Health Organization as a "Group 1 carcinogen" and may cause various health problems such as liver and kidney damage, memory loss, dementia, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis.

Excessive alcohol consumption is very easy to cause alcohol poisoning, acute poisoning causes dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, and in severe cases, respiratory failure, respiratory arrest and acute pancreatitis, etc., which are life-threatening. In addition, there is no such thing as "which alcohol is healthier", and once you drink it, it will have adverse health effects.

Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, whether it is white wine, red wine, rice wine or beer, the alcohol contained in it will irritate and harm the gastrointestinal mucosa.

In the fasting state, there is a lack of food buffer in the gastrointestinal tract, and the stimulating effect of alcohol will be more obvious, and mild cases will have symptoms such as abdominal pain and discomfort, and severe cases may have gastric bleeding, which is life-threatening.

Do not mix and drink different varieties or even different brands of the same variety of wine, its raw materials, manufacturing process, concentration, etc. are different, different wines are more likely to get drunk when mixed drinking, and mixed drinking may also have complex reactions, increasing health hazards.

Drinking alcohol + taking medicine is very dangerous!"Cephalosporin with wine, just go" is not a joke, drinking alcohol after taking cephalosporin antibiotics will cause a "disulfiram-like reaction", leading to shock and other serious consequences. Stay away from alcohol 2 days before taking the medicine and within 7 days of taking the medicine.

Antibiotics such as cephalosporin/metronidazole + wine = fatal cold medicine + wine = liver failure hypoglycemic drug + wine = hypoglycemic shock antihypertensive drug + wine = hypotensive shock antiangina drug + wine = headache, shock antipyretic analgesic + wine = gastrointestinal bleeding anti-allergy drug + wine = drowsiness and coma

In addition, if you have hepatitis, fatty liver, gastritis, stomach ulcer, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc., you should not drink alcohol.

Wrong decanting is not advisable strong tea and coffee can excite the nerve center and have the effect of sobering, but the theophylline and caffeine contained in it have a diuretic effect, which can aggravate the body's water loss. In addition, theophylline and caffeine have the effect of stimulating the heart and increasing the heart rate, which will increase the burden on the heart. Alcohol is rapidly absorbed, and vomiting may cause acute gastric mucosal lesions and, in severe cases, perforation of the digestive tract.

Blushing is not shyness, let alone being able to drink alcohol and "get on the face" because the decomposition rate of acetaldehyde in the body cannot keep up with the decomposition rate of ethanol (alcohol), resulting in a large accumulation of acetaldehyde, a clear carcinogen, in the body, so long-term drinking may increase the risk of liver cancer.

This article is reprinted from the WeChat public account of "Central Radio Network", source: "Yiwu Central Hospital Release" WeChat public account

10 patients in one night! The doctor urgently reminded →

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